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World Poetry Month: Day Twenty-Nine

Today’s poetry is ‘Wolf’ a poem by Keki Daruwalla.

Keki N. Daruwalla’s poem “The Wolf” explores how the natural environment can have a profound effect on the mind.

“Wolf” portrays the protagonist’s nightmares and fantasies as he is being pursued by wolves at night by men when he is a child.

World Poetry Month Day Twenty Nine
World Poetry Month Day Twenty Nine

Despite being an adult now, the speaker recalls hearing wolves howling at night. As the speaker refers to screams rather than howls, he seems to be implying that those horrifying sounds are caused by human hunters.

Whatever the case may be, the speaker will never forget the wolf’s heartbreaking cry.

When he was a child, there were no wolves around because they had been exterminated by humans long before.

Even when it takes the form of nonexistent creatures, nature can still impact a person’s imagination. As a matter of fact, the speaker is still awestruck by the natural world.

In the speaker’s mind, his daughter, who has never seen wolves, is not in the same situation.

He can only pique his interest right now by looking at the “burning cannon barrier” circling his nightmares.

‘Wolf’ by Keki Daruwalla ▶️

half silhouette and half myth
the wolf circles my past
treading the leaves into a bed
till he sleeps, black snout
on extended paws.
Black snout on sulphur body
he nudged his way
into my consciousness.
Prowler, wind-sniffer, throat-catcher,
his cries drew a ring
around my night;
a child’s night is a village
on the forest edge.
My mother said
his ears stand up
at the fall of dew
he can sense a shadow
move across a hedge
on a dark night;
he can sniff out
your approaching dreams;
there is nothing
that won’t be lit up
by the dark torch of his eyes.
The wolves have been slaughtered now.
A hedge of smoking gun-barrels
rings my daughter’s dreams.


I have seen happiness for a moment

पल भर सुख भी देखा मैंने

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    पल भर सुख भी देखा मैंने

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    पल भर सुख भी देखा मैंने

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