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Life Is Completed When | If I Ever Meet A Person Who’s Just Like Me | One Thing That Runs Deep In Our Generation Is | Like A Bird In The Sky | Life Comes To A Full Circle When
Life is complicated
when anyone fights with their own for justice and its cost paid by those who close hearts
– Ritu Jain
Life is complicated when we forget to treat a friend to ourselves.
– Sarvesh Kumar Gupta
Life is complicated when
The No’s outweigh the Yesses.
The negatives outnumber the positives.
Your fears triumph over your confidence.
And the years in your life quantify the life in your years.
– Swetha Sundar
Life is complicated when you yourself do not follow the simple principles of life like truth, honesty, peace, and happiness.
Just be yourself and love all.
– Madhu Khare