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World Poetry Month: Day Three

“April is World Poetry Month, a time to recognize the power of words and honor poets who have shared their creative gifts with the world.
On this day, let us reflect on the beauty of poetry and the stories it can tell. As we listen to its poignant lyrics, may we be inspired to look beyond our own experiences and embrace new perspectives.
Take a moment to sit back and appreciate the diversity and richness of life, and be reminded that poetry can open our eyes to the world around us.”
Today we celebrate the poet Robert Frost. He once said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thoughts have found words.”
His poems often explored nature and rural life, reminding us of the power of observing our surroundings in both darkness and light. Let us be inspired by his words as we celebrate World Poetry Month.
May all our days be filled with creativity and imagination, so we can continue to express our thoughts and feelings through the power of poetry.
May it bring us closer together and help us find peace in a chaotic world. Happy World Poetry Month!
The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost ▶️
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Best Poetry Of The Day
Poetry is an art form that speaks beyond its literal meaning, connecting us to emotion and experience through a powerful language.
It can be a source of comfort in difficult times or an opportunity for self-reflection.
Poetry has the power to inspire and move us, speaking to our deepest desires and beliefs.
On this day, let us take time to read or write a poem, appreciating the beauty that lies within these words.
Crimson red was the evening sky
With golden yellow and purple colour side by side
So vibrant was the sky
That whole of the universe was reflected by and by
Soothing breeze was blowing slowly and slowly
The trees dancing with each other
Flock of birds returning back to their destination
Were singing the song of brave warriors
The reflection of setting sun
Was radiating the nearby pond and river
Seems tiny lamps floating on the waves
Slowly and slowly the sun was going down
The rays shirking from everywhere
But the sky was still so bright
More brighter than the sparking glass
Its shadow in the river seems to be divine aura
Coming from the middle of the river
Now the shadows started to spread its empire
Getting dark everywhere
The stars in the sky started to peep from inside
Seeming as if painter had painted the sky.
// फिर आया बसंत //
फिर आया बसंत, करने दुखों का अंत
फिर आयी ऋतु राज की सवारी, सतरंगी आभास लिए
फिर आया बसंत सखी, मन में हर्ष–उल्लास लिए ।।
अमुवा की डाली पर कोयलिया ने स्वर साधा
ढोल,चंग की थाप ने सबका मन बाँधा
कामदेव ने प्रेम की कमान पर फूलों का बाण साधा
हुआ हर प्रेमी का मन मोहन,और गोरी का मन राधा
फिर आया बसंत सखी , मन में हर्ष–उल्लास लिए ।।
रंग-बिरंगे फूलों से महक उठी सारी फुलवारी
रंगीन हुआ तन-मन,फगुआ के रंग में रंगे नर-नारी
प्रेम सुधा बरसाता देखो फिर आया बसंत
सबके मन को भाया,जीवन में नव-उत्साह लाया ।।
पीली-पीली सरसों फूली,टेसू के चटक फूलों ने आग लगाई
मादक हुई पुरवा सुहानी, अमराई वन-वन में बौराई
रथ सूरज का ठहरने लगा, नरम-नरम उजास लिए
धुन्ध छटी,सर्दी घटी,आँगन में उतरी धूप
मीठी गर्मी का एहसास लिए ।।
फिर आयी ऋतु राज की सवारी, सतरंगी आभास लिए
फिर आया बसंत सखी , मन में हर्ष — उल्लास लिए
फिर आया बसंत सखी ।।
ढाई इंच की ये मुस्कान, कर देती सारे बिगड़े काम l
क्यों दिल में कोई रंज करो, विरोधियों के भी संग रहो l
इसी मुस्कान की आभा से, मन की मैल भी धुल जाती l
अभी तक कलियाँ बंद थीं जो
धीरे-धीरे सब खिल जातीं l
घर में भी इसी मुस्कान की खातिर, सारा माहौल सुहाना है l
इस छोटी सी कुंजी होने पर, मिलता खुशियों का खज़ाना है l
मन प्रसन्न, तन भी स्वस्थ, ये ना तो अस्त्र, ना ही कोई शस्त्र l
हर क्षेत्र में फिर भी बना रहता,
सदा-सदा अपना वर्चस्व l
चेहरे की सुंदरता बढ़ जाती, खुशियाँ भी दौड़ती हैं आती l
इसलिए कहती है ‘अमर ‘ यही
“चेहरे पे सदा मुस्कान रहे, हर जगह जीत का भान रहे “l
Fiza ke rang barkrar hain
Jo pahuch se Bahar wahi bhar hain
Unn cheezo ki khwaish phle
Unn cheezo ke liye khush ho jao
Jo tumhare paas or auro ke liye khwab hain