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Talk To The Star: Public Speaking Contest-Interview With Devani Acharya

She has stood 1st in the Kids Category when she participated in the National Online Public Speaking Contest held on RNTalks Official page in May 2020.
She is an achiever who believes that physical attributes have nothing to do with success.
I would like to say that it is my motivating factor that your physical attributes cannot stop you from achieving your goals.
says Devani Acharya
Being a sports person she is used to giving motivational pep talks to her team members.
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She realized that there must be people like her who are short and need some help and courage to come out and speak so that was her inspiration to speak on this forum.
RNT: Good morning, Devani Acharya. It’s great to be chatting with you here. Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself? :
DA: My name is Devani Acharya. I am a student who now is in the 10th standard.
I have started public speaking quite recently.
I am a sportsperson and not really a speaker but when I was a captain had to give motivational speeches to my teammates.
It was then that I realized the power of speech and started participating in public speaking competitions.
RNT: From a sports person to a public speaker is a huge jump. What inspired you to start speaking on the public forums?
DA: Nothing really did inspire me to start public speaking.
I and my friend Mekhla Sengupta participated in a competition together before this one and one day out of the blue she told me about RN talks competition and that is how I participated.
RNT: It’s good to have friends with whom you can enjoy trying new adventures. Think back to five years ago. Did you envision yourself where you are today? What are the changes that you can see?
DA: No..Five years ago I did not think about this because I was still a kid.
RNT: Devani, somewhere at some point in our lives, everyone encounters a difficult situation. Can you tell me about a time when you had faced one? How did you handle the situation?
DA: Well as I have already mentioned in my speech that I was substituted by my junior for a throwball really got me down.
I was on the verge of backing out and never playing throwball again but then my sister told me that I could do it and I did I won a match on my capability.
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RNT: Wow, that’s great news! Congratulations on your win. You are an excellent communicator, and can comfortably communicate both Hindi and English languages so when did you first realize you wanted to be a speaker?
DA: I realized when I wanted to be a speaker was when I had to give a motivating speech to a few teammates of mine and I realized the power of speech.
RNT: Each individual has his own style of working, how would you describe your own personal style?
DA: My working style… I really like to learn the speech quite early and try to speak with confidence in front of the mirror before the initial recording. So I guess that is my style?!
RNT: Good to know that. Where do you find the inspiration for your public speaking topics? What is your motivating factor?
DA: My height it has always been a problem for me I have learner how to overcome it and then I realised there are so many people out there who are short in height and are depressed.
So that is how I found the perfect topic for my speech.
Hence I would like to say that it is my motivating factor that your physical attributes cannot stop you from achieving your goals.
RNT: absolutely agree with you there. I personally believe that good things come in small packages. So, what is your work schedule like when you’re working on a project? How long does it take you to draft your speech?
DA: I am still a student so I really do not have any schedule for working on a project. But this speech took me 2 days to draft with a little grammatical help from my sister.
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RNT: I love your confidence but I want to her from you about what do you think makes you different from others?
DA: I really enjoy learning new things and I constantly seek out new learning opportunities.
RNT: How many public speaking shows have you done until now? Can you share a few of your best experiences with us?
DA: I am really new to this. So I have only done two public speaking competitions till now.
But still, standing first in a public speaking competition which I never expected coming true will always be my best experience.
As winning the first time is always special.
I thank Mekhla Sengupta for telling me about this competition and also RNTalks for giving me a boost in confidence.
RNT: I can understand that special feel…congratulations on your win. What are your achievements in life till now? Can you share a few of your experiences that helped you evolve as a person?
DA: I have a very few achievements The first is that I participated in a competition and I got 2nd in the first time and 1st in the second time.
I had also participated in a public speaking competition in Snehpravin and I got Runner up.
And this time in RN talks I got 1st position. So these are some achievements I could name.

RNT: You know Devani you are a balanced personality and I have a hunch you’ll do very well in life. Can you share with us and the audience some key points to bear in mind when someone attempts to speak on a public forum?
DA: The first is to be confident about what you speak and not to hesitate if you forget a line and trying changing a little bit.
And if you have stage fright then like me you can just look at the wall and speak it tends to reduce the fright a lot.
RNT: That I again agree on. Devani, can you share with us some of your hobbies that help you unwind, and what do you like to do when you’re free?
DA: I love reading..I can constantly read for hours and hours and any genre….And I also like listening to songs
RNT: Thats a good hobby you have. tell us about your most recent work, who inspired you, and how was it?
DA: My most recent work was RNTalks.
My height which always been a problem and I realized that there must be people like me who are short and need some help and courage to come out and speak so that was my inspiration.
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RNT: How did you develop the skill of speaking so engagingly in front of groups?
DA: Well at first I did not have the skill of speaking so engagingly in front of groups that is why I started participating in public speaking competitions…And yeah well now I can speak in front of a gathering.
RNT: That’s wonderful! How can someone become a more assertive public speaker?
DA: Getting comfortable in front of the camera has a way of making the stage feel less intimidating later on.
It pushes you to think about how to best structure your story.
There’s power in putting a voice to your fears and asserting exactly what you plan to do about it.
RNT: Are you considering a career transition? What are some other areas that might be a good fit for you?
DA: I am a student and it is my aim to become a psychologist. I yet have not experienced a career transition. When you enter a contest sometimes you lose and sometimes you win.
RNT: What do you want to say to those who could not make it in the first 5 of your category?
DA: It’s okay to lose… But to wake yourself from the loss and try again. Try till victory reaches out to your doorstep. That is the true meaning of competitions.
RNT: Well said dear. What is your motto in life?
DA: “Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.
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RNT: Tell us about your association and experience with RNTalks. On a scale of 1-10 how will you rate RNTalks?
DA: It was an amazing experience. I never expected to win in the competition…But I will always be thankful to RNTalks for giving me a boost of confidence. On a scale of 1-10, I shall give it a 10.
RNT: WOW, that’s awesome! Devani, on behalf of RNTalks, I wish you all the best for your future in studies and public speaking forums. Any special message or any suggestions you would like to share with your visitors/fans which you think would help them become a better writer/or evolve as a person?
DA: I would only like to tell that don’t let your insecurities come in the way of your success and try not to be stopped by your physical attributes…