30 RNTalks Deep-Sea Creatures Quiz Questions

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30 RNTalks Deep-Sea Creatures Quiz Questions

Deep-Sea creatures are the ones that dwell below the Photic zone of the ocean, which is that part of the water that is exposed to sunlight. These nocturnal creatures roam around thousands of feet deep down the surface. Humans have been able to explore just 3% of this fascinating deep-water world, in their deep-sea ventures.

Here they could witness plenty of mysterious creatures. But I’m sure scientists have known, not even a fraction of what this world possesses. There are thousands of more such creatures yet to be discovered.

The RNTalks Deep-Sea Creatures Quiz Questions presented here allows testing if you know the lesser-known facts about these mysterious creatures. Take the quiz and enhance your knowledge about what you missed regarding this fascinating world and its creatures. Happy learning!

30 RNTalks Deep-Sea Creatures Quiz Questions
30 RNTalks Deep-Sea Creatures Quiz Questions

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 1500 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


What Is The Dark-Coloured Ink Ejected By The Octopus Called?

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The dark black ink that the octopus squirts is called the Cephalopod Ink. It is part of its defence mechanism. When it sees a predator approaching, the octopus discharges a cloud of dark ink, made of melanin. It irritates the predator and also disrupts its sense of smell. It gives the octopus the time to escape.

This Dangerous And Menacing-Looking Creature Lives Both In Deep Waters And Shallow Ones Too. Can You Guess The Name Of The Creature From The Options Given Below?

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Moray Eel has over 200 species, out of which most of them are found in deep waters, usually hiding in the nooks and caves. They are considered apex predators in their ecosystem. They feed on squids of all kinds, fishes and octopuses.

Do You Know How The Jellyfish Moves?

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The jellyfish moves by squeezing its body rhythmically, by contracting and relaxing its muscles around the bell. The muscular movement opens and closes the bell which draws in water and then forcing it out resulting in the forward movement of the jellyfish.

What Is The Name Of The Pre-Historic Looking Shark, Which Is Believed To Be The Oldest Species Of Shark On Earth?

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The Goblin shark is known to be the oldest species of Shark on the planet. It has translucent skin, through which the internal organs are also visible. It has sharp teeth and highly extendable jaws, which can snap at the prey in one bite. This shark's scientific name is Mitsukurina owstoni.

A Deep-Sea Fish With Eyes Atop Its Head Likes To Burrow Its Body In Deep-Sea Sand. What Is It Called?

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Stargazers in the northern Atlantic live in deep waters, where other types live in shallow waters. To snare potential prey from below, they burrow in the sand to conceal themselves.

Amongst The Others, One Species Of Squids Are Known To Grow Up To 6 Feet Long And Are Considered Highly Predatory. Which One Is That?

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Humboldt Squid is one of the fiercest hunters known. In case of lack of food, they tend to feed on each other. Unfortunately, they are not allies of human beings. It is advisable to stay away, in case you ever come across one. They are also called jumbo squid and a red devil.

What Is The Name Of The Biggest Squid Recorded To Date?

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Colossal Squid, which is also called the Antarctica Squid, is the biggest squid recorded to date. This species can grow up to 45 feet in length and can weigh up to approximately 1650 pounds. In addition, it has the largest eye in the animal kingdom, with a diameter of 16 inches.

This Fish Can Change Its Color. Can You Identify It Correctly?

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This deep-sea fish is also known as the Hairy frogfish/striated frogfish, or striated frogfish. Frogfish change their coloration and pigment pattern within a few weeks to blend in with their surroundings. It is usually yellow to brownish, but can also be gray, brown, green, white or completely black. It can also change into different stripes, blotches, and patterns.

This Silvery Fish Has A Slender Body But A Remarkable Expanding Stomach. Can You Identify The Name Of The Fish We Are Referring To?

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Black Swallower, also called the Chiasmodon Niger, got its name due to its slender appearance, but has an expanded stomach. It can engulf the prey twice its size, with much ease and ten times more than its own mass.

Can You Identify This Long, Toothy Fish?

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Using one quick snap of its mouth, this fanged Saber-toothed viperfish from the genus Chauliodus can immobilize predators. Green, silver, and black colored, these frightening fish can grow up to two feet long and live to be 40 years old.

Identify The Name Of The Tubular Beings, Which Are Marine Invertebrates. They Are Found On The Ocean Floor Mostly?

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The Giant tube worms, also called the Riftia pachyptila, are giant worms that can grow up to eight feet. They dwell on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, near hydrothermal vents. Unlike the other marine invertebrates, they are capable of tolerating high levels of Hydrogen Sulphide.

Here's Another Creepy Bioluminescent Creature That Has Light-Producing Organs. What Is It Called?

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The black dragonfish, or diacanthus atlanticus, has a belly lined with light-producing organs that it uses to trick predators. As the lights change, the fish appears to shape-shift. They also have lights that jut from each eye that are used to hunt for prey or entice prospective mates.

What Is The Name Of This Deep-Sea Creature That Has A Long Thin Body And Is Capable Of Puffing Itself Up And Also Shrinks Itself Down? It's Large Mouth Allows It To Swallow Prey That's The Same Size As Itself.

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The Gulper eel, which is also known as the Pelican eel, is capable of opening its mouth wide enough to swallow the prey as big as its size. It can also puff itself up and shrink itself. This strange species of eels are found at the depths of 500 metres to three kilometres.

Do You Know What This Tiny Shark Is Called?

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Lantern sharks, which are a type of dogfish shark, live in the deep sea and are among the smallest sharks known. The dwarf lantern shark reaches a maximum length of just eight inches. A bioluminescence belly is what gives the lantern shark its name.

What Is The Bristly, Crimson Creature Pictured Here Called?

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Spiny king crabs, Paralithodes Rathbun, are closely related to California and Alaskan king crabs. The creature grows up to six inches in length and prowls the seafloor in search of prey like crabs, sea stars, and scavenged food. Due to its prickly movements, it can easily tear and feast on prey.

This Australian Fish Has Been Marked As A Critically Endangered Species By The International Union For The Conservation Of Nature (IUCN). Can You Guess Which Is The One Being Referred To?

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Spotted Handfish, also called the Brachionichthys, is a rare species of Australian fish that lives around 100 feet deep. Its name comes from its look. Its segmented pectoral fins resemble short arms, with the help of which it seems to 'walk' on the ocean floor.

What Is The Name Of This Deep-Dwelling Shark?

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The frilled shark, or Chlamydoselachus anguineus, is often called a "living fossil" due to its many primitive features. Its mouth contains about 300 pointed teeth in total. To capture prey, it contorts its body and then lunges at it like a snake, at which point it can swallow the creature whole.

Here Is Another Pair Of Teeth That Will Haunt You Forever. What Is The Name Of This Fish?

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Anarhichas lupus has around four or six teeth on its jaws, three more rows behind that, and serrated teeth on its throat. The Atlantic wolffish has a long, snakelike body that can reach lengths of five feet.

To This Date, Translucent Fish Has Been Seen Alive Only Once By Scientists So Far. Do You Know The Name Of This Mysterious Translucent Fish?

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Ghost Fish has been seen alive only once by scientists, in 2016. They observed this ghost-like fish, nearly 2500 metres deep down, near the Mariana Trench National Monument. It is located to the east of the Philippines. Ghost Fish has see-through skin, colourless eyes and has no scales.

These Fish Look Menacing, Like Many Of The Sharp-Toothed Fish That Live In Australasia. What Is Its Name?

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The fangtooth fish possesses some of the largest teeth in the ocean compared to its size. Although these fish may look scary, they only grow to about six inches in length and are not very aggressive.

Colorful Creatures Inhabit The Ocean's Bottom. What Is Their Name?

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Slugs of the deep sea are mostly red, but some are blue-green, illuminated by bioluminescence. Unlike other carnivorous creatures, they possess teeth for scraping at prey. Some sea slugs may grow into foot-long creatures, while others grow as small as an inch.

It Sounds Scary, But The Males Of This Species Of Fish Are Parasites Of The Females Of The Same Species. They Tend To Bite Onto The Female Body And Slowly Joining The Bloodstream Of The Female. It Slowly Dissolves Its Internal Organs Except For The Testes. Which Is The Strange Deep Fish We Are Talking About?

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The male Anglerfish is the parasite of the females of its species. They are much smaller than the females in size. They also do not have the light that the female possesses, to lure the prey.

Which Meme Is This Spooky, Spindly Creature Named After?

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The Bathyphysa conifer was spotted by BP workers while collecting footage 4,000 feet below the surface off the coast of Angola. As the popular Internet legend goes, the creature closely resembles the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which is a deity of the Pastafarianism movement. This animal clones itself to grow. It belongs to the coral and jellyfish families. The animal grows to become one of the longest in the sea as it replicates.

This Creature, Which Is One Of The Smallest And Deepest Living Creatures In The Ocean, Has A Set Of Ear-Like Fins. What Is The Name Of This Creature?

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The Dumbo octopus is one of the smallest creatures that live in the ocean. They grow to the average size of 20-30 cm and are mostly found at 400-4800 metres beneath the surface. They use the ear-like fins on their head, to propel and steer through the water.

There Is A Vibrant Deep-Sea Creature, Which Is The Parasite Of The Sea Cucumber. What Is The Name Of This Creature?

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Emperor shrimps are commensal organisms that tend to benefit from the parasitic organism, without affecting it adversely. This vibrant orange and purple shrimps are found living off the Sea cucumbers. They cling to the sea cucumbers like sea slugs.

It Isn't Necessarily A Deep-Sea Creature Since These Fish Can Live At Very Shallow Depths As Well As Very Deep Depths. What Is Their Name?

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Also called sea-devils, frog-fish or fishing-frogs, monkfish or Lophius, these creatures can be found across the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Their large, flat mouths and huge stomachs allows them to easily swallow prey as big as their bodies.

Red-Hued Squids Are The Stuff Of Nightmares. Are You Familiar With Its Name?

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The Vampire squid's formal scientific name, Vampyroteuthis infernalis, is translated from Latin to "vampire squid from hell." This creature is only 6 inches long, despite its terrifying appearance.

The World's Ocean Floor Is Home To These Creatures. What Is Their Name?

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Sea cucumbers belong to the same family as sea urchins and starfish and can often be found slowly crawling across the ocean floor. Although they look relatively harmless, they can combat predators by shooting toxic internal chemicals, known as holothurin, from their anuses.

This Particular Species Of Shark Grows Up To 26 Feet Long, Which Is About The Size Of The Great White. Can You Guess The Name Of This Species Of Shark?

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Bluntnose sixgill shark grows up to 26 feet. It is also called the cow shark sometimes, as it is capable of surviving for at least a month. Since it is a deep-sea creature; the options of its food are very few. It sometimes survives on the carcass of the whale that dies and drowns on the ocean floor.

What Is The Name Of The Bottom-Feeding Fish Pictured Here?

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The fish are also known as gurnards and triglids because their pectoral fins resemble wings of a bird when swimming. The fish usually reside in waters 660 feet deep, but their fins sometimes allow them to glide across the ocean's surface for short distances, like a flying fish. Besides mimicking birds, they also make sounds similar to frogs when frightened.

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