Reptiles Quiz How Much Do You Know About Reptiles

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Reptiles Quiz How Much Do You Know About Reptiles

Reptiles Quiz How Much Do You Know About Reptiles
Reptiles Quiz How Much Do You Know About Reptiles

Reptiles, which form the largest group of vertebrates after mammals and birds, play an important role in balancing the ecosystem. Both as prey and predators, their role is crucial as a member of the food chain.

This quiz is an effort to enrich your know-how on reptiles. You are welcome to test your knowledge and also augment it at the same time. All the best! Happy quizzing!

How Many Known Different Species Of Reptiles Are There In The World?

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At present, there are more than 10000 reptile species that are known and recorded. Two thousand seven hundred additional subspecies make the reptile the largest group of vertebrates after birds and fishes. In terms of group size, even mammals and amphibians lag behind.

The Smallest Reptile Known To Date Measures Just Over An Inch. Which Is This Reptile?

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Brookesia nana, also called the nano chameleon is the world's smallest adult reptile. It was discovered by a team of researchers from Madagascar and Germany. It measures13.5 millimetres (0.53 inches) and can fit comfortably on a fingertip.

Out Of The Following Options Given, Which Is The Largest Reptile In The World?

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The saltwater crocodile is the biggest known reptile in the world. An adult saltwater crocodile grows up to almost 23 feet in length and weighs around 1000 kilos. It can hold its breath for a long time. Its teeth are about 13 cm long.

One Of The Listed Reptiles Has The Third Eye And Is Endemic To New Zealand. Can You Guess The Correct Option?

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Tuatara has a third eye on the top of its head. They are medium-sized cold-blooded reptiles, which are rare and very different from other reptiles, lizards, and amphibians. They are found only in New Zealand. They are known to be the last surviving order of reptiles that were present at the time of dinosaurs.

There Is A Specific Scientific Name Of The Turtle’s Top Shell. What Is It Called?

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The Turtle' top shell is called the carapace, whereas the lower shell is called the plastron. There is also an outer layer that covers the carapace, which is called the scoots. A turtle can feel through the carapace, like you and I can feel on our skin.

How Do You Think The Reptiles Keep Themselves Warm?

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The reptiles tend to sunbathe or bask in the sun, to warm up. This helps the metabolism of their body to work better. So as simple it is, the reptiles depend on the environment, to warm themselves up.

In Contrast To Mammals, What Is The Pattern Of Teeth In The Case Of Reptiles?

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The reptiles and most of the other vertebrates are known to have Homodont Dentition, which means, that all the teeth are a similar shape, but the size can vary from one species to the other.

Out Of The Following Options Given, Which Reptile Can Glide In The Air?

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Draco is a kind of lizard that can glide in the air. It is also called the flying dragon lizard. The skin extensions that help it in gliding are called the patagia and look like colourful wings. It is mostly found in Southern India and the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia.

Which Is The Only Poisonous Lizard In The World?

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Heloderma, which is also called the Gila monster, is the only species of lizard that is poisonous in the world. As the scales of this species resemble beads, it is also called the Beaded lizard. It grows up to 60 cm and is found mostly in southwestern America and the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora.

The Crocodile, Which Belongs To The Class Reptilia, Has An Advanced Character, Which Is:

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The advanced character that a crocodile has is a four-chambered heart, with two atria and two ventricles, unlike the other reptiles, which have two atria and one ventricle. Amongst the rest, only 23 species of crocodilians have a four-chambered heart.

The Poison Glands In The Snakes Are The Modified Version Of One Of The Following Glands. Can You Guess The Correct Option?

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In snakes, the parotid salivary glands are modified into the poison glands. The glands consist of a sac-like structure called the alveoli, in which the venom is stored. These snakes eject this venom through the tubular fangs.

Some Of The Reptiles Tend To Show Autotomy. What Is The Meaning Of Autonomy?

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The ability to get rid of or break the tail to confuse the predator is called autotomy. This action is voluntary. Whenever the predator captures the lizard or it is threatened, the lizard breaks its tail voluntarily to confuse the predator.

Other Than The Mammals, The Diaphragm Is Also Found In One Of The Following Options. Which Is The Correct Option?

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The diaphragm separates the thoracic chamber from the abdominal cavity in mammals. Crocodiles also have a well-developed diaphragm, which separates their lung cavity from the rest of the body.

There Is A Specific Way In Which The Snakes Can Receive Sound Vibrations. In What Way Do They Receive It?

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Various studies conducted in the field show that the inner ear of the snake is directly connected to its jawbone, which is in direct contact with the ground when they slither. So the vibrations caused on the ground by the movement of the prey or the predator is heard by the inner ear. So, option C is the correct answer.

What Is The Maximum Temperature That The Reptiles Are Known To Survive?

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The maximum temperature that the reptiles can survive in is not above 40 degree Celsius. As the temperature is soaring all over the planet, reptiles are finding it increasingly difficult to survive.

How Many Groups Are Reptiles Divided Into?

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The reptiles are divided into four groups, which are, the turtles, tuatara, snakes and lizards, and the crocodiles and alligators. All of them put together account for 8700 species.

Which Was The Largest Crocodile Ever, Which Was Held Captive And Died A Few Years Back?

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The largest crocodile in captivity was a saltwater crocodile named Lolong, which died on 10th February, in the Philippines. It weighed 1075 kg and was twenty feet three inches long. He was named after the veteran crocodile hunter, Ernesto 'Lolong' Goloran Canete, who led the hunt then.

What Is The Kind Of Eggs That Reptiles Lay?

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Most of the species of reptiles are known to lay eggs, except for certain species of snakes and lizards which produce the young ones. Reptiles lay amniotic eggs, in which the embryo is protected by the shell and the membranes.

You Will Be Amazed To Comprehend That There Is A Limbless Species Of Lizards. Can You Guess The Name Of These Species?

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The lizards belonging to the Ophisaurus family are the limbless lizards, which are often confused with snakes. Glass lizards, also called the Glass snakes, belong to this family. There are over 200 species of legless lizards in the world.

What Is The Study Of Reptiles Called?

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It is stated that the reptiles evolved from the amphibians and were the first class of animals that adapted to life on land. Hence both, amphibians and reptiles are studied collectively. The branch of Zoology that studies amphibians and reptiles, is called Herpetology.

Reptiles Quiz How Much Do You Know About Reptiles
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They are valued for their contribution to various aspects of life on Earth. The reptiles play a major role in controlling pests in agricultural practices. Reptiles have also been valued the world over for their use in medicinal products.

For instance, snake venom is widely used in pain-management drugs. Research on reptiles, to date, is an important area to understand evolutionary biology.

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