Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz

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Fascinating Facts About Insects | Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz

In this quiz, we shall be sharing with you Fascinating Facts About Insects have enormous economic significance. Some insects provide valuable substances, such as wax, honey, lacquer, and silk.

Humans have raised honeybees for thousands of years for honey. The silkworm greatly affected human history. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz.


Which Insect Has The Maximum Number Of Legs?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Millipede possesses the maximum number of legs and is often referred to as 'thousand leggers'. Males of this species are recognized to have 200 pairs of legs, whereas females have more than 300 pairs of legs. The Illacme plenipes is the leggiest insect out of the 10,000 known species of millipede.

The Insects Are Said to Have Good Eyesight, With the Capability of a Larger Vision. Can You Guess the Reason Behind It?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The insects have compound eyes, with thousands of lenses, which gives them an edge in detecting movement of large objects, swift movements. They can easily see in a mosaic pattern with a high-quality resolution.

Insects Do Not Have Bones Inside Their Bodies. Can You Tell What Protects Their Bodies?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Insects have an exoskeleton, which is a hard outer covering. It not only protects the body but also the organs of the insects. It provides them with the necessary support for moving around.

A Glance at The Past Reveals That More Than Wars, More People Have Died from A Widespread Illness, Before Covid-19. Can You Guess the Name of This Disease?

Fascinating Facts About Insects | Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Bubonic Plague, was the cause of 75-200 million deaths in Eurasia, North Africa, and then peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. It was is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis. It was called the Black Death.

The Constitutional Act For Destructive Insects And Pests Was Enforced In Which Year?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The Destructive Insects and Pests Act, was enforced in the year 1914. The Act prevents the introduction and transportation of any fungus, insect or any other pest, which is harmful to trees, plants and crops, from one state to another or any part of India.

The Oldest Insect Fossil Is A Few Million Years Old. Can You Guess the Exact Number?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The 425-million-year-old fossil of a millipede found in the Scottish Island of Kerrera is the oldest known fossil in the world. There is a possibility of older fossils of insects and plants. It has not been ruled out by the scientists, as it might have been failed to get discovered.

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing Is A Well-Documented And Known Species Of One Of The Following. Can You Name The Correct Option?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Queen Alexandra’s birdwing is the largest known species of butterfly, in the world. The wingspan of the females of this category ranges from 25 cm to 28 cm. It is found only in rainforests of Papua New Guinea. It is an endangered species, due to the shrinking habitat.

You Might Be Amazed To Know That There Are Insects With The Lifespan Of A Few Hours. Can You Guess Which Insect Has The Shortest Lifespan?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The Mayfly Dolania Americana is the insect with the shortest lifespan. The females are known to live for less than five minutes after the final moult. Within these five minutes, to reproduce they are required to find a mate, copulate and then lay eggs.

The Silk Moth Creates Silk In One Of The Various Stages Of Its Life Cycle. Can You Name The Stage In Which It Produces Silk?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Silk Moth produces silk in the Pupa stage when it weaves a net around its body to hold itself. After this, it spins a fibre made of protein, by swinging its head, which later becomes the silk fibre.

Other Than Humans, Which Insect Was The First Living Organism To Be Sent Into Space?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Many bacteria and other forms of life may have been accidentally carried on the flights sent to space, but the first intentionally sent living creatures to space were, the fruit flies. They were sent on a V2 rocket on 20th February 1947.

Most Commonly Found House Fly Can Be Seen Everywhere. Do You Know The Scientific Name Of The House Fly, Which Is Not Surely Common?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The scientific name of the common house fly is Musca Domestica. The female housefly is usually said to mate once. She lays eggs on decaying organic matter such as faeces, food waste and carrion. These eggs soon hatch into the white larvae, which are called the maggots.

Out of The Following Options, Which Insect Was Once Called The White Ants? It Also Has A Common Ancestor as That Of The Cockroach.

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Termites share a mutual ancestor with the cockroach and were also once called the White Ants. There are around 3106 species of termites known till date. Their work system closely resembles ants and bees.

Which Insect Makes The Loudest Sound Of All?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The Cicadas are known to make deafening sounds, which can be heard over a mile when they make this rattling sound in a group. It is created by the male Cicadas to attract mates. It is a result of vibrating of their body part, which is called the tymbal.

Which Insect Is Considered The Strongest Amongst All?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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The horned Dung Beetle is the strongest insect amongst all. It is 10 millimetres long and is capable of pulling 1141 times more weight than its body weight. It is equal to an average man lifting two fully-loaded trucks.

Like Many Other Insects, The Ladybird Has Many Species Recognised And Documented, Present All Over The World. Can You Guess The Number Of Species Of This Beautiful Bug?

Fascinating Facts About Insects _ Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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There are 5000 species of ladybirds that are identified, in the world. Also known as ladybugs and lady beetles, these species have different colours and patterns. The most commonly found ladybug is the seven-spotted ladybug, which has shiny red and black body.

Fascinating Facts About Insects | Test Your Knowledge on Insects Quiz
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Insects along with other arthropods assist in a number of beneficial ecological roles (oftentimes termed as ecosystem services) in agricultural and natural systems.

They serve as decomposers, assisting in mediating the breakdown of plant and other organic residues as well as the mineralization and recycling of plant nutrients from those residues.

They possess a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and one antennae pair.

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