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Amphibians Quiz For Students And Teachers

All the living organisms present on Earth have a crucial role to play in nature. Amphibians have a significant role to play both as prey and predators. They are prominent members of the food chain and food webs.
Wait no more! Dive into Amphibians Quiz For Students And Teachers and explore as well as discover the lesser-known facts about Amphibians in a fun way.
Out Of Five Hundred And Forty-Four Critically Endangered Species Of The Amphibians, As Marked By IUCN, How Many Species Of Salamanders Are Critically Endangered?

The IUCN has identified 66 species of salamanders as critically endangered. It includes Giant salamanders, few species of Lungless salamanders, Asiatic salamanders, and Mole salamanders.
There Are A Few Amphibians That Have A Serpentine Appearance. Can You Guess What These Worm-Like Amphibians Called Are?

Caecilians are legless amphibians that have a serpentine appearance. They look like snakes or worms. Since they have no legs, they are often confused with the snakes. They are carnivores and feed mainly on worms and termites.
Can You Guess How Many Numbers Of Groups Amphibians Are Divided Into?

The amphibians are divided into three groups. The first group is Urodela, which comprises of the newts and salamanders. The second group is Anura or Salientia, which includes the frogs and the toads, and the last group is called the Apoda or Gymnophiona, which consists of the caecilians.
From The Ones Given Below, Which Is The Smallest Amphibian In The World?

The smallest known amphibian in the world is the New Guinea frog, also called the Paedophryne amanuensis. It is the species of microhylid frog from Papua New Guinea. The length of this frog is 7.7 mm.
One Out Of The Following Amphibians Puffs Itself Up To Look A Bit Larger Than Its Actual Size. Which Is The Correct Option?

Toads tend to puff themselves up to look larger than their actual size to discourage predators. It is a part of their defense mechanism.
Some Animals Live On The Trees. There Is A Specific Scientific Term Used For Such Animals. Can You Tell What These Animals Are Called?

The animals that live for most of their lives in trees are called arboreal animals. Most of these animals are characterized by elongated limbs that lets them swing easily on the tree branches. Some of these animals have long tails that help them move and stabilize on trees.
What Is It That All The Adult Frogs And Toads Lack In Their Physical Characteristic?

As an adult, the frogs and toads do not have a tail, which they have when they are young, in the tadpole stage. As they grow into adults, the hormonal change leads to reabsorbing the tail in their bodies, and their legs develop.
Science Is A Diverse Field, Where The Study Of Its Various Aspects Has A Different Name. Can You Guess The Meaning Of Herpetology?

Herpetology is a branch of Zoology that is concerned with the detailed study of amphibians and reptiles. It is a significant branch of science that gives a crucial insight into aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Which Is The Largest Amphibian In The World?

Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian and also the largest salamander in the world. It is mostly found in the rocky mountain streams and lakes in the Yangtze River basin in Central China. It grows up to 1.8 metres.
There Is A Movable Membrane Found In The Eyes Of Amphibians. What Is This Membrane Called?

This movable membrane is called the Nictitating membrane. It is a transparent or translucent membrane that acts as the third eyelid and is drawn across the eye to protect the same and moisten it while maintaining visibility. This membrane is found in amphibians, birds, mammals, and fishes.
Have You Ever Seen A Tree Frog Falling From The Tree? You Must Not Have. What Is It That Prevents Them From Falling Off The Tree?

The last bone present on the frogs’ feet is shaped like a claw or a suction cup, which prevents these frogs from falling off the tree. However, not all tree frogs live on the trees. The tree frog species are more than 800+ that can be found in the world.
You Might Be Amazed To Know That Frogs Are Poisonous Too. Can You Name The Most Poisonous Frog In The World, Amongst The Known Species?

The most poisonous frog known is The Golden Poison Frog. They are said to kill ten adult human beings, making them the most poisonous animals alive, as per the research. They belong to one of the many species of the poison dart frogs. They are small in size. The fully grown adult of this species is 6 cm long.
The Characteristic Feature Of All Amphibians Is That They Are All Tetrapods. What Does The Term Tetra Pod Mean?

The term tetrapod means having four legs. All the amphibians and mammals are tetrapods.
Until a Darwin’s frog’s tadpoles have grown into fully formed froglets, he hides them in...

In a leaf litter, the female Darwin's frog lays up to forty eggs. During approximately three to four weeks, the male guards them until the developing embryos begin to move, then he ingests them and holds them in his vocal sac. The tadpoles hatch about three days later, and he continues to carry them around in his vocal sac until they undergo metamorphosis.
There Is A Species Of Frog That Can Fly. They Are Also Called The Gliding Frogs. Which Of These Is A Family Of Flying Frogs?

The flying frogs belong to the family Rhacophoridae. They are commonly called the Moss frogs. Wallace’s flying frogs belong to this family. They are commonly found in the tropical jungles of Borneo and Malaysia. They live mostly in trees and only descend to reproduce.
We All Know The Frog Croaks. What Is The Purpose Of The Croaking Sound Of The Frog?

It is believed that in all the species, only the male frog croaks or calls out. The croaking sound you hear in your backyard is a call to attract the female partner. Every species has a peculiar sounding call. So just by listening to the call, it is possible to identify the species.
From The Following Categories, Which Category Can You Put An Adult Amphibian Into?

As the amphibian grows into an adult, they can be classified as carnivores. They feed on a variety of foods, which also include worms, spiders, and beetles.
There Is A Scientific Term Used For Animals That Live In Saltwater. What Is The Term?

Animals that live in saltwater are called generally called marine animals. Osmosis is the movement of a solvent, like water, through a semipermeable membrane into a higher solute concentration solution that tends to equalize the concentration on both sides. Due to Osmosis, freshwater fishes cannot survive in saltwater, and even the saltwater fishes and animals cannot survive in freshwater.
You Must Have Studied Amphibians In Detail. What Is The Meaning Of The Word “Amphibian”?

The word amphibian is derived from the Greek word ‘amphibios’, in which ‘amphi’ means ‘of both kinds’ and ‘bios’ means ‘life’. So the word amphibian means double life. It is used for the class of animals that spend partly on land and partly on water.
Can You Guess How The Amphibians Drink Water?

Amphibians cannot drink water using their mouths. The water gets absorbed through the skin. They have extremely thin skin, which is permeable to oxygen and water. They Are Said To Be ‘Cutaneous Breathers’. Cutaneous breathers are animals that can breathe through their skin. Amphibians are termed as cutaneous breathers, as they breathe through their skin rather than gills and lungs.
Amphibians are not only responsible for pest control but also water filtration and advanced medical research. As predators, they play the saviour for the crops and thereby boost agriculture practices around the world.
As prey, they are an essential food source for larger animals. The quiz given below is designed to assess your knowledge about Amphibians and, at the same time, enhance it.
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