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There are many interesting facts about animals and birds that we don’t know yet.
Having detailed knowledge about animals and birds does not mean you are well-versed with all the facts about animals and birds.
The vast variety of animal about animals and birds and plant species living on Earth is invariably a diverse and a vast area to dive into.
While we understand biodiversity, some facts are comparatively less known to humans.
Taking these Interesting Facts About Animals And Birds Quiz will help you understand animals and birds better.
Through this quiz on the interesting facts about the animals and birds, we have made an ardent effort to uncover some of the hidden facts and enhance your knowledge.
We are sure we will wow you and the biggest animal lovers and leave them scratching their heads. Get ready to take the plunge!
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There is an interesting name for female elephants. Do you know what the female elephants are called?

The female elephants are called the cows, while the male elephants are called the bulls and the baby elephants are called the calves, which is the same terminology we use for the cows.
After the Elephant Bird (now extinct) world’s largest egg is laid by this bird. Can you name the bird?

Ostrich lays the world's largest egg, which is very small as compared to the body of mother Ostrich. Surprisingly, Kiwi lays a bigger egg than its size.
Can you name the animal, whose fingerprints are closely similar to that of humans and not even the experts can differentiate easily?

Even though the Koalas evolved separately from the Chimps and Gorillas, unlike humans, developed fingerprints and it is very closely similar to human beings. Not even the experts find it difficult to differentiate between the two.
Which of the following birds have the largest wingspan (the distance between both the wings when measured from one tip to another)?

According to the research, the largest wingspan is that of the wandering Albatross, which ranges up to 12 feet. It is additionally one of the most far-ranging birds, which covers more than 120000 km in a single year.
Which animal fasts for eight months in a year, but still it gives birth, nurses, and takes care of its young ones, during the fasting period?

Polar bear fasts for as long as eight months in a year. It is also called the ‘walking hibernation’. Combined fasting during the summer and fall and calving in the winters, makes it almost 8 months of fasting.
How many legs does a butterfly have?

The Butterfly has 6 legs. The body resembles the bodies of all other insects, which have three main body parts, namely Head, Chest or the Thorax and the abdomen, which is the tail end. The butterfly also has two antennas and also an exoskeleton.
You might know this fish from the famous Disney flick ‘Finding Nemo’, but it did not tell you the fact that this creature can change its gender, too. Can you name this fish?

Clownfish stands out from the rest of its clan because of a very interesting feature, which is that all the clownfishes are born males. They can change their gender to a female once on a lifetime and the change us irreversible.
Amongst the animals currently inhabiting the Earth, the Blue Whale is the longest, sometimes reaching up to 30 meters.

The above statement is false. The Blue Whale is no doubt the largest mammal on Earth but not the longest. The longest creature found on Earth is the Bootlace Worm, which measures up to 1000m long.
Which is the mammal that not only lays eggs but also has no nipples to feed its young one?

Platypus is the egg-laying mammal that lactates but have no nipples to feed its young one. It sweats out the milk at the time of feeding. As far as the appearance of the Platypus is considered, it looks like the combination of a duck and an otter.
How much water can a Camel drink in one single time?

A Camel can drink up to 20- 22 gallons (which is approximately 76-80 litres of water) in a single time. Its body is designed in a way that it can hold excess water. The fur of the camel does not allow sweating, which retains the water.
All of us sleep, but there are some creatures whose number of sleeping hours are a little surprising. Can you guess how many hours does a Koala sleep on an average in a single day?

Koalas sleep for approximately 20-22 hours a day. Since they thrive mainly on the Eucalyptus leaves, they derive considerably very less nutrition from their food, which leaves them tucked into nooks or forks in the trees and end up sleeping for long.
Can you imagine a living being without a skeleton? Yes, it is a fact. Which of the following does not have a skeleton?

Jellyfish do not have a skeleton. However, they have mesogloea,( a layer that separates the inner layer from the outer one) which form hardened plates resembling cartilage, that couple together providing support to the jellyfish.
The animal which you might have seen chewing the grass has no upper teeth in the front. Can you name this animal?

Goats, Cows, and Sheep have no upper teeth in the front. Instead, they have a pad or a bony plate in place of the front teeth. Despite this, unlike humans, cows have 32 teeth.
This creature is not afraid of the guillotine. Can you name the animal, which can survive beheaded for a few days?

Cockroach breathes through its body, even if it is beheaded it will continue to live until it eventually starves to death. According to Scientific American, the cockroach does not need its brain for circulation and breathing.
A very common fruit, which is a favourite and a popular fruit all over the world and is extremely nutritious, is facing the fear of extinction. The reason is a deadly fungus. Name the fruit...

The fungus called the 'fusarium wilt' is causing irreparable damage to the banana plantations in Australia and South-East Asia and has now progressed to Africa and the Middle East. Since the fungus is resistant to fumigants and fungicides and is also highly contagious, there is little one can do to stop it.
What is the first thing that a baby caterpillar eats after its birth?

A baby caterpillar feeds on its eggshells, after its birth, even before it feeds on the host plant.
You can look at the lion and guess its age. Do you know by looking at which body part, you can guess the age of the Lion?

It is indeed very surprising, but the colour of the nose of the Lion can help us understand the age of the Lion. The nose usually becomes spotted as the Lion ages.
Galton’s Whistle is most commonly associated with an animal. Can you name the animal?

Galton’s Whistle is also known as the Silent Whistle or the Dog’s Whistle. It produces sound in the ultrasonic range, which sometimes goes unheard and unnoticed by the humans, but is heard by the animals, which include the dogs and the cats. It is used to train pet dogs and cats.
Animals makes various kinds of sound. It is the way they communicate with each other. Which animal makes the loudest sound among all the living creatures?

Blue Whale creates the loudest sound among the animals on this planet. The vibration of its sound is equal to that of a jet plane, which means it can reach up to 180 decibels.
Amongst all the two-legged creatures on the planet, which is the one that is the fastest?

Ostrich is the fastest two-legged creatures on the planet. It can run at an incredible speed of up to 45 miles per hour, on an average, with a peak of 60 miles per hour, for a short period. Its single stride goes up to 12 foot.
You will be surprised to know that there is an animal that cannot jump at all. Can you guess the name of that animal?

The elephant is the sole animal that cannot jump at all. The reason is that the bones present in the legs of the elephants are pointed in the downward direction, as a result, they do not have that 'spring' which is required to push off from the ground.
Giraffe is the tallest animal on Earth. How many Koalas stacked one on top of the other, does it take to reach the height of a Giraffe?

A male Giraffe can grow up to the height of 19 feet. It would take 7 Koalas stacked one on top of the other to reach the height of a Giraffe. The height of an adult Koala is normally 2to 3 feet.
Name the bird which lays a single egg once in two years...

Many birds lay multiple eggs in a mating cycle, to make sure of a healthy breeding rate. However, Albatross lays just one egg in one mating season and they do not mate every year. This bird has a long lifespan, of 50 -60 years approximately.
Can you guess the name of the fastest water animal, in terms of its speed while swimming?

The fastest marine creature is the Sailfish, which weighs up to 99.8 kilograms and reaches up to 10 feet in length. It is believed to swim up to 68 miles per hour. If it is put in a swimming pool for a 200-metre race, it can complete the round in less than 10 seconds.
Dogs are everybody’s favourite pet. Have you ever wondered which the smallest breed of dogs is?

The Affenpinscher has a sometimes naughty, fun-loving personality, with the face and playful character of a monkey. The Affenpinscher is few of the oldest toy breeds and was known as a “little devil with a moustache” in Central Europe where it originated. This wire-haired terrier-like breed believes he is a much bigger dog than he actually is.
One of these critters can keep the Dentist busy if it ever went in for cleaning. The reason is that their tooth just never stops growing. Can you guess the name of the animal?

According to the Smithsonian National Zoo, Beavers, which is the largest member of the rodent family, weighs between 35 pounds to 65 pounds. These incredible swimmers have bright orange teeth, that grows without stopping and the chews on wood to keep its teeth trim enough, to be able to eat.
How long can a Beaver hold its breath?

Beavers can remain underwater and hold its breath for as long as 15 minutes, without coming to the surface. The fur of the Beaver is oily and so, is waterproof. The eyelids are transparent and function like the goggles.
An aquatic animal has blue blood and also sports three hearts. You might find it tough to believe, but can you guess the name of this animal?

Unlike Iron present in the human blood, the presence of copper in the blood of the Octopus gives its blood the blue colour. It also has three hearts, out of which two keep the blood flowing beyond the gills and the third one is responsible for circulating through the rest of the body.
Why do Chameleons change their colour? Can you guess the reason behind it?

Chameleons change their colours to express different moods and emotions. They also do so to regulate their body temperature, since the chameleons are unable to generate their body heat.
You are quite familiar with the earthworms. Can you guess if the earthworms have eyes?

The answer is no. The Earthworms do not have eyes; instead, they have receptors, which are the cells that can sense if it is dark or light. With the help of these receptors, the earthworms can understand if they underground or above it.
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