Fathers Day Poetry In English

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Children watch intensely
What their father is up to
Serene, Silent, Supportive
He wears many shoes
As per the situation & need
Wear the shoes of an ideal father
Make a better world around
-Mukesh Bhatnagar

The shoes of an ideal father you do fill
When you have achieved the maturity
The day when you are burdened with responsibilities
You realise your father’s rudeness and sternness
You start following him
Always remember…..
Experience comes with age
Which is a fact and it should be honored always
-Manju Lata

The shoes of an ideal father you do fill. When you do become a parent yourself, you try to fit the bill.
Your father’s patience, sacrifices, and leadership you emulate and instill.
And to be known as his child makes you proud and thrilled.
But remember, follow his footsteps but never try to fill his shoes or duplicate his skill.
For your father has the added advantage of experience and age, which makes him greater still.
-Swetha Sundar

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    Father’s love is just like
    A candle in the dark
    Acts like a torch bearer who always
    Shows the path to his children.
    — Manju Lata

    Father’s love is-
    Unconditional love, always giving, guiding and showing right path ….
    Standing strong like a pillar
    — Bela Mohan

    Fathers love is unconditional
    Even though it’s not seen
    Demonstrating love is what they are shy of
    Standing behind their children like a pillar for them to lean.
    — Debarati Basu

    Father’s love is a precious treasure.
    Immensely enriching beyond measure.
    Sans boundaries and definitions it encompasses tightly.
    Like a colourful rainbow, it shines on life’s sky ever so brightly.
    — Swetha Sundar

    Father’s love is like a
    SUN – always surrounded with rays of Hope
    RAINBOW – always paints happiness and joy
    STAR – always makes path and life bright.
    —Harminder kaur

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