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Forgiveness is the one gift
Value your presence as well as others too
Be supportive and accumulate
The essence of happiness.
— Harminder kaur
Good things happen when
It is destined to happen
But our positive attitude also
Let the good things happen
We should always be humble
And kind to everyone.
— Manju Lata
Good things happen when
It has meant to be happened
We are here just to enjoy, explore and create
Something new out of it and live fully.
— Harminder kaur
Good things happen when we cross the tough times. Roses takes some time to blossom, the same way good things takes time to florish in fruitful way.!!!
— Rama Lavanya P
Good things happen when they are
Preceded by good thoughts.
Positive vibes bring about positive actions
which mere inclination just cannot.
— Swetha Sundar
Good things happen when –
We are ready to do good deeds
Without expecting anything in return.
— Bela Mohan
It’s often the small step that leads to bigger destinations.
The small dreams that lead to bigger and grandiose visions.
The success of an ambition is often marked by the individual’s inclination.
To keep taking the steps, however small, without pausing , that is the definition of determination.
— Swetha Sundar
It’s often the small step that brings the consistent success.Small steps in right direction are better than big steps in wrong path.Big success begins with small steps.Take small steps every day for leading successful life.!!!
— Rama Lavanya P
The world is a hub of miracles
Inventions and discoveries
Whatever one do something pious
Is a small step towards divinity
But never forget….
These small steps are miraculous doorways
To achieve something higher
Beyond the imagination .
— Manju Lata
Never search for happiness outside
It has always been inside you.
Waiting to come out and embrace you.
When you share it, it spreads far and true.
— Swetha Sundar