Take on The Ultimate Happy Mother Day Quiz

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Take on The Ultimate Happy Mothers Day Quiz

Mother’s Day/Mothers Day is a day that we all remember our mothers. It’s the time of year when children and adults alike take some time out to think about their moms, say thanks for everything she does, and love her more than anyone else in this world.

The special day of the year is coming up and you have to make sure that your mum knows how much she means to you. But are you really ready for what’s in store?

Take on The Ultimate Happy Mothers Day Quiz, with 20 questions about Mother’s Day! You might learn some interesting facts along the way.

Take on The Ultimate Happy Mother Day Quiz
Take on The Ultimate Happy Mothers Day Quiz

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 600 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


Who Was The Mother Of The Gods In Greek Mythology?

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In Greek mythology, Rhea is the Titaness daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the sky god Uranus. She is the elder sister of Cronus, who was further her consort.

Which Flower Traditionally Symbolizes Mother’s Day?

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The carnation flower is known for its fascinating shape and beautiful colors. In Christianity, the story of how it grew from Virgin Mary’s tears has made them a symbol of unconditional love between mother and child.

What Was The Name Of Matriarch (Mum) In Simpson Family?

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Marge Simpson is the glue that holds her family together. A strong, moralistic woman with a voice of reason in times of mayhem, Marge strives to maintain order and discipline despite all attempts at disruption from Bart (her trouble-making oldest son), Lisa (the intellectual), or Maggie - their youngest child who can’t even speak yet!

Gaia Is the Goddess of Mother Nature in Wicca?

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Wicca traditionally refers to the Earth Goddess as Gaia. Gaia is often called Mother Nature, Mother Earth, or the Creator of all life. Earth, stars, the full moon, and the sea are associated with her. The name of the mother goddess varies depending on the Wiccan tradition. Gaia is the mother of Uranus, from whose intimate union she gave birth to the Titans (from who many Olympian gods descended), the Cyclopes, and the Giants, and Pontus, which bore her the primordial sea gods.

Nacre Is More Commonly Known As What?

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Mother of pearl is truly a nacre. In contrast with this, a pearl is made up of layers of nacre. A mother of pearl refers to the thin layer of nacre that adheres directly to the shell of mollusks or oysters when it comes to pearl jewelry. Nevertheless, some mollusks do not have a coating of nacre.

Goddess Of The Land The Mother Earth In Hindu Scriptures Is

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The earth is worshipped as Goddess Bhooma Devi, a Consort of Lord Narayana, Mahimata, Bhūmi and Prithvi in Hindu scriptures. It was to rescue Bhooma Devi from a demon that the Lord took the Varaha avatara.

What Painter Is Known Mostly for A Famous Portrait of His Mother? The Picture Was Originally Named “Arrangement in Gray And Black No. 1.”.

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Whistler’s most famous painting is often referred to as Whistler’s Mother. It is a nearly black-and-white full-length portrait of his mother, titled Arrangement in Gray and Black, No. 1. Despite being American, Whistler lived and worked mainly in Britain.

Which Song Did Elton John Sing for Diana, Princess of Wales - Mother of Prince William And Prince Harry At Her Funeral?

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“Candle in the Wind” is a requiem with music and lyrics by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. A tribute to Marilyn Monroe, who had passed away 11 years earlier, it was written originally in 1973. John played a rewritten version of the song “Candle in the Wind 1997” in 1997 as a tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales.

Which Scientist Won Two Nobel Prize Awards and Was Also the Mother of a Nobel Prize Winner?

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A French chemist, physicist, and politician, Irène Joliot-Curie was the elder daughter of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, and wife of Frédéric Joliot-Curie. She was conferred the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 for their discovery of artificial radioactivity jointly with her husband, Joliot-Curie. The Curies household is now the most Nobel laureate family to date.

In Which Film Is There A Computer Called ‘Mother’?

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The MOTHER computer (MU-TH-UR 6000), the mainframe that operated and monitored everything on board a starship in the movie 'Alien,' was an AI-driven 182 model 2.1 terabyte Mainframe with 1 million gigabytes of RAM (random access memory). While the crew was in a state of hypersleep, Mother monitored their activities and auto-piloted the ship.

The Mothers of Invention, A 60s Group, Were Led by Who?

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Frank Vincent Zappa is renowned for his virtuosity on the guitar, and as a composer of experimental rock. He also had an eye for satire in American culture that he used to make himself stand out from other musicians of his era (1960s-1980s).

Who is Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu?

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Mother Teresa was a strong, brave woman who made an enormous difference in the lives of so many. She received many honors such as the 1962 Ramon Magsaysay Peace Prize and 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her selfless service to others. Her canonization on 4 September 2016 caused people all over the world to celebrate this incredible life well lived with joy and pride!

Who Is Pebble’s Mother in The Flintstones?

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Wilma Flintstone is a red-headed woman living in the Stone Age. Arguably, she has it easier than her husband Fred as he spends his days mining for minerals and hunting woolly mammoths while Wilma does domestic chores such as cooking dinner or taking care of their children Pebbles and Bamm-bamm.

Which Country Awarded Medals to Mothers with Large Families in the 1920s?

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A decoration awarded by the French government to those who have successfully raised several children with dignity, the Médaille de la Famille française has been awarded for more than 150 years. The medal is only awarded to those whose families are large, but the oldest child must be at least 16 years old and "raised well."

The Centrepiece of The Queen Mother’s Crown for Her Coronation In 1937 Was A Diamond. What Was Its Name?

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There is no record of The Koh i Noor’s original weight – but the earliest well-attested weight is 186 old carats or 38.2 g). Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khalji later acquired it. The diamond also adorned the Mughal Peacock Throne. The diamond changed hands among various factions in south and west Asia till being ceded to Queen Victoria after the British annexation of Punjab in 1849.

In Which Song of Queen Sung by Freddie Mercury Did He Mention the Word ‘Mama”?

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‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ by Queen is considered the greatest song of all time. Despite the song’s popularity, Queen previously described ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ as an “albatross”. Even though the song was met with skepticism when it was first played for preview audiences. In 1976, it spent nine weeks at the top of the UK charts.

What Do Tibetans Relate to as ‘The Goddess Mother’?

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The historic, local Tibetan name for Mount Everest is Chomolungma, also spelled Qomolangma, meaning “Goddess Mother of the World.”

Which Alcoholic Spirit Is Known As Mother’s Ruin?

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The Gin Act was introduced in 1736. As more women became addicted on gin between 1720 and 1757, this led to the abuse of their children and a surge in prostitution. Women grew more addicted to gin than their male counterparts – augmenting the juniper-based spirit the nickname ‘Mother’s Ruin’.

In the Terminator Films, What Is the Name of John Connor’s Mother?

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In the Terminator franchise, Sarah Connor is a badass character with an attitude that matches her tough exterior. She’s one of the toughest and most memorable women in film today as she battles for survival time-and-time again throughout different timelines. In The Terminator (1984), Sarah was hunted by ruthless machines to prevent her from bearing John Connor - humanity’s last hope against Judgment Day which would bring about nuclear war and human extinction; but after fighting back, striking out at Skynet before it could achieve its goals through other means has become what drives this mother’s life!

What Is The Latin Word For Mother?

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Latin has been around for centuries. It is a classical language that dates back to the Italic branch of Indo-European languages and was originally spoken in Rome, which we know as Latium. Latin eventually became Italy’s dominant language due to its power through the Roman Republic before it eventually died out.

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    Happy Mothers Day Quotes in English

    A mother never grows old.
    Her divine glow never fades
    The infinite love of her heart
    Keeps her young forever
    Awake this mother in all of us
    And just spread this love unconditionally
    – Madhu Khare

    On Earth and In Heavens, it’s Embarked in Bold,
    There’s nothing about a Mother unknown or untold ….
    An Ocean of Love that only grows but never turns old!
    Like waves infinitely, Her Warmth unfolds,
    As the Sunrays soothe aft’r a terrible cold!
    Li’l –li’l life lessons of Her’s Empowers n Mould…
    A Bond so Immense and Strong can only be felt…neither bought nor sold!

    Mother is a blessing
    that no one can replace
    Mother’s blessings not only
    changes time but the fortune
    A Mother’s blessings always
    Protects us from obstacles
    – Simi Taneja Kalra

    When Life’s hustle–bustle endlessly slaughter…
    Faint–Heartedly at Fate when U sigh and ponder…
    Struggles like Storms recklessly bother,
    All doors close, still thru’ peephole The Sun foster,
    In hidden ways adores U blessings of A Mother !!
    With Her arms around, nothing can let U shatter …
    Happiness fills around, yeah !! Infinite
    joys gather !!
    ~Shwetha Jain

    The loving heart of mom is like a big box of blessings
    A warm hug that encompasses everyone without any discrimination.
    – Swetha Sundar

    A mother never grows old; give Her Everything to see you Bold
    – Abhishek Mehra

    “Mother…The first home of child’s heart ❤️”
    A mother’s love never grows old
    It remains the same for children
    When days on earth are over
    A Mother’s love lives on
    Through many generations
    A Mother’s love is endless & will always shine
    God’s blessings as Mother on each one
    – Simi Taneja Kalra

    A mother never grows old …..
    “Mother is the only person who carries you nine months in her womb, three years in her arms and forever in her heart
    – Bela Mohan

    A mother never grows old,
    She only gets enriched with experiences untold.
    While facing life’s challenges, she is bold.
    Her blessings and love for her children and family are precious like gold.
    – Swetha Sundar

    Mother is a blessing
    that no one can replace
    Mother’s blessings not only
    changes time but the fortune
    A Mother’s blessings always
    Protects us from obstacles
    – Simi Taneja Kalra

    When Life’s hustle–bustle endlessly slaughter…
    Faint–Heartedly at Fate when U sigh and ponder…
    Struggles like Storms recklessly bother,
    All doors close, still thru’ peephole The Sun foster,
    In hidden ways, adores U blessings of A Mother !!
    With Her arms around, nothing can let U shatter …
    Happiness fills around, yeah !! Infinite
    joys gather !!
    ~Shwetha Jain

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