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30 Ultimate Yoga Quiz Questions For International Day Of Yoga

The practice of yoga involves both the mind and the body. Yoga is a practice that originated in India. Its purpose is to stimulate both mental and physical well-being through movement, meditation, and breathing. Yoga encompasses several types and different disciplines.
Since taking over the reins of power, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been promoting Yoga, which already boasts an immense following and a large number of practitioners worldwide. He succeeded in his efforts at the United Nations to have Yoga recognized and have an International Day of Yoga dedicated to yoga on June 21. As we inch towards the day we commemorate this ancient Indian path to a healthier lifestyle, why not take our Yoga quiz.
This is a timed quiz. You will be given 900 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?
What Type Of Yoga Is Bikram Yoga?

Bikram Yoga is a unique type of hot yoga. A style of yoga as exercise, created by Bikram Choudhury and inspired by the works of B. C. Ghosh. The style gained popularity in the 1970s. It is practiced in a heated room that reaches 105 degrees Fahrenheit! Heat helps tissues to stretch, making this type of yoga is excellent for increasing flexibility.
What Is The Name Of This Asana?

Bhujanga = cobra asana includes arching the upper body and expanding the chest. It is the first in the series of three postures that bend backward. During this position, the spine arches, increasing spinal flexibility and enlivening spinal nerves. It strengthens the neck and upper back.
Yoga Has Eight Components, Popularly Known As The Eight-Fold Path Of Life — Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana, Samadhi Are Five Of Them. Which Are The Other Three?

The name “8 Limbs” comes from the Sanskrit term Ashtanga and refers to the eight limbs of yoga: Yama (our attitude toward our environment), Niyama (our attitude toward ourselves), Asana (physical positioning), Pranayama (control or expansion of the breath), Pratyahara (disconnection of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (complete integration).
Bharat Thakur Is An Internationally Recognized Name In The World Of Yoga Instructors And A Celebrity In His Own Right. Which New Field Of Yoga Did He Lay The Foundation For?

"Artistic Yoga" was founded by Bharat Thakur. By adapting ancient yoga techniques and postures for contemporary lifestyles, this particular style of Yoga focuses on all key elements of fitness - strength, flexibility, stamina, balance, and agility. There are many centers worldwide that teach artistic yoga, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, along with Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and Russia.
The Three Basic Movements In Hatha Yoga Asanas Are Forward Bends, Backward Bends, And...

Hatha yoga routines are composed of a sequence of physical poses, or asanas, and the poses are designed to strengthen all parts of the body, with special emphasis on making the spine supple and healthy and increasing circulation.
Yoga Has Many Followers In The West And Prominent Hollywood Celebrities Such As Adam Levine And Julia Roberts Have Voiced Their Support For It. Indra Devi Is Credited With Introducing Yoga To The West. Which Country Did She Belong To?

She was born Eugenie Peterson in Riga, Latvia, on May 12, 1899. Her father was a Swedish bank director, and her mother was a Russian noblewoman. She was often referred to as “The First Lady of Yoga.” In 1937, Krishnamacharya admitted her into his school—making her the first woman chela (pupil) and the first Western woman ever at an Indian ashram— and personally supervised her asana and Pranayama training.
Surya Namaskar Is Believed To Be A Comprehensive Exercise For The Body And Has Frequently Been Described As A Combination Of Asanas That Aids In Stretching Almost All The Major Muscles Of The Body. Surya Namaskar Comprise Of How Many Different Asanas?

Surya Namaskar is composed of 7 asanas that are completed in a cyclic order, thereby creating 12 asanas in total. Also known as 'The Ultimate Asana', it strengthens your back as well as your muscles and lowers blood sugar levels. In addition, it boosts metabolism and blood circulation (hence, radiant skin) and ensures regular menstruation cycle in women.
Which Type Of Yoga Is Centered On Soothing The Mind And Body Through Usage Of Words And Sounds?

There is something inherently powerful about a syllable, a word, or a phrase drawn from scripture, called a mantra. For japa, or mantra yoga, certain mantras are repeated softly or mentally with their subtle tones calming the mind, harmonizing the inner bodies and stimulating latent spiritual powers. Aum is Hinduism's universal mantra. It represents the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness.
What Does The Word "Namaste" Mean?

It is an Ancient Sanskrit salutation, that is still prevalent in every day use in Nepal and India. It is a symbol of saying “I bow to the God within you.” If you have ever gone to a yoga class, you have presumably heard this greeting in the beginning or end of the class! Ironically the world is now switching over to instead of a handshake since the start of COVID pandemic.
Recently, A Photo Of The Very Hot, Very Happening Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Doing Mayurasana Went Viral. Around 40 Years Back Another World Leader Struck A Similar Pose, Alas There Was No Social Media He Could Go Viral On. Who Was He?

One year before Justin Trudeau was born, Pierre Trudeau, who was an avid yoga practitioner, was photographed doing the peacock pose on the Nahanni River, Northern West Territories.
An Indian Youth Organisation Entered The Limca Book Of Records For Simultaneously Performing Yoga For The Longest Duration. Which Organisation Was This?

At the International Day of Yoga on 21 June 2015, the Limca Book of Records presented the National Cadet Corps (NCC) with a certificate for the largest simultaneous yoga performance by a uniformed youth organization at multiple venues. Over 9.5 lakh cadets did yoga across the country on International Yoga Day.
A Yoga Exercise Consists Of A Set Of What?

“Asanas” are what yogi’s call postures or positions. They put principal focus on stretching and strengthening. Generally, in all types of Yoga, these sets of asanas are memorized! (ex. in Bikram Yoga)
India Celebrated Its First International Yoga Day On ________?

On June 15, 2015, the first International Day of Yoga was celebrated worldwide. PM Modi and dignitaries from 84 nations attended a program organized by India's ministry of Ayush. At Rajghat, New Delhi, 35,985 people performed 21 yoga poses. The meet was the largest yoga class.
Which Veda Mentions The Elements Of Yoga?

Yoga is mentioned in the Rig Veda and also referenced in the Upanishads. According to Rig Veda, Yoga is a balance. It also includes the physical balance, but the most important aspect of this is the balance of mind, which would help to have balanced thinking across all the relevant things that one does in their life.
What Is A Piece Of Equipment That Is Usually Used In The Practice Of Yoga?

A yoga mat! Yoga mats are specially fabricated mats used in modern yoga exercises to prevent slipping while performing asanas. In 1982, the yoga teacher Angela Farmer developed a sticky mat, comprising rubber carpet underlay. Additionally, towels, yoga blocks, and belts can be used as props.
What Is Meditation?

The purpose of meditation is to cultivate mindfulness and concentration. The purpose of meditation is to transform the mind. The practices of Buddhist meditation promote concentration, clarity, emotional calmness, and a clear understanding of the real nature of things.
The Eighth Limb Of Ashtanga Yoga Does Not Include Which Of The Following?

Ashtanga is an eight-fold path consists of yama, niyama, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Ama, which relates to poorly digested food waste, is not one of the limbs. As a result, it blocks the subtle channels in the body, disrupts digestion, and causes imbalances between the Doshas, which may lead to disease.
Which Is A Type Of Yoga?

In general, "Hatha yoga" refers to any form of yoga in which physical postures are taught. The vast majority of yoga classes conducted in the West are Hatha yoga classes. Nearly every type of yoga class taught in the West is Hatha yoga. As a general rule, when a class is marketed as Hatha, you will learn the most basic yoga positions. This style of yoga is most popular in the west!
What Is The Primary Focus Of Restorative Yoga?

Yoga that restores your parasympathetic nervous system is known as restorative yoga. The purpose of Restorative Yoga is for people to completely relax by holding poses for a long period of time with the aid of props. Restorative Yoga aims at achieving physical, mental, and emotional relaxation by relaxing in poses, with the aid of props, without strain or pain.
Bikram Yoga(now named hot yoga) Is Performed In A Particularly Hot Room. What Is The Minimum Acceptable Temperature For This Style Of Yoga?

Bikram Choudhury fled to Mexico in 2017 following a series of sexual assault and harassment lawsuits. Exercises performed under hot and humid conditions result in considerable sweating. Thus hot yoga is a form of yoga. Hot yoga practices attempt to recreate the heat and humidity of India, where yoga originated. According to Bikram Choudhury, the heated environment of Bikram Yoga allows the body to prepare for movement and to "remove impurities".
A _____ Pose Mimics The Beauty And Symmetry Of A Particular Flower.

This pose captures the beauty of a lotus flower. Lotus position or Padmasana is a cross-legged sitting meditation pose from ancient India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. It is an ancient asana in yoga, predating hatha yoga, and is widely used for meditation in Hindu, Tantra, Jain, and Buddhist traditions. Gautama Buddha, and Lord Shiva, are typically shown in this pose!
Over Time, Numerous New Postures Have Been Introduced To The Original Compendium Of Asanas That Yoga Started With To Accommodate Modern Day Fitness Goals. How Many Traditional Asanas Were Enlisted In The Initial Texts?

Are you aware there are potentially 8.4 million yoga asanas? There is one for each species in the universe! Only 84 of them are relevant to mortals, so we do not need to know all of them. While all 84 names have been preserved in ancient manuscripts, not all have been described.
Chakras: What Are They?

In Buddhist belief, chakras are the meeting points of subtle (non-physical) energy channels, and don't form part of the physical body.
What Scholarly Literature Can Be Considered To Be The "Bible" Of Yoga?

The Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali is a compilation of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the teaching and practice of yoga - 195 sutras and 196 sutras. The Yoga Sutra was compiled somewhere between 500 BCE and 400 CE by the sage Patanjali in India who collected and organized knowledge about yoga from much older traditions.
In The Eyes Of Yogis, What Is The Most Important Organ For Health?

The breathing process is the most important function of the body according to yogis! Buddhists hold the view that life is limited by the number of breath’s we take, so make them long and deep!
When Did The Philosophy Of Yoga Begin?

In India, the philosophy of Yoga is believed to have originated about 5000 years ago! Between 200 BCE and 500 CE, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism began to emerge and a coherent philosophical system of yoga emerged. However, it has only recently acquired widespread popularity in the United States.
What Is The Best Way To Describe Yoga?

Yoga is fundamentally a spiritual discipline founded on an extremely subtle science which aims to bring harmony to the mind and body. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is both an art and a science. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', which means 'to join', 'to yoke' or 'to unite'.
In What Country Did Yoga Originate?

It is widely held that yoga originated in India! Excavation sites revealed figures engraved into the walls resembling yoga poses and meditational postures! There are also depictions of gods practicing yoga, such as Lord Shiva.
In The Yoga Sutra, What Is The Word For Meditation?

Constant contemplation is the essence of dhyana or meditation. It is an essential sutra or “limb” because mediation is crucial to center the mind while in practice. Practicing yoga involves not only physical exercise, but also being mindful.
The Word “Yoga” Comes For Sanskrit. What Is The Actual Meaning Of This Word?

In yoga, the term union refers to the union between the body and the mind, as well as the union between the individual and the universal. Yoga seeks to promote harmony in the body, mind, and environment. Yogic philosophy emphasizes the concept of holistic development of body, mind, and spirit.
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