Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers

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Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers

Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers
Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers

Easter refers to Easter Sunday, which is the day the resurrection of Jesus is commemorated. Good Friday commemorates the day that Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross.

Easter is heralded in after 40 days of fasting, and Good Friday and Easter Sunday are characterized by church services full of meaning and importance.

Take our Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers and challenge your knowledge about Good Friday And Easter Sunday.


One Of The Below Statements Is True Of Judas Is correct. Which One Is That?

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Judas had been the treasurer for Jesus and the other apostles. Then when Judas, saw that Jesus was condemned, he had a mind change and surrendered the 30 pieces of silver to the elders and the chief priests, stating, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They responded, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” And casting down the pieces of silver into the temple, he left, and he went and hung himself.

Which Flower Is Associated with Easter?

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Lily of the Valley and Easter Lily is connected with Easter. White flowers like the Easter lily oftentimes signify purity and innocence. For Christians, this purity and innocence is associated with Christ. Lilies likewise have religious significance from being discussed in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments.

What Does Good Friday Symbolize?

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Good Friday symbolizes good over evil. It is the day when Christians honor Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. According to the Baltimore Catechism - the standard U.S. Catholic school text from 1885 to the 1960s, Good Friday is good because Christ “bestowed His great love for man, and obtained for him every blessing.

Which Disciple Betrayed Jesus, That Ultimately Lead Him To Be Crucified?

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Jesus’s most trusted disciples, Judas disgraced himself to become the poster child for treachery and cowardice. From the time he plants a kiss on Jesus of Nazareth in the Garden of Gethsemane called him “Rabbi.” Judas Iscariot sealed his fate: to be remembered as history’s most famous traitor.

The Day Before Good Friday Is Known As...

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Maundy Thursday, likewise recognized as Holy Thursday, is a Christian ritual in the United States. It is the day prior to Good Friday and takes place during Holy Week. It celebrates Jesus Christ’s last supper and the beginning of Holy Communion (the Eucharist), commemorated in many Christian churches.

What Colors Are Associated With Easter?

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The color most ordinarily affiliated with the Easter season is purple and yellow. It is the color often seen in church sanctuaries throughout the world in this season.

In Dante’s ‘Inferno’ To Which Realm Of Hell Did He Doomed Judas To?

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‘Inferno’ is the 1st part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri’s 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. While painters liked Giotto and Caravaggio, immortalized the traitorous “Judas kiss” in their iconic works, “Inferno” by Dante’s doomed Judas to the lowest circle in Hell. In the poem ‘Inferno’, Hell is portrayed as nine concentric circles of torment located within the Earth

According To The Bible What Happened Right When Jesus Died?

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The Bible states that there was an earthquake that happened right when Jesus died. The synoptic report various miraculous events during the crucifixion. Mark states of a period of darkness in the daytime during Jesus’ crucifixion, and the Temple veil being torn in two when Jesus dies. Luke follows Mark; as does Matthew, additionally mentioning an earthquake and the resurrection of dead saints.

The Easter Bunny, Was Not A Rabbit Originally, But a…

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The concept of an egg-giving hare traveled to the U.S. in the 18th century. Protestant German emigrants in the Pennsylvania Dutch area told their children regarding the "Osterhase" (sometimes spelled "Oschter Haws"). Hase means "hare", not rabbit, and in Northwest European folklore the "Easter Bunny" admittedly is a hare.

Which Is the Most Popular American Easter Candy?

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Two new types of research have shown the most popular Easter candies across the country. According to a RetailMeNot customer survey, 26 percent of Americans ranked Reese's Mini Peanut Butter Eggs as their favorite Easter candy, closely followed by Jelly Beans. The rest of the top two in order are Hershey's Eggs and Peeps.

Which Country Has the Culture of Eating Hot Cross Buns at Easter?

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Great Britain has the culture of eating hot cross buns at Easter. Hot Cross Buns are inseparably linked to Easter and Christianity. Hot Cross Buns were baked for the spring celebration to commemorate this Goddess. The 4 quarters of the cross on top of every bun were said to signify the moon phases, while the cross itself signified rebirth after winter.

What Was The Sole Objective Of The Easter Act Passed In 1928 By Parliament In The United Kingdom?

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The objective of the Act is to enable the Home Secretary and the Home Office, to establish a separate date for Easter for secular British (and British Islands) state purposes, and to determine when such a date would fall, rather than following the ascertained (British) Christian date for Easter as a Christian (at least in Western Christendom)

Where Is the Largest Egg Museum Located?

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Poland Museum, has more than 1500. Over 1,500 Easter eggs worldwide are situated in the Easter Egg Museum in Ciechanowiec, Poland. It's the first museum of its type in the whole country and the exclusive one that has a huge collection of eggs from all over the world.

Easter Is Named After...

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The celebration of this festival as "Easter" seems to date back to the name of a pre-Christian goddess in England, Eostre, who was always celebrated at the commencement of spring. The only evidence to this Goddess appears from Venerable Bede's writings, a British monk who existed in the late 7th and early 8th century.

How Many Times Do Church Bells Toll Worldwide During Good Friday?

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Church bells toll 33 times across the world ring on this special day. The 33 bells toll in remembrance of Christ’s years on Earth and honor his death. The first Good Friday was on April 3.

On Which Date Was the First-Ever Good Friday Observed?

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The Good Friday was first ever observed on Friday, April 3rd, 30 A.D., and this date is one of the earliest Christian holidays, with some references stating that it has been observed since 100 CE. It was connected with fasting through the early years of its practice and was associated with the crucifixion approximately the fourth century C.E.

Which Animal Replaces A Rabbit In Australia During Easter?

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The story helped catalyze the public's interest in protecting the bilby. In 1991, Nicholas Newland from the 'Foundation for Rabbit-Free Australia' also revealed the Easter Bilby idea to boost awareness about the environmental devastation that feral rabbits cause and substitute the Easter bunny with authentic native wildlife.

In Which Country Did the Idea of The Easter Bunny Originate in the 1700s?

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According to sources, the Easter bunny first landed in America in the 1700s with German emigrants who settled in Pennsylvania and brought their tradition of an egg-laying hare named "Osterhase" or "Oschter Haws." Their children built nests in which this creature could lay its colored eggs.

The Gospel Of Judas Is One Of Several Ancient Texts Discovered In Recent Decades. The Author Of The Gospel Of Judas Said Something Different. Which Of The Below Line Is An Incorrect Statement?

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In 2006, the National Geographic Society revealed the discovery and translation of a long-lost text referred to as the “Gospel of Judas,”. It is thought to have been originally scripted around A.D. 150. in this book instead of denouncing Judas as Jesus’s betrayer, the author of Judas’s Gospel glorified him as he’s most favored disciple. In this account of events, Jesus had asked Judas to betray him to the officials so that he could be released from his physical form and achieve his destiny of saving humanity.

Why Is Good Friday Also Mentioned As “Black Friday”?

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Good Friday falls on a Friday two weeks before Easter. Since this Friday signifies the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, it is also recognized as Black Friday, Holy Friday, or Great Friday.

Good Friday And Easter Quiz With Answers
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How to Wish People on Good Friday and Easter Sunday

You got to be careful here. While one is a solemn affair the other is a celebration.

Is it OK to Wish Happy Easter on Good Friday?

Yes you can. Since Easter is a celebration so the word “happy” is appropriate. Easter is the celebration is of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

Is it OK to wish Happy Good Friday?

No. You don’t wish Happy Good Friday. You can wish…Blessed Good Friday, God bless, or anything similar. As long as you remember it’s the most solemn day of the year for Christians, you’ll do fine. In fact, you needn’t send a Good Friday’ greeting’.

So why is Good Friday called “good”?

As per the dictionary, the earliest known use of “guode friday” is seen in The South English Legendary, a text from approximately 1290. 

According to the Baltimore Catechism – the standard US Catholic school text from 1885 to the 1960s, Good Friday is good because Christ “showed His great love for man, and purchased for him every blessing”.

“Happy Easter,” 

“Happy, hoppy Easter to you!” 

“Hoping your Easter is brilliant and festive this year.” 

“Wishing you good times, sunshine, and a very happy Easter!”

Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers
Good Friday And Easter Sunday Quiz With Answers

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