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Best World Environment Day Literacy Quiz
With the constant rise in global environmental issues like global warming, deforestation, climatic changes, and ever-increasing pollution, there is a dire need to save Mother Earth so that it can support the survival of various life forms present on the planet. We must educate people about the various ways and means by which they can preserve, protect, and preserve the environment in order to accomplish this noble cause.
World Environment Day quiz is one of the efforts, to test your knowledge and at the same time learn about the unknown facts, in a fun way. Be a part of an interesting quiz, fun and joyful way to learn new things, and share the awareness to conserve natural resources and the environment. Happy quizzing!

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 600 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?
Of The Plants Grown For Human Consumption, Approximately What Percentage Is Pollinated By Animals?

In order for plants to reproduce, they require pollination. Eighty-seven of the world's top 115 food crops are pollinated by animals. Among them are berries, nuts, avocados, coffee, and chocolate. Plants are pollinated by birds, insects, and even small rodents, but some very large animals also do so. World's biggest pollinator is the black and white ruffed lemur, which can weigh up to 4kg.
Out Of The Following Listed Options, Which Statement Is Not True?

The statement which is not true is that Environment education advocates a particular viewpoint and supports it. It is open to every kind of solutions that solves an environmental problem. Environmental education is fact-based and does not go by popular belief.
In Many Areas, What Percentage Of Coral Cover Has Died In The Past 30 Years?

A coral reef supports 25 per cent of marine life and provides food to more than a half a billion people. Coral reef-derived drugs are used around the world to treat diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and bacterial infections. Reefs, however, are suffering from pollution, marine debris, ocean warming, and acidification caused by the absorption of large volumes of carbon dioxide generated by fossil fuel burning. By 2050, 90 percent of corals are expected to die, compared with 50 percent in the last 30 years.
What Percentage Of All The Species On Earth Have We Identified?

We have identified fewer than one in ten of the 8 million species on the planet. Every species contributes in ways we may not be aware of to the ecosystem where it exists. However, 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, many within decades, more than ever before in human history. In fact, a number of scientists have predicted we are entering a sixth mass extinction.
Which Country Will Host World Environment Day In 2021?

Different countries host World Environment Day each year. In 2021, Pakistan is the official host of this event. Since this year marks the beginning of the United Nations decade focussing on Ecosystem Restoration," Re-imagine. Recreate. Restore" is the theme of World Environment Day this year.
The First Book That Ever Underlined The Environmental Issues And Urged Society To Take A Step Forward And Take Serious Actions To Curtail Further Damage. Which Was That Book?

Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring is a book on environmental science. It was a phenomenal book that brought to light and made people realize the poisonous effects of DDT powder. It was the first widely used pesticide that had extensive harmful effects on plant and human life.
Which Of The Following Statements Is Not True?

The number of species of bats actually exceeds 1,100. The vampire bat is only one of three species, and unlike popular belief, it rarely bites humans. Bats are very useful to humans. In many tropical areas, their droppings act as a fertilizer due to their high phosphorous and nitrogen content. A bat's digestive tract spreads millions of seeds every year; and this is one of the main causes of tropical rainforest reforestation.
What Are Diatoms?

Oceans, waterways, and soils are home to diatoms, which are tiny microscopic algae. The ornate walls of their cells are made of silica - the same material used to make glass. As a result, diatoms are sometimes said to "live in glass houses." Diatoms produce between 20 and 40 percent of the oxygen we breathe through photosynthesis.
Which Is The Event Related To World Environment Day, Which Is Celebrated The World Over To Remind And Inspire People To Minimize Energy Consumption At Their Workplace?

The correct answer is Eco-Action Day. Every year this event is held from April to June, to commemorate the Environment Programme of the United Nations, which aims to raise global awareness and make people responsible towards the environment.
Can You Guess What Was The Theme Of World Environment Day In 2020?

The theme of World Environment Day in 2020 was celebrating biodiversity. According to the United Nations, emphasis was laid on the need to broaden the framework for an enlightened opinion and accountable behaviour by people and communities to enhance and preserve the environment. They need to understand the interdependence of humans and the webs of life.
In Which Year The World Environment Day Was Celebrated For The First Time In The World?

World Environment Day was celebrated first time in the year 1974, with the theme-"Only One Earth". On the very first day of the Stockholm conference on Human Environment, held on June 5-6 in the year 1972, UN General Assembly established World Environment Day. It was then celebrated in 1974.
Numerous Species Are Protected By The Convention On The International Trade In Endangered Species. Out Of Those Protected Species, What Percentage Is That Of Plants?

Out of the species that are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, 84 per cent is that of plants. The total numbers of species that are taken care of are 35,800, out of which 30,000 are plants.
How Much Of The Planet's Land Is Covered By Forests?

Forests occupy less than a third of this planet's area, yet they are home to more than 80% of the world's terrestrial species; provide a livelihood to more than a quarter of the world's population; function as a source of medicine; and absorb carbon dioxide. Deforestation rates worldwide are alarming, with 7 million hectares of forest destroyed per year - an area roughly equivalent to Portugal's size.
Global Wildlife Trafficking Is A Lucrative Criminal Activity. What Is Currently The Most Trafficked Mammal In The World?

Pangolins, which range in size from 30 to 100 centimetres, are small nocturnal mammals found in tropical areas of Africa and Asia. They lack teeth and cannot move very quickly, but pangolins have a very special defence mechanism, including overlapping, sharp scales. Pangolins roll themselves into a ball when predators approach, and their scales serve as armor.
What Is The Purpose Of Celebrating World Environment Day?

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June. Observing World Environment Day promotes global awareness about preserving and protecting the environment. The ecosystems of our planet have been exploited and destroyed for far too long. Additionally, the COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the catastrophic consequences of ecosystem loss. The shrinkage of natural habitats has helped spread pathogens, including Coronaviruses.
The First Earth Day Was Observanced In 1970. The Same Year The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Was Also Created. From The Following Acts Mentioned Which Were Not Passed In The Same Year?

The clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and The Endangered Species Act were a series of landmark environmental victories and were all passed in the year 1970. Marine Mammal Protection Act was the only one that was not passed in 1970. Though, it got cleared after two years.
In Which Country And When Was The Environment Day Anthem Launched?

The Environment Day Anthem was launched in India in 2013. The Earth Anthem was written by Indian Diplomat, Abhay K, who was also a poet. It was a poem song that was launched in 2013, on the occasion of World Environment Day.
What Is The Theme Of World Environment Day In 2021?

The theme of World Environment Day is "Re-imagine. Recreate. Restore", which aims at Ecosystem Restoration. This year marks the beginning of a decade on Ecosystem Restoration by the United Nations. It aims at the global push to restore our ecosystem so that it can support the survival of all forms of life.
An Interesting And Novel Strategy Was Coined By The United Nations To Bring Awareness And Popularise The Environmental Concerns, In 2008. What Was The Strategy?

The strategy was the introduction of online games based on environmental themes, highlighting the core issues. The United Nations aimed to involve people of all age groups in this noble cause, including children.
Out Of The Options Listed Below, Which Colours Are Commonly Used To Prepare The Templates And Environmental Logos?

Blue and green are the predominant colours used to make templates and environmental logos, as they signify life and are related to nature.
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