The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks

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The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks

The aquatic ecosystem hosts 80 percent of the biodiversity, which makes it the largest ecosystem on Earth. The earliest vertebrates evolved in the form of fish, which also accounts for 20 percent of the animal protein in the diet of human beings. Not only this, the algae and kelp that grow in water form the basis for many underwater ecosystems.

Sea creatures have continued to amaze and surprise us from time immemorial. Few facts are known and many are still unknown. The quiz that follows is designed to test your knowledge and also acquaint you with the lesser-known facts.  Pitch yourself and enjoy!

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 800 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?


Amongst The Numerous Species of Fishes, Many Fishes Are Capable of Generating Light. What Is the Name of The Phenomenon That Enables These Fishes to Generate This Lighting Effect, Used by Them for A Variety of Purposes?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Bioluminescence is the phenomenon that enables these fishes to generate light. It is a natural phenomenon, which occurs in many marine organisms. Due to a chemical reaction, chemical energy is converted into light energy and the organism produces and emits light. It helps them in escaping predators and also hunting.

A Walrus Uses a Specific Body Part to Locate Its Prey. Which Is This Body Part?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Walrus use their whiskers to locate their prey. The whiskers are highly sensitive as they are attached to the muscles and nerves with blood supply. They hunt with their nose to squirt out the water through the nostrils and stir up the burrowing prey.

There Is an Invertebrate That Is Known to Have a Stomach That Is Capable of Exiting Out of The Body While Feeding and Then Re-Enters the Body Once the Feeding Is Over. Quite Interesting! Isn’t It? Can You Guess the Name of This Interesting Invertebrate?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Starfish has a unique and surprising ability. They have a stomach that can exit their body when it is feeding on their prey.

There Is a Fish That Is Found Primarily Near the Galapagos Islands. It Has Two Pseudo-Legs Which It Uses to Walk on The Ocean Floor to Search for Food. Which Is This Strange Fish?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Red-lipped batfish has two fins that it uses as legs, which can be called pseudo-legs, which it uses to walk on the ocean floor and around the reef to find food. It is mostly found around the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Red-lipped Batfish is harmless for human beings.

A Swimming Sea Slug Has a Translucent Skin Luminous Glow and Wings That Are Its Feet. Can You Name the Sea Slug?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Sea Angels are a group of swimming sea slugs. They have gelatinous, translucent skin with a luminous glow. They look so beautiful that they look unearthly at times. Sea Angels are mostly found in the Polar Regions like North Atlantic and Arctic Seas. Sometimes they can also be found in the Equatorial seas. Their life span is 1-2 years. They feed on sea butterflies.

Can You Guess the Average Lifespan of a West Indian Manatee?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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West Indian Manatee is one of the four species of aquatic mammal, which has a huge seal-shaped body with wrinkled skin. The average life span of West Indian Manatee is 30 years. It is also called ‘sea cow’. Although they are large, they remain underwater most of the times, except when they want to breathe.

This Small Creature Has a Pale-Yellow Translucent Body and It Is Primarily Found Around the Islands of Hawaii. Can You Name This Tiny Ocean Creature?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The Golden Lace Nudibranch is a tiny ocean creature, which has a pale yellow translucent body with yellow-orange lines webbing across its entire body. It is primarily found around the islands of Hawaii. It grows up to 2 inches in length. They are carnivorous and feed on soft organisms and sponges.

This Fish Is Most Commonly Considered the Most Poisonous One in The Ocean, Due to Its Spines. Which Is the Fish We Are Referring to?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The most poisonous fish in the ocean is the Stonefish. It resembles a rock. Very often, it is stepped upon, causing immense pain, which sometimes leads to death, in case of non-availability of anti-venom.

Which Is the Only Species of Penguin Which Is Adapted to The Hot Climate?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Galapagos penguins are the only species of penguins that are accommodated in the hot climate. They are the only ones that stay near the Equator. These penguins are the only species that have special adaptations to survive in the hot climate.

Which Is the Largest Species of Dolphin in The World?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The Orca also called the Killer Whale is the largest dolphin species in the world. It inhabits the vast waterways of South America and Asia. It has a black body with a prominent white underside. They are known to be the world's most powerful predators. Orca is a social animal and tends to live in groups.

Only One Of the Below Statements Given Is True About the Octopuses. Which Is the Correct Option?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Octopus has three hearts and blue blood. The presence of haemocyanin in the blood, in place of haemoglobin, helps them to transport oxygen effectively, to environments that vary widely in oxygen levels and temperatures.

Can You Guess the Name of The Ocean Worm Which Comes in Various Bright Colours and Also Has Two Crowns Protruding from Its Tube-Shaped Body?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The worm which has two brightly coloured crowns that protrude from its tube-shaped body is the Christmas tree worm. The use of these crowns like structure is it to attract and catch phytoplankton for its food. They look quite similar to the Christmas tree.

It Might Sound Obvious, But It Is Not. Can You Guess What Is the Shark’s Skeleton Made Up of?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The skeleton of the Shark is made up of cartilage rather than bones. It makes their body lighter which allows them to swing to and fro in the ocean with much ease. It helps them remain afloat easily and for a longer time.

Electric Eels Are Known to Shock Their Prey with A Surprising Amount of Electrical Power. Can You Guess How Much Power Can These Eels Generate?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Electric eels can shock their prey with the electric current of 500 Watts or can pass up to 1 amp flow from their body to the prey. They can generate and pass 500 Watts of electric current in around 2 milliseconds.

There Is a Type of Crab, Which Weighs Around 40 Pounds (16-20 Kg). It Has an Average Leg Span Of 13 Feet, Which Is Equal to 4 Metres and Can Live Up to 100 Years. Which Species of Crab Is Being Referred to?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The Japanese Spider Crab is the largest crab catch for a fisherman. The average leg span of this largest species of crab is approximately 4 metres. It is beleived that it might have the longest life span in crab species. They might have long legs, but their legs are weak. Most of the surveyed crabs were without at least one limb.

Sharks Are Often Found Accompanied by The Pilot Fishes, Which Survive by Eating the Scrap Left or Missed by The Sharks. The Shark Is Unaffected by The Surrounding Pilot Fishes. What Is the Term That Defines the Relationship Between the Shark and The Pilot Fishes?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The term, that defines the relationship of the Sharks and the Pilotfish is called Commensalism. It means, a relationship where one member benefits from the other member, without affecting the well being of the other member. Sharks have shown remarkable restraint by not only tolerating but also welcoming pilot fish into their inner circle without feeding on them. In exchange for their protection, pilot fish protect sharks from harmful parasites and clean up food remnants.

There Is Something Very Unique About the Seahorses. What Characteristic Makes Them Unique and Different?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The fact that makes the seahorses unique is the male giving birth to the young ones. The female transfers her eggs to the male abdominal pouch. The male then releases the sperm to fertilise these eggs as they enter its body. it incubates it for 24 days, before giving birth to the young ones.

Which Is the Fastest Fish in The Ocean?

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Black Marlin is the fastest fish in the ocean. It is primarily found along the Australian coast and Tropical Indo-Pacific region. It is believed that the maximum speed this fish can swim is up to 129 km/hour. Very close to the Black Marlin comes the Sailfish, in terms of its swimming speed.

What Is The Name Given To The Region Where Photosynthesis Can Occur, In An Aquatic Ecosystem?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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The photic zone is the region in an aquatic ecosystem where photosynthesis can take place. Photic refers to light (sunlight), which is quintessential for the occurrence of photosynthesis.

A Benthocodon Is a Type Of, Which of These Animals Listed Below?

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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Benthocodon is a species of Jellyfish, which found in the habitats of deep water. It is mostly found in Canada, the Bahamas, the USA and the Virgin Islands. Benthocodon has numerous red tentacles and is believed to be a strong swimmer.

The Ultimate Sea Creature Quiz With RNTalks
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