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Babita Hundal: Iconic Nation Builders of 2021 Award
Good Morning, Babita Hundal Ji. It’s Great To Be Chatting With You Here. Could You Start By Telling Us A Bit About Yourself? 🙂
Hi, I am Babita I am from Mohali Punjab. I am an artist ( Painter) I have had exhibitions national & international my first solo exhibition was in 1987. Normally I never explain myself, I like people to know me as they want to know me with their own experiences.
I have done my textile designing, fashion designing, commercial art & Art masters from South Delhi Polytechnic.
I am an explorer, I like to visit new places. Trekking is my interest, shopping is my passion.
What Are Your Hobbies That Destress You And What Do You Like To Do When You’re Not On Job?
My hobbies are of course painting, where I play with colors & create an image on the canvas. I like cooking, here I experiment with my own recipes. To de-stress me I go solo shopping.
Was There A Time You Messed Up And Felt Like You’d Failed? How Did You Bounce Back?
I picked up a teaching job in 2008. That was my first teaching job. My family had given me three months, either I will leave or I will be thrown out of the job.
I completed nine years at work & then left the job. Life has been unfair to me, but I never left my focus, I always bounced back strongly.
What Are Your Views In Risk-Taking? Have You Taken Risks In Life? How Did You Learn To Embrace Risk-Taking?
Life is a risk itself. I have faced a lot of personal challenges in life. I don’t let anyone take advantage of my patience. As I mentioned earlier I don’t leave my focus & challenges.
Tell Me About A Recent Business/ Professional Setback, If Any. How Did You Recover?
Since 2017 I am into exhibitions. I don’t have a job where I can get monthly income. Painting is my passion & profession. I am heading my society, where actually I am doing social work.
Think Back To Five Years Ago. Did You Envision Your Career As It Is Today? What Are The Changes That You Can See?
When I left my teaching job in 2017. I had not thought about what will I be doing. My journey of exhibitions started in 2017 and it continues till now. I take life as it comes to me.
Now with my experience in exhibitions, people have started to know me and I have made a place for myself in the World of Art.
Was There Ever A Role You Applied For And Landed, But Weren’t 100% Qualified To Do? How Did You Proceed From There?
Yes, my teaching job. Without any teaching work experience, I got this job. In this, my work spoke for me. I feel lucky that I was in a teaching job for nine years.
What Do You Wish You Had Known Before Taking Your First Responsible Role?
I am a good learner. I learn from my own experience in life.
Which Leadership Skills Were The Most Difficult To Develop?
Life teaches you a lot. It teaches you to come out of the deepest obstacles too. One needs to be positive here.
Somewhere At Some Point In Our Lives, Everyone Encounters A Difficult Boss. Can You Tell Me About A Time When You Had A Difficult Boss? How Did You Handle The Situation?
At my teaching job, after nine years at work when I was told that I don’t know my job at all. I decided to resign and I resigned. I could not work as a slave where your work is not appreciated.
Here I was spreading knowledge of my work as an art teacher. There was nobody to stop me and here I am one of the known artists from Punjab.
What’s The Most Important Leadership Lesson You’ve Learned And How Has It Proven Invaluable And Helped You Grow?
I am a master of my own thoughts. I work with my own conditions at my own ease.
How Did You Develop The Skill Of Speaking So Engagingly In Front Of Groups?
I am not a good speaker haha, I only speak when I am told to speak or provoked to speak. When I speak I speak my heart out.
Are You Considering A Career Transition? What Are Some Other Areas That Might Be A Good Fit For You?
I am happy in my Art field. I am leading my society too. If anything interesting comes my way, will think about it.
One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of self-awareness, meaning the ability to see yourself as others view you. How do you think others perceive you?
I see myself as strong, self-esteemed, and a person with deep values.
Is There A Skill You’re Currently Working To Enhance, Such As Project Management, Long-Term Strategic Planning, Delegating, Or Public Speaking?
I am planning for more exhibitions with more work.
As A Mentor What Do You Think Are The 3 Main Areas For Improvement In Today’s Education System?
Everyone has their own way to teach. My teaching was all practical with visualization.
From Your Point Of View, What Should Be The Role Of Technology In The Process Of Education?
The technology has gone real vast mostly it’s computerized. We need more reading skills and writing skills which need to be very strong.
What Do You Think Should Be The Main Goal Of A School Principal/Education?
Firstly the discipline should be strongly maintained. Whether it’s students or teachers. A principal should not be biased towards their favourite ones.
If You Should Characterize A Great School Principal/Mentor With Three Words, Which Words Would You Choose?
Strong, bold with self-respect
Do You Think That The School Principal Should Teach? If They Should, Why?
Yes, the school principal should teach, to understand the students well.
What Is Your Opinion About The New Education Policies And Ever Changing Scenario During Covid Time?
Covid has taken everyone by surprise. Online studies are not meant for India, as a lot of people don’t have smartphones/ laptops.
Share Your Top 3 Innovative Ideas That You Have Implemented In Your Teaching In The Past 2 Years During The Pandemic To Improve The Wellness Quotient Of Your Students.
Everything was being online. Online exhibitions gave a different experience.
Give One Example Of Your Teaching Experience Where Your Teaching And Interaction With Students Has Changed The Direction Of At Least One Life For The Better.
During my teaching days, I grew up with my students. Both minds need to match to create a masterpiece.
Do You Have Any Role Models In Your Life?
I have my dad as my role model and as my mentor. I am sure he must be very proud of me up there.

Babita Ji, please accept our heartiest congratulations on receiving the Iconic Nation Builders of 2021 Award at RNTalks Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Awards under the category of Excellence In School/Entrepreneurs. How do you feel about it?
I feel honoured to be associated with this organisation. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Awards it’s a wow factor for me. Really feel honored.
On Behalf Of RNTalks, I Wish You All The Best For Your Future In Mentoring And Exhibitions. Any Special Message Or Any Suggestions You Would Like To Share With Your Visitors/Fans Which You Think Would Help Them Evolve As An Individual?
We have our own personalities with individual thinking. We should keep it that way and not compare ourselves with others.
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