Sanniyah Ahmed: Excellence In Grooming & Life Coaching - Harbinger Of Hope & Healing 2021

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Sanniyah Ahmed: Excellence In Grooming & Life Coaching – Harbinger Of Hope & Healing 2021

RNTalks: Good morning, Sanniyah Ahmed. It’s great to be chatting with you here. Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Sanniyah Ahmed: Good Morning. Sure I would love it. I’m Sanniyah Ahmed NLP Lifecoach cum food n nutrition specialist. Born and brought up in Delhi, I did my Masters in Commerce (M.Com), and worked with Birlas as a PRO 20 years ago.

I was associated in social work with NGO for blinds Uddiyan. I am also a former NCC cadet and martial art ( karate) Sr belt holder.

I have additionally worked with British curriculum school IGCSE as a homeroom teacher for level A(12) and subject teacher for level O (10) for accounts business studies and economics, and have taught Maths to level 4, and 5.

After seeing life so closely I choose NLP subconscious Reimprinting Lifecoach and now I am making people understand and deal with life beautifully, happily with high goals in life successfully. 

RNTalks: What are your hobbies that destress you and what do you like to do when you’re not on job?

Sanniyah Ahmed: I love cooking, swimming, singing, reading, and gardening. When I’m not on job I love to play with kids outdoors.

RNTalks: Was there a time you messed up and felt like you’d failed? How did you bounce back?

Sanniyah Ahmed: I have seen peeks and depths of life. Being lady the effects of not having child n fighting with PCOD, thyroid n diabetic. Conceiving and losing kids. The change of environment made me sick n obsessesive.

I faced depression, suppression and lonliness. Ladies in our society who provoke gents too to use their words sharper than knives.

But I’m an army man’s daughter who taught me never to accept defeat and bounce back life with full force. I didn’t say die n earned my life back n blessed for same.

RNTalks: What are your views on risk-taking? Have you taken risks in life? How did you learn to embrace risk-taking?

Sanniyah Ahmed: As a fighter in life, I always took risks n had the attitude to tame it. I always had a strong attitude towards risks that if someone says you can’t listen to them take in positively and move on two steps ahead of them.

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    RNTalks: Tell me about a recent business/ professional setback, if any. How did you recover?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: Due to COVID, my home business of car care suffered a lot and still, we are in recovery mode.

    RNTalks: Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today? What are the changes that you can see?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: 10 years back I stood boldly in front of all odds of life n turned them around with new mindsets.

    RNTalks: Was there ever a role you applied for and landed, but weren’t 100% qualified to do? How did you proceed from there?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: While I was on to new carrier someone approached me to save one lady from suicide. She had already attempted once and aimed to do again to finish off her life.

    Although I was far  away from her and still studying I took this challenge and thankfully saved her life n gave her a new opportunity to live for herself and her 2 daughters.

    RNTalks: Which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: Convincing people to live and let go past for the best and for the rest of their lives

    RNTalks: Somewhere at some point in our lives, everyone encounters a difficult boss. Can you tell me about a time when you had a difficult boss? How did you handle the situation?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: Not boss but face many difficult people in my married life. I faced such problems and I maintained my no fight mode which made me asufferer too . Sabar kiya bas.

    RNTalks: What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned and how has it proven invaluable and helped you grow?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: I feel one should be fair, truthful, and responsible in life .

    RNTalks: How did you develop the skill of speaking so engagingly in front of groups?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: A time came in my life when I started giving up on life my family made me recollect all my past achievements and reminded me that I am not made for the life that I was living .

    It was then that I realized that I have to restart my life again and will use the power of my words to make others winners in life too .

    RNTalks: Are you considering a career transition? What are some other areas that might be a good fit for you?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: I’m a Lifecoach and I think any counseling I can handle very well and enjoy transforming lives positively.

    RNTalks: One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of self-awareness, meaning the ability to see yourself as others view you. How do you think others perceive you?

    Sanniyah Ahmed: My power of positive thinking and changing others’ views from deeply negative to positive is my power n everyone around me loves for this .

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      RNTalks: Is there a skill you’re currently working to enhance, such as project management, long-term strategic planning, delegating, or public speaking?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: Yes as I believe life is an endless journey of learning , I learn whenever I get a chance to… from whatever comes my way.

      RNTalks: As a mentor what do you think are the 3 main areas for improvement in today’s education system?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: According to me practical studies, soft skills learning and tough and strong attitude towards the difficulties. 

      RNTalks: From your point of view, what should be the role of technology in the process of education?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: All types of technology and technologies should be a must subject in today’s education system to equip our children for the future.

      RNTalks: What do you think should be the main goal of a school principal/education?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: I believe that the main goal of a school principal/education is to make the students worthy and winners in life, carrier, family and most importantly being an honest human being who can contribute to building a stronger nation.

      Sanniyah Ahmed: Excellence In Grooming & Life Coaching - Harbinger Of Hope & Healing 2021
      Sanniyah Ahmed: Excellence In Grooming & Life Coaching – Harbinger Of Hope & Healing 2021

      RNTalks: If you should characterize a great school principal/mentor with three words, which words would you choose?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: I think honesty, strong worrier and transformer are the 3 words that aptly describes a good school principal.

      RNTalks: Do you think that the school principal should teach? If they should, why? *

      Sanniyah Ahmed: Yes as a strong backbone of school a principal should teach n communicate with students to build up strong relationships n trust with them

      RNTalks: From your point of view, what should be the relationship between a mentor/principal and the students?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: This is a very delicate relationship. It should be open, respectful, and trustworthy.

      RNTalks: As a principal, how would you go about building a relationship of trust and collaboration with staff, parents, and students?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: A principal is the head of any institution and the power bank of staff n students . I’t’s important that everything between them should be fair n clean with trust support .

      RNTalks: What experiences have you had in working with RTE/low income and “at-risk” students? What strategies do you use when working with them to give them an even platform of growth like other privileged students?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: I did many counseling for free too but can not leave knowingly that that are in need and I can help them.

      RNTalks: Do you have any role models in your life? Pl elaborate

      Sanniyah Ahmed: My parents, family and mentor in NLP learning .

      RNTalks: Please accept our heartiest congratulations on receiving the RSRA: Harbinger of Hope & Healing 2021 Award at RNTalks Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Awards under the category of Excellence In Grooming & Life Coaching – How do you feel about it?

      Sanniyah Ahmed:

      RNTalks: Any special message or any suggestions you would like to share with your visitors/fans which you think would help them evolve as an individual?

      Sanniyah Ahmed: Life is one and it’s priceless. There is a salutation for all odds in life

      RNTalks: WOW, that’s awesome! Sanniyah Ji, on behalf of RNTalks, I wish you all the best for your future in mentoring.

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