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Meet Prachi Agarwal in Real Life Inspirational Stories of Success

Being prosperous and successful is the ambition of all of us residing over this beautiful planet. It does not matter whether the concerned individual is a child, youth, middle-aged or old. At every stage of our life, it is our inner desire to be successful and move forward consistently towards more massive achievement.
The tendency of competing with each other can commonly be observed in many places, including work fields, schools, coaching, colleges, including organizations, offices, etc.
As a contrast to our efforts towards the work we do to get success, we often expect much more and want success to knock our doors very soon.
Through interviews with successful people, we communicate to you real-life inspirational stories of success.
Go ahead, read it and get your dose of inspiration.
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Good morning Kshitij Parinde, Prachi Agarwal. It’s great to be chatting with you here. Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself? 🙂
I am a poet, songwriter, singer and gave many programs in Yuvavani Aakaashwani Bhopal. I was satire writer.
Aakaashwani Bhopal, satire writer…that’s absolutely awesome. Can you tell us about your blog and what inspired you to start it and write?
Sakshatpoemsbyprachi is my blog which I had made recently. The inspiration behind the blog was my husband and my children who motivated me to move ahead of my diary and write my poems on the blog.
You are an excellent wordsmith and can comfortably write in both Hindi and English languages so when did you first realize you wanted to be a poet?
I was 8 years old when my father bought a tape recorder and I recorded my songs and poems.
Prachi, each individual has his own style of working, how would you describe your own personal style?
My style is to write in a way which is easily understandable by all and is related to current scenario and situations not particularly political, most of my poems are in Hindi, and some in English.
I’m sure our audience reading this post would love to know where do you find the inspiration for your blog posts and poems and what is your motivating factor?
I can write any time whenever the urge for writing arises. My motivation factor is my inner feelings that arise about something or someone.
Following our inner feelings is great and writing about is even better. So Prachi could you share with us your work schedule when you’re writing? How long does it take you to write a poem?
It can take minutes or days for a particular topic.
Superb, what do you think makes you different from others?
नज़रिया मेरा अलग बस इसीलिए अलग हूँ, बाकी सब सभी में एक ही है
How many poems/articles have you written till now? Can you share a few links of your favorite articles or a few lines of a poem close to your heart with our readers? (if you are not a blogger then you can share your poems/quotes)
I have written around 500 poems. Some are yet unpublished, and some are in my blog mentioned above, कुछ पंक्तियाँ जो अभी ब्लॉग में नही हैं…
‘चलो बात करो ‘
मन के आवेगों को
मन ने न रहने दो
चलो बात करो
कोई क्या सोचेगा
क्या नही
रहने दो
चलो बात करो
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Beautiful composition Prachi, can you share with us what do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I like to sing and compose songs and like to hang out with my friends and family when I’m not writing.
Can you tell us about your most recent work and who inspired you?
My recent work was with ‘Kshitij…Where dreams meet reality’. It was a pan India contest “Indian iconic Poet-Season-2“. I was selected as a finalist and was inspired by my husband, children, and Ranjeeta Ashesh.
What is your motto in life? Tell us about your next project and when will it be available to the public?
My motto is to make some positive changes in society through my poems and songs which will give me immense satisfaction being human, I will be available to the public through youtube soon and whenever I get a chance to do so.
That is awesome, we sure will follow you there. According to you Prachi, what are the top 3 factors that one has to keep in mind while trying to write a successful blog post/poem/story?
I think regularity, constant reading and learning throughout your life are the most important factors while trying to write anything.
You are a Kshitij Parinda. Tell us about your association and experience with Kshitij. Also, can you elaborate on what does it mean by this phrase “Kshitij Parinda?”
All subscribed members of Kshitij are called ‘Kshitij Parinda’. As Ranjeeta Ashesh was school mate. We met in alumni meet.
From there we started talking, then I got to know that she is going to conduct IIP-2 in Lucknow too, so I got associated with the Kshitij group.
It was a wonderful experience and learning too.
How has being with Kshitij changed your life?
Before Kshitij I had stopped writing regularly, as I was busy with my daily routine.
After joining Kshitij group my charm for writing poems was revived again and I started penning down my feelings again, thanks to Kshitij
On a scale of 1-10 how will you rate RNTalks and Kshitij?
10/10 for both. They are working for the youth and are like a breath of fresh air.
WOW, that’s awesome! Prachi, on behalf of RNTalks, I wish you all the best for your future in writing. Any special message or any suggestions you would like to share with your visitors/fans which you think would help them become a better writer?
I think लिखो तो ऐसे लिखो कि लफ़्ज़ों में दिल नज़र आये वरना लफ्ज़ तो कॉपी में भी लिखे जाते हैं।
Inspirational for all womens…