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Saniya Marfani: Excellence In Academics | Exemplary Academic Leader Of 2021
RNTalks: Good morning, Saniya Ji. It’s great to be chatting with you here. Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
Saniya Marfani: My name is Saniya Marfani. I run my own classes named “Intellect Classes”. I teach the students of std 8-12 and also help the students to clear their NEET entrance exams.
I also work as a part-time IGCSE and PGT teacher at Ultimate Exam Cracker Institute, Bangalore. Also, working as a live-mentoring and doubt-solving educator @ Unacademy.
I am working as a content developer at Get Mi Class, Bangalore. Certified Brain Trainer and Practitioner @iBrainPowers.
RNTalks: Wow that’s a handful…what are your hobbies that de-stress you and what do you like to do when you’re not on job?
Saniya Marfani: Teaching and helping people destress me. When I am not in Job, I seek other opportunities for new roles and wait for the best time to come.
RNTalks: Saniya JI, was there a time you messed up and felt like you’d failed? How did you bounce back?
Saniya Marfani: There was a time, where I was zero. The year 2018 was a nightmare for me. Second Engagement didn’t turn up in marriage. I faced a genetic disorder known as Spinal Muscular Atrophy due to which I was not able to walk and climb steps. it was a very hard time for me. But, I didn’t give up.
I started my life again. Taken admission again in college for pursuing my masters in Chemistry. Started a part-time job in different coaching institutes. Managed all my expenses from this part-time job. Saved money too.
After, savings, I started my own initiative named Intellect classes in March 2020. Again faced lockdown due to pandemic. But still, didn’t give up. Started making videos and uploaded those videos to the YouTube channel.
Started teaching students online through zoom. Slowly, slowly, my efforts, hard work, gave results. Feeling very grateful and happy now.
RNTalks: Wow that was candid… not everyone has the strength to say, “I was a zero,” and then rise. But let me tell you that ZERO is a very powerful no and it’s the starting point of everything in the Universe. What are your views on risk-taking? Have you taken risks in life? How did you learn to embrace risk-taking?
Saniya Marfani: Ya, we should take risks in life. I have taken risks in multiple ways in my life. Told the truth about my disorder to everyone in the boy’s family.
Invested all my savings in the startup of my class. I learnt via my father who is a successful businessman.
RNTalks: Tell me about a recent business/ professional setback, if any. How did you recover?
Saniya Marfani: There was a professional setback in the year 2017 when I was engaged. But, after the breakup, I restarted my life as I mentioned above.
RNTalks: That is the spirit. It’s Ok to fail but it’s not ok to stay there… one should get up and rise and you have done exactly that which is what makes you so special. I want you to think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today? What are the changes that you can see?
Saniya Marfani: Ya, I had visualized it in the same way as I am doing now in my career.
RNTalks: Superb…which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop?
Saniya Marfani: To be confident enough and believing in myself.

RNTalks: Agree that is hard but when you do start believing in yourself I think nothing can stop you after that. What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned and how has it proven invaluable and helped you grow?
Saniya Marfani: The most important leadership lesson which I have learnt is to believe in yourself.
RNTalks: How did you develop the skill of speaking so engagingly in front of groups?
Saniya Marfani: By doing these things regularly.
RNTalks: Are you considering a career transition? What are some other areas that might be a good fit for you?
Saniya Marfani: I am not considering a career transition. But, I have kept a plan B for me now. Recently, I have started Amway Business.
RNTalks: Oh great even I am an ADS. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of self-awareness, meaning the ability to see yourself as others view you. How do you think others perceive you?
Saniya Marfani: Others perceive me as a strong girl who has always seen the pain in her life but has managed to come out from that pain.
RNTalks: Is there a skill you’re currently working to enhance, such as project management, long-term strategic planning, delegating, or public speaking?
Saniya Marfani: To become a good Leader by enhancing skills related to a successful entrepreneur.
RNTalks: You have been mentoring kids for a long time…as a mentor what do you think are the 3 main areas for improvement in today’s education system?
Saniya Marfani: As a mentor, I would suggest improvement in three areas of the education system. They are as follows:
- Practical-based fun learning
- Skill enhancement activities
- Some studies related to the enhancement of memory power and concentration- Sound Therapy.
RNTalks: From your point of view, what should be the role of technology in the process of education?
Saniya Marfani: The role of technology in the process of education will save time, make a child multi-tasking, creative, and give rise to new inventions.
RNTalks: Saniya Ji, what do you think should be the main goal of a school principal/education?
Saniya Marfani: The main goal of school principals/education should be to make a study plan for students which will help them understand the concepts easily through practicals and experiments done in the class. It would be fun learning for the students.
RNTalks: If you should characterize a great school principal/mentor with three words, which words would you choose?
Saniya Marfani: A good motivational speaker, Strong, and Smart
RNTalks: Do you think that the school principal should teach? If they should, why?
Saniya Marfani: Ya, they should teach because they are more experienced and full of knowledge.
RNTalks: From your point of view, what should be the relationship between a mentor/principal and the students?
Saniya Marfani: Friendly relation and strict too.
RNTalks: let’s assume that you are the principal of a school. Then as a principal, how would you go about building a relationship of trust and collaboration with staff, parents, and students?
Saniya Marfani: I would build a relationship with my students, staff, parents, by fulfilling their needs and demands.
RNTalks: Saniya Ji, what experiences have you had in working with RTE/low-income and “at-risk” students? What strategies do you use when working with them to give them an even platform of growth like other privileged students?
Saniya Marfani: I had a good experience with them. I treat them equally as other students.
RNTalks: Do you have any role models in your life?
Saniya Marfani: Ya, my father is my role model. Through him, I have learnt to become strong and overcome life challenges.
RNTalks: I just loved what you said. even I am my papa’s girl and he has been my role model. What is your opinion about the new education policies and ever-changing scenario during COVID time?
Saniya Marfani: The new education policy is a big reform in the field of education. It will make the students identify their skills in which they are the masters and work upon them to have a successful future ahead.
I am not satisfied with changing scenarios during COVID time because students are not studying seriously. No doubt there are some students who are sincere regarding studies and are suffering the most.
Online exams should not be conducted. Offline exams under COVID guidelines and physical distancing should be done by Schools.
RNTalks: True but time does not wait for anyone… guess that was the best remedial measure at that time. I hope things normalize soon and the normal study pattern is resumed. Can you share your top 3 innovative ideas that you have implemented in your teaching in the past 2 years during the Pandemic to improve the wellness quotient of your students?
Saniya Marfani: The three innovative ideas that I had implemented in my teaching are as follows:
- Practical-based learning because students learn easily by doing.
- iBrainPowers training to improve their memory power and concentration. iBrainPowers training includes neurobic, advance neurobic fitness exercise, visualisation exercise and audio-frequency.
- Some tips and tricks used in my concept-based teaching method to make them understand easily and grasp concepts in a better way.
RNTalks: Give one example of your teaching experience where your teaching and interaction with students has changed the direction of at least one life for the better.
Saniya Marfani: One of my students Sharik Aftab has taken a final decision about his career after interacting with me and discussing various fields of opportunity. Now, he is very happy and determined to achieve his life career and goals.
RNTalks: saniya Ji, please accept our heartiest congratulations on receiving the RSRA: Exemplary Academic Leader of 2021 Award at RNTalks Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Awards under the category of Excellence In Academics. How do you feel about it?
Saniya Marfani:
RNTalks: Any special message or any suggestions you would like to share with your visitors/fans which you think would help them evolve as an individual?
Saniya Marfani: Be Confident, Do smart work, Believe in yourself, Believe in your dreams, everything will materialize and will turn into reality.
RNTalks: WOW, that’s awesome! Saniya Ji, on behalf of RNTalks, I wish you all the best for your future in mentoring and many more accolades to you.
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