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20 Children Quotes-Perfect For Any Child
People from all walks of life have something to tell about children. These memorable quotes about children reveal just how extensive the spectrum is when it comes to speaking up for children.
No matter what people say, God views children as especially crucial in His kingdom. No wonder they say that ‘child is the father of man.’
The influence of words in life is such that life can be launched with as little as a single expression, an uplifting message, or an act of benevolence.
Think of the power and dynamism we wield and the impact we can create if we become more deliberate about inspiring our children.
Our words are frequently the very things that help nurture future dreams. And sometimes those dreams are to be exactly like us.
They are an excellent way to spark curiosity in someone who might not typically be associated with children but can help spread awareness.
Including these quotes regarding children in a talk or small groups, make them your Facebook status will definitely help spread sensitivity about children’s issues.
“Which is mightier
A Sword
A Word?”
Stop wondering.
Stop worrying.
Let go
Enjoy life.
Is better than
Paste your ego
On the wall &
Carry your attitude
In your pocket
Fragile and breakable
Like glass
Trust once broken
Can never be mended
An intangible force
Once it permeates your mind
Won’t let you sleep;
Steadily it’ll grow
And won’t let you be
Till you take an action
To turn it to reality.
Love yourself
Before loving others.
Help yourself
Before helping others.
Only if you are stable
Can you lend
A helping hand.
The world is sometimes
An unjust, untrue and
A desolate place to live in.
Chat with someone.
Touch each heart.
Move each soul.
One by one.
You’ll change ‘THEIR’ world.
For each drop of dew
That falls at night
A vapour rises
In the sunlight.
His big hands reached out to me
And cradled me close in bed.
His comforting hands
Stroked my hair and back,
Letting me know that everything
Will be better with him beside me.
Fathers are simply irreplaceable.
When kindness transforms
Luck flows and
Dreams come alive
No age. No race. No face.
Conquer the world with love
For all.
Learn to accept in others
What you expect them to
Accept in you
‘Sorry’ no longer carries
The weight it once did.
When excuses are repeated often,
The meaning of it diminishes.
Chances are,
They become mere words,
Hanging out of our lips,
The boy in your class
That you mocked till he cried!
The ‘funny face’ girl that
You had humiliated during ragging!
Today as you care
For the autistic child
Born of your womb
You wonder if the child
Is paying for your sins.
Has the karma called it quits?
Belittling a fool
Only proves
That you are one of them.
Be humble when you plead
Be ashamed when you beg
Be cautious when you ask for a loan
But be bold when you fight
For what you have earned.
As long as you have the will to go on
You shall dare to dream
Never compare
A child’s today
To his
Parent’s yesterday.
It’s not fair.
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