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25 Inspirational Motivational Quotes About Life And Success
Inspirational and motivational quotes have an astonishing ability to transform the way we assume about life.
This is why I perceive them to be so fascinating and compelling on our paths to victory.
So What’s Their Mystery?
You see, the process in which you conceive and perceive about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is desirable for you, determines everything that occurs to you.
When you change your thinking quality, you change the quality of your life, sometimes spontaneously and instantaneously.
Just as positive statements can make someone smile or a well-timed entertaining quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts and feelings respond to the world in real-time.
You have absolute control over only one element in the universe — and that is your thinking – and that’s where Inspirational and motivational quotes come in handy!
You can determine what you are going to conceive in any given situation.
Your thoughts, opinions, and feelings define your actions and ascertain the results you get.
It all begins with your thoughts – and I have discovered that inspirational words are a clever way to retune your thought process.
Try retaining a few uplifting quotations or positive proclamations on cards.
If you ever notice your spirit or your psyche begin to drop, read an Inspirational and motivational quote to boost and uplift your mood quickly.
Inspirational and Motivational Quotes on Life And Success
I’ve assembled a list of some of the best Inspirational and motivational quotes so you can commence the day by taking control of your thoughts, thinking positively, and establishing new goals.
If you are searching for a different way to stay inspired and motivated in life, be sure to download Inspirational and motivational quotes from our Official Facebook Page to stay motivated during tough times.
Here are few of my favourite Inspirational and motivational quotes about life:

Road to success is never smooth but the journey is definitely worth it.

Lay a brick every hour, every day, year after year; that’s how you build an empire…

“I’m human. I have weaknesses. I make mistakes, I experience sadness; and I have scars on my soul, but I learn from all these experiences and they make me a stronger person each day.

Take it one step at a time in the direction of your goals. Don’t worry about how long it takes you to get there.

Take control of your thoughts, we all have the ability to create positive changes in our lives.

Always fight for the things that are important to you.

If you want to move forward in life you have to take some risks.

Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. Count your blessings, not your sorrows.

Either accept the change or be the change yourself. Nothing much changes only your perspective changes.

“Don’t be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.”

Reasons Why People Don’t Accomplish Their Goals?
What if I fail?
I can’t do it!
I don’t deserve it.
What if things go wrong?
It will be too stressful!
I don’t want to change my habits.
Everybody is out to get me.
I am too busy today, I’ll start tomorrow.

Success is made up of two ingredients. Hard work and Persistence. Work on both and you shall reach the top.

Confidence is walking into a room without comparing yourself to anyone and being secure of being your own self.

Owning up your mistake.
Not undermining yourself.
Changing your life even when you are afraid.
Not quitting even when everything is falling apart.
Facing new challenges even when you are apprehensive.

We are:
What we do.
What we feel.
What we think.
What we expect.
What we perceive.
Feel, Think, Do,
Perceive and Expect Good.

1) Stop blaming, complaining and cribbing.
2) Don’t hang out with negative people.
3) Stop comparing yourself with others.
4) Take responsibility for your actions.
5) Focus on what you want to achieve.
6) Don’t quit in face of faliure.
7) Dream with open eyes.
8) Work hard to get it.

We rush. We dash day and night to make possible the impossible. We do it again and again. One day we stop and it all comes to a standstill….

In the midst of every loss, failure, mistake, or a desire which seems may never come to pass… Hope keeps us pushing towards our goal.

In the realm of spirituality, the battle for mantle has always lost.

1. Life’s not fair.
2. Change is hard.
3. I don’t have time.
4. I’ll start tomorrow.
5. It’s not my fault.
6. No one will help.
7. I wanted to but….
8. It’s easier said than done.
9. I don’t know where to start!
10. It’s too late.

If someone is not there with you in your worst time then they don’t deserve to be with you in your best.

There will always be lots of people around you when you are doing well. You’ll be surprised as to how many of them will do a vanishing act when things are no so great.

Accept that you won’t always make the right decisions. Accept that you’ll make a blunder. Accept that you’ll have to face failure someday. Once you learn to accept then only can you believe that all this is a step forward towards success.

Negative people are detrimental towards your psyche and sometimes you can’t lose them as they are a part of your family. Just switch off and they won’t be able to reach you. It’s best to shut your mind when you confront them.

Love may not have solved many problems faced by the world but, Hate is yet to solve any problem. It can only lead you from one problem to another.

Believe in yourself and you can make the magic happen.