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Mahashivratri Quotes In English And Hindi

MahaShivratri, a day of great significance for the devotees of ‘Bholenath,’ has arrived. Hindus consider Maha Shivratri an auspicious day full of myth, legends, and folklore.
The most popular of these Hindu legends is that Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati got married on this day.
Throughout the world, devotees devote themselves to Lord Shiva and hymns and mantras dedicated to him.
Lord Shiva also is believed to have ingested poison and retained it in his throat. His neck turned blue, and for this reason, he is sometimes referred to as ‘Neelakanth.’
During Maha Shivratri, pilgrims worship Lord Shiva, fulfilling their heart’s desires. Every year, Shivratri is celebrated on Chaturdashi of Krishna Paksha. In contrast, Shivratri that falls during Krishna Chaturdashi in Falgun month, is sometimes referred to as Maha Shivratri.
Additionally, people wish their loved ones such as friends and family during Maha Shivratri. In this article, we have compiled a list of copyright-free wishes, images, and messages just for you that you can share as stories on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.
Additionally, we have added the Shiv Tandav Stotram video that you can enjoy and even share on social media.

Every mistake you make will lead you closer to self-discovery.

वक्त वक्त की बात है
वक्त बदलने में वक्त ही कितना लगता है!

Attachment and love
Two deeply entwined vines
Each torn down by expectations

To silence the fears
And insecurities of future
First, make peace With your past.

To ash and dust shall we all return
I am a soul exposed to sorrows and temporary bliss.
In my birth, I accept the world and its norms.

मोक्ष प्राप्ति के लिए लोभ त्याग्ना अनिवार्य है

Don’t let opportunistic people mould you into what they want you to be.

Are meaningless words to fill the empty spaces.
Why not just keep the silence without justification if it’s the truth?”

जीवन में दर्द मिलना निष्चय है
उस दर्द में तड़पते रहना ऐच्छिक है

Trust is backed by actions, not words.

जब तक बुरे वक्त से रूबरू नहीं होगे
तब तक अच्छे वक्त की पहचाहन से वंचित रहोगे

Love unconditionally
And let trust be earned

अंधेरा कितना भी गहरा हो
उसे चीरने के लिए एक छोटी सी किरण ही काफी है

We all have the third eye to track the evil intentions. It is called the sixth sense.

Always act, Never react. Your wisdom and your karma will see you through the dark times.

Invest in your energies and you’ll be free from fear of failure and anxiety.

कर्म करो।
शब्दों में समय व्यर्थ न करो।

सृष्टि की रचना और विध्वंस दोनों ही महाकाल के अधीन है

You are free to make any decision you desire, but you aren’t free from the consequences of those decisions.

शिव मर्दाना नहीं है। शक्ति स्त्रैण नहीं है। उनकी पारस्परिक मिलन में, सर्वोच्च चेतना खुलती है।

Shiva is timelessness.

Absolute stillness and ultimate movement is what defines the Adiyogi, Shiva