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The Success Story of A Writer

Hello, readers today we are proud to bring you a success story of a budding writer and her journey. Rishika Ghai is a mentor, a poet, and writer. Much as we would love you more about her we won’t tell you much.
Because we want you to go ahead and read her interview and discover for yourself.
Good morning Rishika, a ‘Kshitij Parinda’, it’s great to be chatting with you here, could you start by telling us a bit about yourself? 🙂
Firstly I am a published author of “Alfaaz Mere Dil Se” and the book was been published under the Kshitij banner.
You can also buy my book online on Amazon by clicking on the link here. Secondly, I am a writer and I write daily 2 to 4 lines quotes, and some time poetry also.
I am a blogger at WordPress I am a die-hard animal lover and have three dogs of my own. I am a mentor, I love to listen to music.
Writing has become my addiction as well as passion. Also, I love to travel and while traveling also I love to write about the trip.
Absolutely fantastic! You are an excellent wordsmith Rishika, and can comfortably write in both Hindi and English languages so when did you first realize you wanted to be a poet?
I use to write long back from my college days but didn’t know how to make my writing reach a wider audience so when I heard about WordPress I immediately created a blog on WordPress so that my quotes and poem reach out to a wider audience.
Each individual has his own style of working, how would you describe your own personal style?
I take inspiration from what is happening around me. Either from my experience or from others.
Rishika, can you tell us what is your work schedule like when you’re writing? How long does it take you to write a poem?
I normally write at night as I am busy during the day and night is calm and quiet which improves my thought process and allows me to think about whatever topic I have to write. Sometimes it takes one day to write a poem and sometimes a few hours.
What do you think makes you different from others?
My originality and the fact that I believe that I am a learner.
How old were you when you wrote your first poem/article?
I was 19 years old college student when I first started writing.
How many poems/articles have you written till now? Can you share a few links of your favorite articles or a few lines of a poem close to your heart with our readers?
I have written countless poems and few articles till now. I’ll share a few lines with you…
हां और ना के बीच में
कुछ इस कदर जकड़े गए की
ना ही हकीकत से रूबरू हो सके
और ना ही ख्वाबों में जी सके।
I am not afraid of Losing someone,
In fact, I am afraid of Missing them at
Each and every point of my life.
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What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I love to play with dogs, watch a movie, listen to radio FM, chill out at McDonald’s and most important being happy.
Tell us about your most recent work and who inspired you?
My most recent work is that I have published my own book that is “Alfaaz Mere Dil Se”. My mom inspired me to write a book as she is also a writer.
Where can your fans purchase your book? (if you are a published author)
My friends can purchase my book online on Amazon.
You can also buy it from me and if you buy from me then shipping will be free.
That is great! A published author at your age is something really awesome. What is your motto in life? Tell us about your next project and when will it be available to the public?
My motto in life is to be happy always and to write daily at least one quote or a poem. I am working on publishing my second book. It will be ready by next year. Let’s see.
Congratulations dear. According to you what are the top 3 factors that one has to keep in mind while trying to write a successful blog post/poem/story?
I think that 3 factors that one has to keep in mind should be to be original, take care of your grammar, and use words that people can understand.
Don’t use very difficult words that people have to sit down with a dictionary to understand the meaning of what you have written.
Rishika, you are a ‘Kshitij Parinda’. Tell us what is does it mean by this phrase and also about your association and experience with Kshitij.
See, the term ‘Kshitij Parinda’ has been coined for all subscribed members of Kshitij.
Kshitij is a wonderful platform for budding poets as it gives you an opportunity to fulfill your dream of becoming a writer and come up in front of the public.
It’s a wonderful experience of mine becoming a subscribed member of it. I have grown as a poet here and learned a lot
How has Kshitij changed your life?
Kshitij has made me more confident on stage and off stage. And my dream of being a published writer was fulfilled with Kshitij.
On a scale of 1-10 how will you rate RNTalks and Kshitij?
10/10 for both. They are working for the upliftment of the masses.
WOW, that’s awesome! Rishika, on behalf of RNTalks, I wish you all the best for your future in writing. Any special message or any suggestions you would like to share with your visitors/fans which you think would help them become a better writer?
Kshitij and RNTalks Have really boosted my confidence while Kshitij has established me as a poet and RNTalks has worked wonders for my self-esteem by publishing my success story. My heartfelt thanks to both.
Thank you so much for presenting my interview in such a beautiful way.
our pleasure dear. we are glad you liked it.
Congratulations ma’am and all the best for your future in writing
thank you, I’m glad you liked this
Excellent and well done
thank you for boosting the morale
Wonderful… Its always good to read something nice. Because only this type of stuff can help anyone in gaining knowledge. Thank you… Keep updating
…and it’s always great to read such beautiful and kind words
Beautiful lines ..our best wishes with you dear keep it up 😘
thank you for your wishes and feedback
Yong budding poet you deserve and wish you all the best
thank you sir, all your blessings
Beautiful poem, 😊👌
thank you so much for feedback
Amazing story congrats to the proud mum and daughter – poetry runs in the blood!
thank you for such a beautiful compliment
Beautiful lines Risika…… Keep going… Congratulations Mrs. Ghai
thank you for your wishes
Kudos Rishika… Keep writing and inspiring others.
Good to know about you.. Congratulations on being a published author.. Good wishes for all your future endeavours.. God bless.. 😇😇
Thank you so much Ramandeep. It’s gracious of you to say so.