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Report and Results of VERVE 2020: Online Story Writing Competition
We at RNTalks proudly declare the results of VERVE 2020.
Story Writing is an art of communication.
“We are all storytellers. We all exist in a labyrinth of stories. There isn’t a more powerful bond connecting people than storytelling.”
Welcome to Report and Results of VERVE 2020 National Online Story Writing Competition.
We have all grown up reading stories either in our textbooks provided in our curriculum or story books like, Champak, Target, Panchatantra, Aesops Tales, Enid Blyton or Arabian Nights and listening to stories narrated to us by our mentors, parents or grandparents.
Stories have been an indispensable part of our lives and have been woven into the archives of our times.
Today is a proud moment when we have accomplished yet another feat of launching and exploring the talent of the young writers in VERVE 2020. The writers who took part in the VERVE 2020 contest were as young as 8 years old and as old as 45 years old.
Salient Points of VERVE 2020
VERVE 2020 National Online Story Writing Competition had a few salient points like :
- Everyone above 7 years was invited to participate.
- Students were free to take the guidance and help of their mentors for grammar and spell-check.
- Students were free to take help of their parents or siblings to help them type out the 3000 word story in MSWord.
- The winning stories would be published free of cost in our upcoming Anthology and also in our Annual magazine-KHUSHU
- Hard copies of the certificates would be mailed to the winners and soft copy would be provided on request.
- E-certificates would be given to all participants.
- Their is a trophy for the Champion (1st Position)
- There was a facebook Live session by best selling author and coach Mr Tanmay Dubey with the Founder & Director on how to write an effective story to guide the participants.
- We had two separate Jury for English and Hindi entries.
There was one sore point however that there were not many Hindi entries. We had only 4 Hindi entries out of which only 2 positions were given as they were the best. The 3rd position was abolished due to lack of quality in the content.
Hopefully, in the next contest VERVE 2021, we hope to have more Hindi participants also. The response in the English stories was much better. We got 20 entries in English that were further divided into 2 categories being JUNIOR and SENIOR.
Below is a brief summary of all winning stories of VERVE 2020 placed in a random order…
Anita Pathak – मुक्ति
मुक्ति कहानी का मुख्य उद्देश्य यही बताना है कि यदि हम कुछ अच्छा और सार्थक बदलाव चाहते हैं अपने समाज में तो उसकी पहल खुद से ही करनी होगी। रिश्तों के ताने – बाने के बीच कैसे सबको को खुश रखते हुए भी सामाजिक और पारिवारिक दायित्व निभाया जा सकता है, बस यही है मेरी कहानी।
mukti kahaanee ka mukhy uddeshy yahee bataana hai ki yadi ham kuchh achchha aur saarthak badalaav chaahate hain apane samaaj mein to usakee pahal khud se hee karanee hogee. rishton ke taane – baane ke beech kaise sabako ko khush rakhate hue bhee saamaajik aur paarivaarik daayitv nibhaaya ja sakata hai, bas yahee hai meree kahaanee.
Manju Lata – पश्चाताप का इनाम
“पश्चाताप का इनाम” दो स्कूली बच्चों – कुशल और गौरव की है। दोनों ही अच्छे दोस्त हैं लेकिन कुशल उससे इसलिए जलन करने लगता है क्योंकि हर कोई गौरव से काफी स्नेह करता है क्योंकि वो हर क्षेत्र में काफी होशियार है। कुशल उसका काफी नुकसान करता है लेकिन फिर भी गौरव अपनी अच्छाइयों से उसे सही राह पर ले आता है।
“pashchaataap ka inaam” do skoolee bachchon – kushal aur gaurav kee hai. donon hee achchhe dost hain lekin kushal usase isalie jalan karane lagata hai kyonki har koee gaurav se kaaphee sneh karata hai kyonki vo har kshetr mein kaaphee hoshiyaar hai. kushal usaka kaaphee nukasaan karata hai lekin phir bhee gaurav apanee achchhaiyon se use sahee raah par le aata hai.
Mansi-SUMMER OF 3005
Summer of 3005 is a fictional story, set up in a Millenia ahead. Humans are extinct and humanoids are living on earth facing their own set of problems same as their ancestors(humans) had.
The story is narrated by a humanoid geo science teacher of grad school. He desires to research the evolution of Humans and simultaneously teaches studies in grad school.
What happens when he teaches his students about their ancestors? The story has a life with mother earth’s evolution from the age of humans to humanoids. Everyone is still pursuing their countless dreams and a bag of emotions.
Aahana Sehgal-Treasure of Captain Robbin
Once there was a kid named Gortimer. Today is his birthday but he is very sad because his dad lives in another city and he can’t come because he had a lot of work. So, his friends plan something for him. Did he get to celebrate his birthday? What was the treasure? Were they able to find the treasure?
Deepak Shrivastava- The Surprise
This is the story of Veronica, a girl who revisits her life. She recalls how she gets separated from her parents, getting admitted in boarding school and coping with the challenges and changes which ultimately crafted her life.
The best part of this school life was meeting her best friend and ending up reuniting with her family after a span of five years. The family finally bonded again but what happens then? Was it a pleasant experience or an awkward one?
Hema.R- The Hoofs of Silence
The story revolves around the life of two women, Rachael and Sarah who share the same apartment in a city. There is an uneasy calm and intriguing silence in their lives.
Kashvi Jain- Was it Just a Line?
“A line can change someone’s future” But in a better way or a worse one?
Even Chevelle can’t find out until she loses someone important. But we have learned to learn from the mistakes of others. Also “It’s not a mistake to make a mistake but it’s a mistake to repeat the same mistake”.
Atharva Khandelwal-A Boy Unknown to Himself
“A Boy Unknown to Himself” is a story about a boy who really didn’t know about his life until he met someone. Who is that person? What did he tell the boy that he didn’t know or realise before?
Jury and Their Message
In VERVE 2020 the English stories were judged by Dr. Shafali Gupta and Hindi stories were judged by Mrs. Barkha Sharma.
Please convey to the winners that all the stories were excellent. It was difficult for me to choose.
Dr. Shafali Gupta
कहानियां बहुत ही सुन्दर और सरल तरह से लिखी गयी थी | हिंदी हमारी मातृभाषा है हमें हिंदी में लिखने में जाने क्यों इतनी हिचकिचाहट होती है ! आशा है अगली बार हिंदी में भी अंग्रेजी जितने प्रतियोगी पढ़ने को मिलेंगे |
बरखा शर्मा
List Of The Winners of VERVE 2020
When we declare the winners that does not mean that the others were not good enough but that the chosen ones were better than the others. Following is the list of the winners of VERVE 2020
Hindi Senior
1st – पश्चाताप का इनामB by Mrs Manju Lata (Trophy, Certificate & Surprise Gift)
2nd – मुक्ति by Mrs Anita Pathak
English Senior
1st – The Hoofs Of Silence by Hema R (Trophy, Certificate & Surprise Gift)
2nd – The Surprise by Deepak Shrivastava (Certificate & Surprise Gift)
3rd– The Summer Of 3005 by Mansi (Certificate & Surprise Gift)
English Junior
1st – Was it just a line? by Kai Lovis (Trophy, Certificate & Surprise Gift)
2nd – Treasure of Capt Robbin by Aahana Seghgal (Certificate & Surprise Gift)
3rd – A Boy Unknown To Himself by Atharva Khandelwal (Certificate & Surprise Gift)
Ranjeeta Nath Ghai, Founder & Director