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Positive Reinforcement: Learn Skill From Google Maps
I had read about learning from Google maps from WhatsApp University. But unlike all the trash I get to read there I found this very interesting so decided to elaborate on it and share it with you all.
When you take the wrong route, Google Maps doesn’t yell, condemn, or castigate you. Taking the wrong route will not result in Google Maps yelling, condemning, or castigating you.
Instead, it will calmly reroute you and get you back on the right track. This is the power of positive reinforcement.

It never shouts at you and says, “You should have gone LEFT at the last crosswalk, you idiot!” Now you’re going to need to go the LOOOONG way around and it’s going to take SO much longer, and you’re going to be late! You need to pay attention and follow my instructions, OK?”
Google just Re-Routes and displays the next best option if it yells, condemns, or castigates you, then many of us may stop utilizing it.
It’s all about getting you to achieve your objective, not making you feel guilty for making a mistake.
There’s a wonderful lesson to be learnt from this…
It’s easy to direct our frustration and anger at those who have made a mistake, especially people we are familiar with and/or close to.
However, the greatest choice is to assist in resolving the problem rather than blaming. This support will empower the individual to grow and learn from the mistake.
When we have an honest dialogue about what went wrong, it can help us connect more deeply with others, deepening our relationships.
Mistakes are a genuine and unavoidable part of life. We can’t evade them, but we can determine how to respond to them.
By focusing on the positive aspects of mistakes, we can create a more meaningful and connected life.
Google Maps is an excellent illustration of how this can be achieved with little effort and maximum positive results. We should all, in fact, take a leaf out of its book!
This is the power of positive reinforcement. And it’s a much more effective way to get people to do what you want them to do, whether it’s following directions or anything else.
When people feel like they’re being yelled at, they’re more likely to rebel and do the exact opposite of what you desire them to do.

But when they feel like they’re being applauded and rewarded for doing the right thing, they’re much more likely to continue doing it.
And that’s why positive reinforcement is such an important tool to have in your toolbox.
When it comes to getting people to do what you want, it’s one of the most effective methods out there.
So next time you’re faced with a challenging task, try using positive reinforcement and see how much easier it makes things for you. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did!
If you’re searching for more tips on how to develop a vibrant personality, check out this article from Personal Development. And if you wondering as to how does the locus of control affects your life, check out this article, How Does The Locus of Control Affect Your Life
Have you experienced Re-Routing moments lately? Have you experienced them with others, as well as with yourself?
Be a Google Map for your children, family, teammates, and anyone else you care about!
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