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A woman with
silver lines in her hair and
vulnerable eyes dares
to update herself daily.
Age doesn’t matter.
Learning proceeds
with enthusiasm
-Vriti Dhugga
Thinking becomes easy when
You have a stable mindset and
clear vision of your own thoughts,
And you accept others as they are.
-Harminder Kaur
Thinking becomes easy when
Your mind is free from negativities
and there is a peaceful environment around.
-Madhu Khare
Mirror says,
why do you look so sad
What is it that you do not have
Just look inside yourself and see that sparkle and
This is what makes you more special than others.
-Ritu Jain
Thinking becomes easy when
You are having a clear vision of life
Is always confident enough
And confidence comes…
When you are having full knowledge
Of the subject concern
And have accepted the reality of life.
-Manju Lata
Thinking is like a river’s flow
that oozes with its motion.
It drifts smoothly with fewer hurdles.
Similarly, thinking becomes easy
if your loved ones are with you
to support you all the time, and
you have the freedom to believe in yourself.
It comes to be effortless
when you have wings to fly
with different colors,
and no one stops you from doing that.
-Vriti Dhugga