I Feel Free When | I Am Not The Kind Of Person Who | Stress Is That Notification | People Are Like Radio | Calmness Is That Pool

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I Feel Free When | I Am Not The Kind Of Person Who | Stress Is That Notification | People Are Like Radio | Calmness Is That Pool

I feel free
And full of ecstasy.
When I accept my past as history.
That can be a lesson to me.
But not a shackle ,my present, as a gift, I see.
Letting go of my past, I see my future beckoning me.
A door to my dreams, full.of unveiled secrets and untold mysteries.
– Swetha Sundar

I feel free when
I find that I have done all those works
Which was assigned to me.
– Manju Lata

I feel free when I thought
I am out of any competition.
– Harminder Kaur

I Feel Free When | I Am Not The Kind Of Person Who | Stress Is That Notification | People Are Like Radio | Calmness Is That Pool
I Feel Free When | I Am Not The Kind Of Person Who | Stress Is That Notification | People Are Like Radio | Calmness Is That Pool

I feel free when
a task in hand is
– Mukesh Bhatnagar

I am not the kind person who
Always blame others for bad deeds
Who Always criticizes on others thoughts
And who Always believes random gossip.
– Harminder Kaur

I am not the kind of person who puts myself before others.
Or let my ego get ahead of me, blocking my vision.
I believe that my life has a purpose and mission.
To serve others selflessly and to make the world a better place for future generations.
– Swetha Sundar

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    An angel descends on Earth
    To trace some innocent soul
    But could not locate it anywhere
    Dawn to dusk it roamed here & there
    At last, she landed on a golden patch
    A squirrel, a dove a rabbit came running
    to help her, in searching for a suitable mate
    Wild beasts were out on prey, everywhere
    Innocence was shying, hiding in the burrows
    Angel swiped her magic wand
    The lion turned into a fawn,
    There is Angel in every human being
    Love can tame any aggressor
    A beautiful soul can do the wonders
    Keep smiling, be soft and gentle
    There is nothing to fear if you are pure
    Be a dove, be a messenger of love & peace
    – Mukesh Bhatnagar

    The deer looked at the woman and admired her beautiful face.
    And the woman caressed the deer gently praising it for its gentle grace.
    Both were similar in looks and in spirit, as gentle as a doe and as blithe as a fawn.
    And both were petrified that hundreds of hunters were after them from dusk to dawn.
    – Swetha Sundar

    Stress is that notification
    Which leads one to the pit of doom
    Neither one feels happy
    Nor can tolerate the happiness of others.
    – Manju Lata

    People are like radio,
    Talking and very rarely listening
    Attuning themselves to others’ frequencies.
    Mostly loud and trying to reach out to many .
    We just need to find and press the right buttons and find our suitable ” stations “!
    like radios and gramophones, some people belong to the previous generation
    But remember, the generation gap can be bridged through I- pods and AirPods!
    – Swetha Sundar

    I Feel Free When | I Am Not The Kind Of Person Who | Stress Is That Notification | People Are Like Radio | Calmness Is That Pool
    I Feel Free When | I Am Not The Kind Of Person Who | Stress Is That Notification | People Are Like Radio | Calmness Is That Pool

    People are like radio
    Twisted talks increase cardio
    Broadcasting is easy with increased connectivity
    Transmissions are natural, life’s favorite activity!!!
    – Pooja Dixit

    Speech is golden, but silence is gold!
    Realization is the key, one never understands when only told!
    Can win any tough time, calmness is that pool……Enemy melts into a friend , it’s that strongest tool !!
    – Shwetha Jain

    Calmness is that pool
    Which ripples with hope and belief.
    assurance and meditation make its waters still.
    And anger is the stone that shakes the waters.
    – Swetha Sundar

    Calmness is that pool
    Which is above all weapons and tools
    It brings peace to life
    As its aura always remain, though strong, but calm and still
    Solves the most typical condition
    Without any outrage or anger
    But compels the critical ones
    To come to the down position
    And make one feel down to earth.
    – Manju Lata

    Families aren’t only about blood and DNA
    They are about love, care, and unflinching devotion.
    Families are like strong pillars and steady anchors.
    Deep roots and wide wings, your shelter as well as the answer to your prayers.
    When you are with family, you are safe and loved.
    It is where you find light when there is darkness all around.
    – Swetha Sundar

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