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A Ray Of Sunshine During COVID Tsunami

If the first wave of Covid-19 was a shake-up, the second wave has hit us like a Tsunami. There are stories of despair and sadness, but also of hope and survival.
In these trying times of COVID Tsunami, the band Music Factory was not impervious to the pandemic. 6 of them tested positive, along with some members of our family.
They chose to fight their situation, never losing faith and hope, praying for everyone around them , and thanking all the people who helped them get well, directly or indirectly.
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While we thank all our frontline workers and selfless souls who have come forward to help others in need, this is our tribute to show our gratitude to all those people who are at the front end and the back end, helping us during these difficult times, and to request all others to keep the faith, as we will together, overcome this.
Band Music Factory
Keep the faith, Be together,
This time will not last forever,
Don’t lose your spirit, keep up the fight.
Just believe – Everything will be alright!
We at RNTalks, wanted to share with you all one of the efforts by the band Music Factory kids to spread ray of hope during this difficult times.
Shaurya Aditya Jauhar
I am grateful that I could contribute to this video to show my support for healthcare workers and others who are caring for people with Covid-19. It serves as a reminder that in spite of this pandemic, we should come together and fight off Covid-19.
Healthcare workers are the backbone of our society, but they’re also at risk of contracting this pandemic. It’s important that we come together and fight off Covid-19 so that these brave individuals can continue their work without fear.

Pranet Kumar
The virus has been spreading quickly and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. It can be difficult to deal with this disease, but there are ways to help those who have contracted the virus. There are many different ways you can help your loved ones or friends in need of assistance during these tough times.
Mankind has come forward to open their heart and direct their efforts towards helping people affected with COVID-19. Appreciation and gratitude towards all those people inspired me to be a part of this video.
Adya Mendiratta
It can be hard to feel hopeful when life feels so uncertain right now, but don’t give up hope! There’s a lot of support out there for people living with COVID-19. And even if it doesn’t seem like it now, things will get better soon enough. We’ll do everything we can to make sure of that.
The purpose of this video was to cheer up the people who were diagnosed with COVID-19 and also to thank the frontline warriors who are working so hard to help the ones in need.

Anya Kalra
Music is a powerful thing. It can make you feel happy, sad, or even angry. But it also has the power to heal and bring people together.
We know you’re feeling overwhelmed and worried about the future. But we want to remind you that there are people who care about you, and we’re here to help in any way possible.
The power of music is something that we all understand on some level but don’t always think about how it affects us. We wanted to explore this idea in more detail with this video by asking people what they thought about when they heard certain songs and why those songs made them feel that way.
Ruhan Kalra
Hey, we’re a small band of kids by the name of Music Factory who are trying to make the world a better place.
We want to bring smiles and laughter into your life with this video that’s just for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling down or not, it will put a smile on your face!
Please share this video with others so they can enjoy it too. Share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media platform that you use. The more people see this video the happier we’ll all be!

Hriday Singh Antal
This is to let you know that you all are Heroes and together we can fight anything.
You work hard every day to make sure that we have clean water, food on our tables, and treatment when we need it. You put your lives at risk to protect us from harm. And you do it all with a smile on your face because you know what’s important in life is not money or fame but love, family, and health.
We want to say thank you for everything that you do!

Aryan Arora
Through this video, we want to thank all the doctors and nurses who have been working hard during these tough times.
Doctors and nurses are some of the most dedicated people in our society, dedicating their lives to helping others. They deserve more than just a simple “thank you” for everything they do. That’s why we made this video to show them how much they mean to us.
Please take a moment out of your day today to give thanks to those who work so hard on behalf of others every single day. Thank you, doctors and nurses! You make our world better by being there when it matters most!
Utkarsh Pahuja
This is an attempt to remind everyone that there is always a silver lining and hopes should be high to sail through these difficult times. It’s hard to find the silver lining in these difficult times.
But it is possible! You just have to look for it. There are always good things happening, even if they don’t seem like much at first. Sometimes you need to take a step back and see the bigger picture before you can appreciate what you have.
We want everyone who needs encouragement to know that there is always hope and happiness waiting for them on the other side of this dark tunnel we are all going through right now. Keep your head up high and keep looking for those little moments of joy that make everything worth it in the end!

Ananya Chhibba
We’re here to help you get through these tough times. This is our small attempt to bring a smile to everyone’s faces during these difficult times and shine a ray of hope in their lives.
Sometimes it’s hard to find a smile in the world, but we want to make sure that doesn’t happen for you. That’s why we created this small attempt at bringing joy into your life. It might be just what you need right now and we hope it helps bring a little bit of happiness back into your day.
We know how difficult things can be sometimes, so let us do our best to help by providing some lighthearted relief with our small attempt at bringing smiles to everyone’s faces during these difficult times and shine a ray of hope in their lives. You deserve it!
Satvik Mehndiratta
Hope is the best music when we are surrounded by grief. This is our small attempt to show our gratitude to our nation’s hero’s who put themselves in the way of danger to save others. Together we shall overcome this pandemic in a positive way by being each other’s strength.
We’re not a charity organization. We are a small band of kids committed to spreading smiles, and we will never stop until everyone is smiling. Our goal is to provide relief and hope through music. That’s why we’ve created this video.
It’s time for us to unite as one nation! Together we can make a difference by giving back during these difficult times. 🙏

Shivansh Goyal
Pandemic enforces physical distancing but not social. We celebrate togetherness with our act of coming together virtually which we believe is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas.
You can’t always be physically with someone, but you can still share a moment of connection with them through your mobile or computers. It’s an easy way to stay in touch when you’re apart from loved ones or friends.
Connecting with others has never been easier! Share your thoughts and ideas without having to worry about being too far away from them. It’s the perfect way for friends and family who live far away from each other to stay connected.
With our technology, we are able to create a space where people feel like they are really there with one another – no matter how many miles separate them. You don’t need any special equipment or expensive software – just your phone!
Ekaksh Goyal
Music is a proven stress buster. We believe in the power of coming together to share ideas and thoughts.
Listen to your favorite tunes and get relief from the pandemic. With our act of coming together virtually, we can connect with people from all over the world. It’s a great way to make new friends or just talk about your day-to-day life with someone who understands you. You don’t need to be alone anymore!
All it takes is one song to make everything seem brighter again! So stop stressing out and listen to your favorite tunes today!

Please share this post on your social media channels as a way to show your support for healthcare workers around the world! Thank you so much!
Ranjeeta Nath Ghai, Founder RNTalks