Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman's Perspective

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Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman’s Perspective

by-Palak Rana
D/o- Sub Narinder Singh Rana

A Woman’s Perspective: What Is A Glass Ceiling?

The glass ceiling has a simple meaning that is used metaphorically to depict an “invisible barrier” that inhibits people from achieving their objectives, ambitions, and accomplishment.

These barriers are not something that can be found in any manual or ever discussed but this is an unspoken, covert and invisible phenomenon that existed to keep the authoritative positions in the hands of the people who wanted to indicate their authority (typically in the case of women).

Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman's Perspective
Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman’s Perspective

A Woman’s Perspective: Why Is There A Glass Ceiling?

There are many psychological, gender roles, and gender biases. The psychological beliefs of the people are that men are stronger, muscular, and more intellectual than women whether in corporate or in sports or in any respective field.

People usually consider it a myth and believe that the sole responsibility behind this is of women since they intend to stay at home and have less dedication toward the higher-level roles.

Different stereotypes and beliefs of people that create these invisible barriers usually put the blame on the victim and this is the universal truth of humanity.

Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman's Perspective
Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman’s Perspective

A Woman’s Perspective: Why Is There A Need To Break The Glass Ceiling?

The gender stereotype that men are better in management and executive positions than women is a way of implying that women are weak and emotional and that they are better suited to their biological tasks as a mother and a wife.

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    It’s no longer a thin barrier that we can breakthrough, but people who don’t want women to succeed and people who can’t accept change are continuously thickening this invisible barrier and can be seen in numerous forms of discrimination :
    ● Earning less than men in the same job
    ● Being labeled incompetent
    ● Frequently encountering microaggressions
    ● Getting less help than males who do the same job
    ● Missing out on vital career opportunities
    ● Feelings of isolation
    ● Failure to receive a promotion
    ● Being turned down for a job

    Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman's Perspective
    Don’t Just Break The Glass Ceiling Shatter It: A Woman’s Perspective

    I, the youth of today and a girl want to create a change in society, a change in beliefs, and a change in the way people think about our gender and to break those glass ceilings.

    But For a woman to achieve her goals and live her life, she is expected to rely on men her entire life.

    When she is a daughter, she is expected to depend on her father, after marrying, to depend on her husband, and after growing old, to rely on her son, simply because society considers us firm and weak.

    Little does this society realize that women create life, so handling a society and the highest positions is still easier.

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      Even the few women who have worked hard and relentlessly to break those barriers and earn their deserving place in a leadership role are viewed as “competent or warm,” but never both.

      This is because the concept of a successful woman is stereotyped under the idea that she must be ruthless, competitive, and cold, whereas a woman with a warm and loving personality will be viewed as lacking the necessary skill set for leadership and advancement because “she does not have what it takes.”

      Let me raise a question: “What does it take to have that position”?

      Qualifications, knowledge, and abilities? Women have everything, but they still need to battle for their places and rights, whether in corporations, families, or societies, in order to break away from the mirage of free existence and shatter the glass ceiling into thousand fragments.

      “There is hope even if there is dark and
      If they don’t let you free, you better break that cage “

      About Palak Rana

      My name is Palak Rana; I am 21 years old and currently pursuing my graduation in Bcom (Hons) from the renowned university of Delhi.

      My greatest motivation is my past self, as I always look upon my achievements and when I couldn’t achieve anything.

      Those times helped me reconsider my Goals and gave me the strength never to give up.

      Palak rana
      About Palak Rana

      I am a very optimistic person, believe in myself, and focus on perfection. I love to spend my leisure time dancing, painting, traveling, watching series and theatre or trying different and new things.

      I have a different vision that may differ from what others have thought for me. However, I can achieve my goal of being a successful person with a kind heart in the future, being an independent person, and being an entrepreneur.

      In my opinion, being a person of value matters more; money is indeed an essential factor in life, but it is only a variable that can affect our life choices, but for living a happy and positive life, one is required to be of some value and being an entrepreneur can provide me with some opportunity in the future where I can be of value to other people too.

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