How Does Karma Affect Your Life | 8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

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How Does Karma Affect Your Life | 8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

You cannot escape Karma unless you are a highly evolved, enlightened being. In fact, your life is a constant unfolding of Karma!

Karma is commonly considered a spiritual principle of cause and effect. In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is the result of a person’s actions and determines their future. 

The law of karma says that good deeds will lead to good consequences, while bad deeds will lead to bad consequences.

Many people believe that karma can have a direct impact on a person’s life. For example, if someone does something bad, they may believe that they will experience negative consequences as a result of their actions. 

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    Likewise, if someone does something good, they may believe that they will experience positive consequences.

    Karma can be a powerful force in a person’s life. It can shape a person’s future and determine their destiny. The concept of karma goes beyond good deeds and bad deeds. 

    It is also about the intention behind the actions. So, even if someone does something bad, their karma will be affected positively if they have good intentions.

    The Creation Of Karma

    Action is what karma is all about. According to physics, every action must be accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction. 

    Regardless of what people choose to label it with, there is no good or bad karma; people simply choose to label it with these labels. In order to reap the benefits of an action, the energy that was produced must be returned.

    “As you sow, so shall you reap.” This is an unavoidable fact.

    Action is what karma is all about. According to physics, every action must be accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction. 

    Regardless of what people choose to label it with, there is no good or bad karma; people simply choose to label it with these labels. In order to reap the benefits of an action, the energy that was produced must be returned. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” This is an unavoidable fact.

    Actions create memories, which in turn create desires, which lead to further actions. 

    For example: You have stolen your first item (action), then you know what and how it happened (memory), and if you enjoyed the action, you decide to do it again the following week (desire), and that following week you commit another theft…immaterial of being big or small (action). 

    It is your karma that creates memories and desires, which then determine how you live your life. Your actions, memories, and desires make up the Karmic software that runs your life.

    Your actions create subtle energy that is stored in your memories and desires and then activated at a later date — sometimes immediately, but more often at some point in the future. 

    Taking A Vedantic Perspective

    How Does Karma Affect Your Life |  8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life
    How Does Karma Affect Your Life | 8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

    Karma doesn’t require belief in reincarnation, but, from the Vedantic perspective, the results of your actions during your previous lives have led to your current circumstances. 

    It becomes easier to understand why bad things happen to good people or why a young innocent child develops a life-threatening illness when we understand Karma and reincarnation. 

    The Vedanta philosophy states that everything in your life has been created by the energy created in previous lives. 

    Karmic significance underlies every event you encounter and every person you meet. The universe has a purpose for everything.

    Regardless of your belief in Karma, your life is a product of what you have created and what you continue to create. Is your decision-making free? 

    There are many people who have very little. They keep performing the same habits over and over and wonder why their lives aren’t taking them anywhere because they’re trapped in that Karmic software. 

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      There are many people who are like hamsters, going round and round on their treadwheels, thinking they are getting somewhere when in actuality, they are going nowhere!

      You can break out of those cycles as you evolve spiritually and consciously choose the life you want. 

      In order to realize who you really are, you must release the Karma that is clouding your awareness, allowing you to forget your true essence. 

      The release of Karma does not mean that you lose all your memories or desires; it simply means that you are no longer bound by them. 

      I use memories, but I don’t allow them to use me.

      Seer Adi Shankara

      Keeping Track Of And Storing Karma

      How Does Karma Affect Your Life |  8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life
      How Does Karma Affect Your Life | 8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

      Karma plays a role in every situation you encounter in life. You are also subject to the Karmic influence of your family, religion, race, nationality, and more, in addition to the Karma created by your own actions.  

      By your actions, thoughts, and words, by the actions of others under your control, and by your attitude, expectations, and lifestyle, you are constantly creating Karma. 

      In addition to the actions you do consciously and unconsciously out of ignorance, you also create Karma from the actions you do unconsciously. 

      You can also take on someone else’s Karma, but that is not a good idea since you already have enough of your own. 

      Theft, gossiping, or fantasizing are all examples of this. Intimate relationships also encounter this problem, but as long as there is love in the relationship, it is acceptable.

      Vedanta says all relationships should serve the purpose of enlightenment, so they are the result of Karma.

      A soul or aspect of the soul that is conditioned by Karma is referred to as the Jiva in Vedanta.

      Vedanta teaches that there are three kinds of Karma: the karma you choose to process in this life, the karma you store for future lives, and the karma you generate at every moment. During this lifetime, your chakras store your Karma.

      In order for consciousness to become matter, it goes through subtle energy centers called chakras.

      Having illusory experiences is the result of karma distorting your consciousness. In order to step out of illusion, you need to clear your Karma.

      Releasing Your Karma

      How Does Karma Affect Your Life |  8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life
      How Does Karma Affect Your Life | 8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

      There is no way to avoid karma. It is common for Karmic energy to be returned with the same intensity as it was generated. 

      Happiness or suffering may result from your previous actions. No matter how you view the situation, whatever happens, is the result of Karma being released, which is a good thing and a chance for growth in the future. 

      Nothing happens to you; it happens for you!


      If so, would you be doomed to a life of paying for past mistakes interspersed with pleasure? The answer is no. 

      Your current actions can transform, transmute, or transcend your Karma in various ways. You can improve your actions by following these eight practices.

      8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

      1. Make Conscious Choices

      There are two ways in which your choices influence your Karma. It is possible to soften the intensity or magnitude of situations resulting from returning Karma by making quality choices. 

      In order to transmute Karma, it must be returned. Maybe you just stub your toe instead of breaking your leg when you fall down. Your life choices lessened the effect of the Karma returned.

      Karma is also created and stored by your choices and released as events in your life in the future. 

      Therefore, it’s important to be aware of your choices and ask yourself: Are these choices in the best interests of me and those who may be affected? What is driving my decisions? My ego or my heart?

      2. Learn to Forgive

      The development of your spirituality depends on this. Firstly, accept the outcome of the situation. After that, try to understand what happened, without judgment or evaluation. 

      Finally, forgive whomever you feel may have harmed you; even if you cannot forgive the act, you can forgive the person. Each harm you experience is a consequence of your Karma, as per Vedanta. 

      Don’t spend the entire day hating the peon if he fails to clear your table. Let go of the past and move on to the future!

      3. Cultivate Gratitude

      Most people have a hard time forgiving and feeling grateful. 

      As an alternative, if, however, you acknowledge that everything you experience is past karma, then you will have released it every time you do. 

      This is certainly cause for celebration, isn’t it? Be grateful for everything you have received from the universe.

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        4. Look for Growth Opportunities

        There are two choices you can make in any challenging situation. You can either see the challenge as a problem and waste your life complaining about it. 

        Or you can accept that it has occurred and ask yourself, “How can I gain insight and grow from this?”

        Seeing it as a problem can draw you into lower energy, which recreates the same Karmic energy. 

        In order to move forward in your spiritual journey, you need to look for growth opportunities in order to release Karma.

        5. Learn from Astrology

        You can determine your Karmic probabilities based on your astrological chart. 

        Your chart can be interpreted by a competent astrologer who can give you advice about how Karma may affect you in different areas and at different times. 

        Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a spiritual teacher, used to say, “Everything is set but everything can be changed.” 

        You can make the necessary changes using astrology.

        6. Find an Enlightened Teacher

        Your karmic patterns can be “seen” by an enlightened teacher if you are fortunate (or your Karma dictates you) to meet one.

        There is the possibility for an enlightened person (guru) to take on some of your Karma, but this would take several years to develop.

        7. Discover Your Dharma

        As Dharma and Karma are connected, Vedanta says that everything you know will come from understanding them.

        According to most definitions, dharma refers to purpose or truth. Living according to your true purpose in life will lead to spontaneously correct actions and no karma will ever be created.

        8. Meditation

        Meditation is your most powerful spiritual tool, especially when you combine it with mantras. A journey into silence begins with meditation. 

        In Primordial Sound Meditation, sounds or mantras are used without regard to their meanings. In other words, the meaning of a thought holds the memory and desire, and thus the Karma. 

        In the absence of meaning, a mantra has no Karma. Meditation transcends all memories and desires; it takes you beyond karma and opens up a world of infinite possibilities.

        By practising regularly, you begin to live from a place of infinite possibilities rather than from a place of limited possibilities imposed by Karma. 

        You can wash away Karma on all levels when you meditate. Meditation allows you to reconnect to your true self, lead you back to your purpose (Dharma), and allow you to reconnect to your true self.

        To enjoy unbounded freedom in every moment, you must commit to your spiritual path and escape from the Karmic prison you have built for yourself.

        Conclusion: How Does Karma Affect Your Life?

        How Does Karma Affect Your Life |  8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life
        How Does Karma Affect Your Life | 8 Actions You Can Take To Improve Your Quality Of Life

        Karma is often seen as a spiritual principle in many Eastern religions. However, the concept of karma can also be applied to the secular world. 

        In general, karma refers to the idea that your actions have consequences. Deeds of goodness will yield good results, while bad deeds will be punished with bad results.

        While karma is often thought of as a spiritual principle, it can also be seen as a law of cause and effect. It is what you put out into the universe that you will receive back. 

        This is why it’s essential to be mindful of your actions and words. The power of positive energy is the key to living a successful and happy life.

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        1. Karma speaks .that’s true your action speaks your karma.each and everything happens according to your karma.karma always get result

        2. There is one phrase in Hindi jaisi karni waisi bharni ,i am hearing this line since from my childhood . Karma is the result of every action done by us either it is bad or good.May be it’s true or may be not.we believe ont he things which we experience in life and only that is true.

        3. I do believe in karma that’s why I always try to be mindful in everything I do whether it be what my mind thinks, what I say, or the things I do. Making sure to act with good intentions in mind helps lessen the stress of thinking too much of karma creeping back on you always.

        4. Being a professional astrologer I completly trust the concept of Karma. Do what you want to do being concious with an intention of goodness. Yes its true many will thrash you for your goodness and you will feel heart broken and pained… but trust me at the end of the day when you will look at the mirrior and see you, you will be proud of who you are. Time and Karma go hand in hand and it pays you at one point or the other. So yes, keep doing good karma. Wonderful post and that too of my favorite niche.

        5. You have shared every point in detail. . Karma is the luggage our soul carries on its trip from life to life. I just love the quote. I use memories, but I don’t allow them to use me. Wonderful post.

        6. I loved reading this post about Karma. I do believe that everything that happens is based on Karma. The theory of Karma is the only logical explanation for the inequalities that one finds in the world.

        7. I believe in karma. What you give it comes back to you eventually one day. I believe in it and make sure not to do something which might disturb or upset anyone.

        8. Wow this is so deep and a holistic read. We forgot all these things in our busy life but they do affect on our lives. Meditation and releasing karma are the best way to fix it ❤️

        9. The results of our actions, whether they are positive or negative, is what we call karma. I personally believe in karma because I have experienced it in my life – good and bad. That’s why I try to be mindful of everything I think, say, and do. It’s important to be aware of how our actions affect not only ourselves but also the world around us.

        10. I am a big believer of Karma . As a Hindi saying also there Jaisi karni waisi bharni and one more boya ped babul ka to aam Kahan se paye ? Karm Karo fal ki chinta na kro is the main Matta of my life . I never want to annoy anyone from my words or Karma . Such a wonderful read and very deep meanings . Thanks for this nice share

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