In This House Are Things | Long I Stood There

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In This House Are Things | Long I Stood There | When I Started To Make Little Improvements In My Life

In this house are things
which turned a new page
my life took a distinct step
Now I am out of the dark haze ……
In this house long back
found the first seed of wisdom
learnt so many values great
ready to keep away boredom…..
Integrity, benevolence, diligence
all the fairies hovered around
I grew up with some angels
My parents were they, I found….
A canopy of Well wishes.
A bounty of Heavenly beliefs
My principals come rushing to me
Whenever I enter I find relief …
Today after a decade of rolling
I enter with trepidation
My angels are no more
But the house has maintained tradition…….
-Ranjana Majumdar

If you are a poet then join our Facebook community, write using the prompts in the comments section of our Official Page, and get the chance to be featured here.

In this house are things
Which often reminds me
My own childhood days
Spend with my grandparents
Who gave me their precious time
Nurtured my childhood
According to the experiences of their life
Transferred the plethora of legacies
Manju Lata

In This House Are Things | Long I Stood There
In This House Are Things | Long I Stood There

In the house are things
Where I grew up like a plant and spread
Happiness is all around as plants also do.
I begin my days
With lovely plants, and
Enjoy the sunrise every day.
Magically things happen near my place,
The vibrant color of the sky, birds chirp, bees buzz,
vehicles rush all around, and
I enjoy being there
For all day and night.
-Harminder Kaur

Same boring old meetings,
Crazy deadlines to meet,
Alas, today also the team forgot to eat…
Guzzling coffee, sipping coke,
Thinking of ideas is not a joke…
Staying late at work,
Pumping more caffeine into the bloodstream,
You are determined to work harder to fulfill that dream.
You work harder and harder, punishing your nerves and muscles…
Stop right now! The nerves are about to scream.
Driving back home, beating the snarling traffic,
Coming home to sleepy kids and a sullen partner,
Promises forgotten or broken…
Pushing cold food down the throat with a glass of beer…
Hitting the bed, with a blaring television,
You are half asleep, half awake,
Figures and facts dancing in the wake.
It’s time to join the rat race again.
Oh, Corporate life! You are a silent killer,
You dangle a carrot for a good life,
A good life that evades and evades…
forming a vicious circle…
A whirlpool of desires and ambitions that sucks you within…
Balance is essential to winning the battle within.
-Ila Pachauri

In This House Are Things | Long I Stood There | When I Started To Make Little Improvements In My Life
In This House Are Things | Long I Stood There | When I Started To Make Little Improvements In My Life

When I started to make
Little improvement in my life
I gained my confidence level
Positivity started to flow around me
The world seemed to be a milky way
Gay and happiness danced around me.
-Manju Lata

As long as I stood there,
The more observant I became
I understood easily the fact
Life will become a bed of roses,
Only when we will give our precious time
To time and reality.
Manju Lata

If you are a poet then join our Facebook community, write using the prompts in the comments section of our Official Page, and get the chance to be featured here.

Long I stood there
Wondering for longingness
Dreaming dreams
To conquer the world.
-Harminder Kaur

Long I stood there,
Watching the ripples in the quiet river,
comparing them to the unruly ripples
arising in my unsteady heart.
Today the pain was strong,
as if I had been hit by a dart.
Long I stood there,
watching small whirlpools
arising and quietly ebbing away,
At the same time my thumping heart
took control of the whirlpools of thoughts,
Quietly sushing them away.
-Ila Pachauri

Life was running In to flash
Ups n downs were floating like an ash
I was all alone deep n morn
Nobody was there to see my sobs
Was expecting from dear ones
but was treated like an insane
No one was there for me
I looked up again n cried for him
Suddenly an echo murmured back
I was there for u day n night
That was a hope to live again….
-Pratibha Ahuja Nagpal

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    When I started to make little improvements in my life, I started to actually live my life, until then I just existed, far away from my purpose, wasting my time.
    -Akta Sehgal Malhotra

    When I started little improvements in my life
    My heart gets healthier,
    Eyes shattered fewer tears,
    Hopes neglects fears,
    And happiness breezes near.
    -Harminder Kaur

    If you are a poet then join our Facebook community, write using the prompts in the comments section of our Official Page, and get the chance to be featured here.

    Trapped in the thralldom of ignorance
    Finding its way through narrow cubicles of mind
    Life sets to seek its own answers
    Bound by shackles of age-old beliefs
    Life being felt in causeless startle
    Sometimes in charmed silence
    Spilled like a goblet of a priceless wine
    Left unattended…
    -Nidhi Bansal

    Fly beyond imagination
    Rely upon yourself
    Let the world create hardship
    Be the ship to cross swells
    Focus on what you love
    Though your heart wounds
    Never let yourself be neglected
    Be the best in all odds
    -Harminder Kaur

    The eye always acts like a telescope that can observe, feel and see the future easily.
    Manju Lata

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