Best Fun Riddles for Kids and Adults
Who can honk without a horn?

What can you catch, but not throw?

What has an eye but cannot see?

What is always coming but never arrives?

What has a neck but no head, two arms, but no hands?

What has many keys but can't open a single lock?

The length of my neck is much longer than my head. I don't mind if people pick on me when we play. What am I?

Which ring is a square?

What has 13 hearts, but no other organ?

What does not live but can die?

A stem is what I have, but I'm definitely not a flower. Despite having a foot, I cannot hop. Children are forbidden to hold me. What am I?

I am always changing colors, so I can be red or blue. I can make or break your day. Whenever you sleep, I'm by your side. What am I?

What is black when you purchase it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?

What flies when it's born?

I sound as though I could cut you, but I’m truly quite comfortable to be around. I can either be green or yellow. I can be stiff or soft depending on the situation. I am a friend to bugs and also to the bare feet. What am I?

What has six faces, but doesn't wear makeup?

What runs around a house without moving?

What has a ring but no finger?

It is impossible for me to get tired from running. What am I?

What can run and whistle but can't walk or talk?

What has legs but never walks, a mouth but never talks, a head but never weeps, and a bed but never sleeps?

“What flies without wings?”

I look ditto like you, but I am not you. You can enlarge me or fit me in a wallet. You can share me or frame me, both are nice. What am I?

What can a child make that no one can ever see?

Even though I can travel at speeds of nearly 100 mph, I never leave my room. I can be covered up, but that doesn't slow me down. You will never know how many times I will visit you- only once or again and again. What am I?

I am round as a sphere but can transform into something else. I am also a hundred yards long, or even longer. What am I?

I can be open, closed, big or small. I can reveal the truth or hide it. I am almost always welcome and can spring up unannounced. Everyone has one, but not everyone shares. Laughter comes after me. What am I?

What bank never has any money?

I cannot touch you back, but you can touch me. We both can see each other yet I can never reject you. What am I?

If I drink, I die, if I eat, I live. What am I?
