World Days November: National And International Days

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World Days November: National And International Days

You can take advantage of this list to prepare for various competitive exams in November by checking out important national and international days and dates.

There are several important days that are observed and celebrated nationally and internationally in November, the second last month of the year. 

According to the Hindu Calendar, November is the full moon month, which is considered auspicious. A number of fairs and religious celebrations are held during this time.

Various competitive examinations have included questions asking about days, events and dates of national and international importance on a regular basis.

The following article offers you a glimpse into November’s important dates and days.

World Days November: National and International Days and Dates

World Days November: National And International Days
World Days November: National And International Days

1st November- World Vegan Day

On November 1st every year, World Vegan Day is celebrated in order to raise awareness regarding veganism and its benefits.

On November 1, 2022, the UK Vegan Society celebrated its 51st anniversary with the first Vegan Day.

1st November- All Saints’ Day

In honor of all the saints, All Saint’s Day is observed every year on November 1st.

Throughout Christian history, it has served as a commemoration of saints and martyrs, both known and unknown.

Hallowmas or All Saints’ Day are also terms used to refer to All Saints’ Day.

1st November- Karnataka Formation Day/Rajyotsava Day

During Rajyotsava Day, also known as Karnataka Rajyotsava or Kannada Rajyotsava, Kannada Day or Karnataka Day, the state of Karnataka celebrates its culture.

As a result of the amalgamation of all Kannada-speaking regions of South India, the state of Karnataka was formed on 1st November 1956.

1st November- Melbourne Cup Day (1st Tuesday of the month)

First Tuesday in November is observed as Melbourne Cup Day (1st November this year).

The day is known for hosting one of the oldest races in addition to one of the most famous horse races in the world.

The day is known for hosting one of the oldest races in addition to one of the most famous horse races in the world.

2nd November- All Souls’ Day

On November 2nd, We remember and honor those who have passed away on All Souls’ Day.

On November 2nd, Roman Catholics commemorate faithfully departed souls who, due to the guilt of lesser sins on their souls, are believed to be in purgatory.

2nd November- Parumala Perunnal

Among India’s evergreen states, Kerala celebrates its glorious festival every year. It is a festival that brings Kerala to a standstill during the Parumala Perunnal festival.

It is easy for tourists to find grace during Parumala Perunnal Kerala because it is celebrated in an accessible location.

5th November- World Tsunami Awareness Day

As part of World Tsunami Awareness Day, early warning systems are emphasized in order to minimise damage caused by natural disasters and to raise awareness of the dangers of tsunamis.

People are made aware of tsunamis by many organizations that provide traditional knowledge about them.

6th November- International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict

Observed by the United Nations General Assembly on November 5, 2001, the day is dedicated to preventing environmental exploitation in war and armed conflict.

This was done by by the United Nations General Assembly, during Kofi Atta Annan‘s tenure as secretary-general.

7th November- Infant Protection Day

The Infant Protection Day is observed every year on November 7th to raise awareness about how important it is for infants to be protected, promoted, and developed.

Protecting infants will ensure that they will become tomorrow’s citizens, as they are the future of this world. Our future depends on safeguarding the future generations.

7th November- National Cancer Awareness Day- India

As part of National Cancer Awareness Day, on November 7 we raise awareness about cancer and make it a priority in global health.

As part of his campaign to raise public awareness of cancer, then Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan launched National Cancer Awareness Day in 2014.

7th November- Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Birthday – India

Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, also known as C.V. Raman, was born in Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, on November 7, 1888.

As a result of an energy state transition in the molecules of a material, light passing through it is scattered and its wavelength changes.

C.V. Raman was honoured with the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the Raman effect in 1930.

8th November – L.K Advani’s Birthday- India

The birth of Lal Krishna Advani in Karachi, Pakistan, on November 8, 1927, marked the end of the second world war.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) founder and former deputy prime minister Lal Krishna Advani acted as India’s deputy prime minister from 2002 to 2004.

8th November- World Radiography Day

Today is a chance for radiography professionals worldwide to raise public awareness of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy, as well as promote radiography as a career.

8th November- Guru Nanak Dev’s Birth Anniversary

As a way of commemorating Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary, Guru Nanak Jayanti is celebrated every year.

Prakash Utsav or Guru Purab, a festival celebrating Guru Nanak’s 553nd birthday, is an important Sikh festival this year.

9th November- World Services Day

World Services Day is observed on November 9th in India to raise awareness about legal literacy among the poor.

There has been a lack of legal literacy since 1995, when the Legal Services Authorities Act was passed.

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    9th November- Uttarakhand Foundation Day

    November 9, 2000, was the date of the formation of Uttarakhand. November 19th was Uttarakhand Foundation Day.

    The state is known as “Dev Bhumi,” or “Land of Gods.” Originally named Uttaranchal, Uttarakhand became its official name in 2007.

    9th November- Kartarpur Corridor Inauguration

    The Kartarpur Corridor was announced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on November 9, 2019.

    Since 1552, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji established the Kartarpur Sahib Gurudwara, this day has been marked with religious significance.

    10th November- World Science Day for Peace and Development

    Science plays a significant role in society. The 10th of November is observed every year as World Science Day for Peace and Development.

    It also emphasizes that the general public should be involved in discourse regarding emerging scientific concerns.

    10th November- World Usability Day (2nd Thursday every November)

    We celebrate World Usability Day on the second Thursday of November every year. On November 10th, World Usability Day will be celebrated.

    We celebrate this day by bringing together various communities to promote a better world.

    11th November – Armistice Day (Remembrance Day)

    The 11th of November is celebrated in France as Armistice Day, or Laemistice de la Première Guerre Mondiale.

    In some countries, this day is also observed as Remembrance Day as a remembrance of the end of World War I.

    In northern France, an armistice was also negotiated between German and Allied forces on November 11, 1918 .

    Many movies like ‘All quiet on The westren Front’ have been made to commemorate this day.

    11th November- National Education Day

    A celebration is held on November 11th to commemorate Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s birth anniversary.

    During the years 1947 to 1958, he also served as India’s first education minister.

    12th November- World Pneumonia Day

    In order to raise awareness about pneumonia and its prevention, World Pneumonia Day is observed on November 12th.

    Children under the age of five are most affected by this disease, which is deemed the world’s leading infectious disease.

    13th November- World Kindness Day

    Each year, World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13th. This day is set aside to remember and emulate one of the most significant and rarest principles ever.

    In addition to promoting small acts of kindness, this day also promotes community building.

    14th November- Children’s Day

    The Indian government celebrates Children’s Day every year on November 14th. It is also referred to as Bal Divas.

    A day dedicated to educating people about children’s rights, care, and education is celebrated on this day.

    The day marks the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister. It’s a day to acknowledge Kalam’s contributions to education.

    14th November- Jawaharlal Nehru Jayanti

    His birth in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, on November 14, 1889, marked the birth of the first Prime Minister of Independent India.

    As a way of commemorating Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday, India celebrates Children’s Day.

    14th November- World Diabetes Day

    Throughout the world, November 14th is recognized as World Diabetes Day.

    As the name implies, this day is devoted to educating the public about diabetes disease, its prevention, and how to prevent it.

    15th November- Jharkhand Foundation Day

    November 15, 2000 marked the formation of Jharkhand. Bihar became the 28th state of India after the Bihar Reorganization Act was passed.

    16th November- International Day for Tolerance

    The International Day of Tolerance, which takes place on November 16, promotes mutual understanding between cultures and peoples by raising awareness about the importance of tolerance.

    As a result of UN General Assembly resolution 51/95, UN Member States were invited to observe November 16 as International Day of Tolerance.

    17th November- International Students Day

    November 17, 1939, was the first International Students Day that was established by the Nazi troops.

    Nine student leaders were present on this day, and their bravery was outstanding during this incident.

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      17th November- National Epilepsy Day

      On November 17th, we observe National Epilepsy Awareness Day. Hence, raising public awareness of epilepsy, its symptoms, and prevention is the primary objective.

      Epilepsy is considered to be a chronic brain disorder characterized by recurrent seizures or “fits.”

      It affects people of all ages, each with their own concerns and problems. it also affects animals.

      17th November- World COPD Day or World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Dayor 

      World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day, or World COPD Day, is observed on November 17th every year. 

      19th November- World Toilet Day

      World Toilet Day is held on November 19th every year. In order to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which aims to provide sanitation for all by 2030, people are encouraged to address the global sanitation crisis.

      A UNICEF and WHO report estimates that approximately 60% of the world’s population does not have access to toilets at home or does not know how to dispose of toilet waste properly.

      19th November- International Men’s Day

      The main theme of International Men’s Day is to promote men’s and boys’ health.

      Every year on November 19th, International Men’s Day is observed, and this day highlights the major issues confronting men worldwide.

      20th November- Universal Children’s Day

      Every year on November 20th, Universal Children’s Day is observed.

      This day is primarily intended to promote international cooperation, raise awareness among children worldwide, and improve children’s welfare. On November 20, 1954, Universal Children’s Day was established.

      20th November – Africa Industrialization Day

      Every year on November 20th, Africa Industrialization Day is observed to raise awareness about the problems and challenges of African industrialization.

      It has also been observed that governments and other organisations in various African countries are focusing on different ways to stimulate Africa’s industrialization process.

      21st November- World Television Day

      Every year on November 21st, World Television Day is observed. TV plays a crucial role in presenting a variety of issues that affect people on this day, according to the UN.

      On this day, geo-televisual communication is recognized for its global impact and reach.

      21st November- World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

      Every year, the 21st of November is designated as World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

      The day emphasises how the number of annual road traffic fatalities has increased. There has been an increase in road traffic injuries, and there are now some leading killers of people aged 5 to 29 years.

      24 November – Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November)

      This year’s celebration will take place on November 24, which is the fourth Thursday of November.

      The U.S. celebrates it as a national holiday. A harvest celebration and other blessings of the past year are celebrated on this day.

      25th November-International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

      1993 was the year when the General Assembly of the United Nations established this day.

      In general, any act of violence against women that causes physical, psychological, or sexual  harm or suffering to women is considered violence against women.

      26 November- National Milk Day

      In India, the White Revolution was started by Dr. Verghese Kurien on 26 November.

      26th November- Constitution Day of India

      As part of its Constitution Day celebrations, India observes Law Day or Samwidhan Divas every year on November 26th.

      Constitution of India was ratified on November 26, 1949, by India’s Constituent Assembly. January 26, 1950, was the date of implementation.

      29th November- International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

      Observed every year on November 29th, this day is dedicated to solidarity with Palestinians.

      A resolution passed by the General Assembly in 1977 designated this day as International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians. November 29, 1947, was the date on which the Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (II) on the partition of Palestine.

      30th November- Saint Andrew’s Day

      St. Andrew’s Day is celebrated every year on November 30th in Scotland, as well as in foreign countries with Saint Andrew as their patron saint, such as Barbados, Bulgaria, Greece, Columbia, Cyprus, Romania, Russia, Scotland, and Ukraine.

      Andrew the Apostle celebrates his feast day today. Each year, this date marks the beginning of Scotland’s Winter Festival, following Burns Night and Hogmanay.

      World Days November: In A Nutshell

      1 NovemberWorld Vegan Day
      1 NovemberAll Saints’ Day
      1 NovemberRajyotsava Day (Karnataka Formation Day)
      1st Tuesday in November (In 2022, it falls on 1st November)Melbourne Cup Day
      2 NovemberAll Souls’ Day
      5 NovemberWorld Tsunami Awareness Day
      6 NovemberInternational Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
      7 NovemberInfant Protection Day
      7 NovemberNational Cancer Awareness Day
      9 NovemberIqbal Day
      9 NovemberLegal Services Day
      10 NovemberWorld Science Day for Peace and Development
      11 NovemberArmistice Day (Remembrance Day)
      11 NovemberNational Education Day
      11 NovemberWorld Usability Day (Second Thursday in November)
      12 NovemberWorld Pneumonia Day
      12 NovemberGuru Nanak Dev’s Birth Anniversary
      13 NovemberWorld Kindness Day
      14 NovemberWorld Diabetes Day
      14 NovemberChildren’s Day
      16 NovemberInternational Day for Tolerance
      17 NovemberNational Epilepsy Day
      19 NovemberInternational Men’s Day
      19 NovemberWorld Toilet Day
      20 NovemberUniversal Children’s Day
      20 NovemberAfrica Industrialisation Day
      21 NovemberWorld Television Day
      21 NovemberWorld Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
      25 NovemberInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
      26 NovemberConstitution Day of India
      29 NovemberInternational Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People
      30 NovemberSaint Andrew’s Day

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