World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks

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World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks

Every year on July 17, World Day for International Justice is observed all around the world. The day aims to promote international criminal justice and support the work of the ICC.

Static GK is an important part of any competitive examination, and this blog would help you learn in-depth about World Day of International Justice 2021.

Apart from the exam point of view, we must gain adequate knowledge about happenings around as responsible citizens.

Here in this World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks, let’s understand in detail the significance of observing this day as World Day of International Justice.

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World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks
World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks

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Who can ICC prosecute?

World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks
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The ICC can only investigate and prosecute "natural persons" who are over the age of 18. The ICC cannot investigate or prosecute governments, corporations, political parties, or rebel movements, but may investigate individuals who are members of groups.

What is one of the major achievements of the Rome Statute regarding victims?

World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks
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Rome Statute was the first to declare act of inhuman treatment, tortuous retributions to prisoners of war and others, genocide, and certain acts against humanity as an offence. 2 And the ICC has given victims a voice to speak out against their abuser.

Which one of them is NOT a part of the 4 major outcomes of the Geneva Convention?

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Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous, or Other Gases and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare is a treaty that prohibits the use of chemical and biological weapons in international armed conflicts.

Who is the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in 2021?

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Karim Asad Ahmad Khan QC (born 1970) is a British lawyer and a specialist in international criminal law and international human rights law.

How many countries have signed the ICC treaty?

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150 countries that have signed the Court's treaty. Nearly 123 States, representative of every region of the world, have ratified the treaty. ICC has urged all the member states to immediately initiate the process of ratifying the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities.

Which country officially withdrew from ICC?

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Manila is the capital and chief city of the Philippines. The Philippines officially withdrew from the International Criminal Court on Sunday, after the country's highest Court declined to overrule President Rodrigo Duterte's decision to leave the world's only permanent war crimes tribunal. Manila announced it was withdrawing from the Court a year ago, but under court rules, it could not take effect for at least 12 months. The Philippines is the second country to withdraw from the Hague-based body after Burundi, which left in 2017.

Who was the first person to be convicted by ICC?

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Thomas Lubanga is the first person to be convicted and sentenced by the ICC. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo is a convicted war criminal from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the first person ever convicted by the International Criminal Court. He founded and led the Union of Congolese Patriots and was a key player in the Ituri conflict.

What was the first State to ratify the Rome Statute?

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Senegal has become the first State to ratify the Statute to establish an International Criminal Court, the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs announced on 3 February 1999.

What is Rome Statute?

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It sets out the composition of the Court and its administration, the procedures for investigation, prosecution and trial, the penalties which can be imposed on conviction, and provides for appeals.

What is the role of ICJ?

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In accordance with international law, the Court's role is to settle legal disputes submitted to it punishes people by States and give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.

How did the Rome Statute change International Criminal Law?

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Among other things that it does, the statute establishes the Court's functions, jurisdiction and structure. Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression are the four core international crimes that Rome Statute deals with. Those crimes "shall not be subject to any statute of limitations".

What is punishment for crimes against humanity?

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The penalty for a crime against humanity is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years.

Who runs the Geneva Convention?

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The Swiss Government agreed to hold the Conventions in Geneva, and a few years later, a similar agreement to protect shipwrecked soldiers was produced. In 1949, after World War II, two new Conventions were added, and the Geneva Conventions entered into force on 21 October 1950.

What is difference between ICJ and ICC?

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The International Criminal Court (ICC) was created on 1 July 2002. ... The ICC is different from the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The main difference is that ICJ settles arguments between countries, but the ICC punishes people.

What is the name of the treaty establishing the International Criminal Court?

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The Rome Statute of the (ICC) International Criminal Court (also known as the Rome Statute or the International Criminal Court Statute) is the treaty that established the International Criminal Court .

The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in which year?

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Established in 2002, the ICC is a permanent court that can investigate and prosecute people suspected of committing genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and (since 2018) the crime of aggression in situations where national authorities are unable or unwilling to act genuinely. Several cases have been brought before the Court so far, and alleged crimes in several countries are currently being investigated or examined by the ICC Prosecutor.

How are situations brought before the Court?

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There are three ways a case or situation can come before the Court: An initiation of an investigation by the Prosecutor (proprio motu); A referral by a State Party; and. A referral by the United Nations Security Council.

Which of these is a constituent of Article 82 of War Crimes of ICC?

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War crimes include torture, mutilation, corporal punishment, hostage-taking, and acts of terrorism. This category also covers violations of human dignity such as rape and forced prostitution, looting, and execution without trial. War crimes, unlike crimes against humanity, are always committed in times of war.

Which of these does not come under Article 7 of ICC of Crimes Against Humanity

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Crimes against humanity refer to specific crimes committed in the context of a large-scale attack targeting civilians, regardless of their nationality. These crimes include murder, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, persecution, enforced disappearance, etc.

What are the crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, as set out in its Statute?

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The International Criminal Court consists of an independent and permanent court established to investigate, prosecute, and try individuals accused of committing grave crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, which includes genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

World Day for International Justice Quiz by RNTalks
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