Essay on Poverty | Poverty: A Curse On The Poor

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Essay on Poverty | Poverty: A Curse On The Poor

By:- Rohan Papdeja

Human security is threatened by extreme poverty anywhere in the world.

What does poverty mean for a layman? A state of being poor, not unable to fulfill his daily necessities or something else. 

But in this world of globalization, technology, and competition, fulfilling a family’s basic needs is a difficult task. 

Today, we cannot say that a person is poor because he doesn’t have food, nice clothing, and a shelter to live in.

But these days, we believe that if a person doesn’t have a car, a grand house, studies in a renowned school, etc. is ‘Poor’.

Essay on Poverty | Poverty: A Curse On The Poor
Essay on Poverty | Poverty: A Curse On The Poor

We live in a modern world, where humans are slaves to machines and are disabled without them. Therefore, we are all in a race to achieve more and more. 

But, India is a country where there is a vast inequality between income and wealth. Rich becomes more affluent, and poor become poorer. 

A country where the poor are given justice but at the cost of their life. India is a diverse country where people from all sections reside. 

What all things do the poor don’t have? Is it only hygienic food or suitable clothing? No, it is not so.

A poor person’s life is devoid of social opportunities and educational and political opportunities. 

Doesn’t the poor have the right to take admissions in renowned schools, IITs, or IIMs? Do they not deserve what others do? Yes, indeed, they deserve but why can’t they avail it? 

Essay on Poverty | Poverty: A Curse On The Poor

The reasons are personal and social problems that not only the poor but their children have to face.

The first reason for poverty is the problem of intoxication, gambling, and other non-ethical activities. 

In India, the major problem among the people is that they never get satisfied with what they have, and in the search for something more, they lose whatever they have. 

People, in spite of being aware of the health issues posed by alcohol, and liquor, continue to consume an excess of them which not only destroys their health but even the future of their families. 

A significant problem I have seen in life is that even if people do not have adequate money for their livelihood, they continue to spend their minimal income on those dangerous products. 

Poverty isn’t natural; it’s artificial. This is true, especially in India, where people are very religious and follow their traditions strictly. But, during their difficult times, they do not stop cursing their Lord. 

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    But, has God sent poverty in their lives along with them? No, it’s not so. 

    Every human is responsible for his downfall. 

    The pious Bhagwat Gita teaches us that be it happiness or sadness, never forget to remember God. But we humans do so. 

    In extreme levels of poverty, we worship God, but has God ever sad, ” If you worship me I will keep you away from poverty.” 

    Lord Krishna said that keep doing good deeds, and you will surely get rewarded. 

    So a human who works hard and wants to get out of the wide mesh of poverty, none of the powers can prevent him from doing so. 

    Keeping in view the ill – effects of poverty, the government continues introducing various schemes for the ‘poverty-stricken. 

    Post-independence, the government has launched various schemes for the poor like Public Distribution System, Indira Niwas Yojana, etc., 

    These schemes were made to help the poor, which is the primary reason people don’t want to earn more than what they earn. So they get their necessities at a minimal amount, fulfilling their needs. 

    Essay on Poverty | Poverty: A Curse On The Poor

    But the government and the poverty-stricken must understand that food is not the only necessity. Education, health, sanitation, and employment are also necessities. 

    Therefore, I think that if the government provides for the poor, such an employment opportunity where they get adequate wages to eat, save and invest then, all the poverty-related issues will automatically get resolved.

     The cycle of poverty will be solved if all have employment because, from their wages, they can have hygienic food, give quality education to their children, save for their future, and investment in their well–being. 

    Thus, every individual must feel his/ her responsibility towards their family and always try their best to fulfill all the requirements, whether small or large.

    To overcome poverty, one must act wisely, not in a charitable manner.

    Everyone must remember that poverty is the parent of innovation and crime, and to choose one amongst them is the individual’s choice. 

    A poor can also do wonders, but if he is unwilling to do so,  none of the forces can take him out of poverty.

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