Essay on Importance Of Education

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Best Essay on Importance Of Education

By: – Kajal Dankal

Education is one of the critical components of an individual’s success. It has the ability to shape one’s life in the right direction. 

The importance of education in life is immense. It inculcates knowledge, belief, skill, values, and moral habits. Education makes life better and peaceful. 

As said by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” In India, education is a constitutional right of every citizen. 

Essay on Importance Of Education
Essay on Importance Of Education

So, people of any age group, religion, caste, creed, or region are free to receive an education. An educated person is respected everywhere and well-treated in society. 

Well-educated people have more opportunities to get a better job. In this era of digital education, anyone can easily access the information available online at their fingertips. 

They can learn new skills and enhance their knowledge. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life, beginning at home for a child. It is a lifelong process that never ends. 

Reading and writing are taught through education. Learning to read and write is the first step in education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. 

It helps in the development and innovation of technology. Important developments in war equipment, medicine, and computers, take place due to education.

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    It is said that education is the key to success. This is because education plays a vital role in our life. It opens the various ways of life that had been draped earlier. 

    It strengthens the base of a society and plays a vital role in removing superstition.

    Educated people are easier to lead but harder to drive; they can be ruled but cannot be enslaved.

    Education forms character strengthens the mind, increases knowledge, and makes us independent. Without education, the training of the human mind is incomplete. 

    Without education, man is like one who is confined in a closed room with no door to enter or exit and completely shut from the outside world. 

    On the other hand, a person who gets education will be more open to the avenues in the life of his choice.

    Education helps in the overall development of an individual as we can acquire knowledge, skills, and many other things through it.

    Essay on Importance Of Education
    Essay on Importance Of Education

    A person’s attitude and personality highly depend on his degree of education. 

    Education does not only offer a good job but also enhances the ability to understand life from a new perspective.

    We learn about the world around us through education. It prepares us to face the world. Therefore, the entire progress of the nation is dependent on its literacy rates. 

    The literacy rate of India is 61% in contrast to the 82% literacy rate of the world. The female literacy rate is 54.16% as per the 2001 population census. 

    These figures are not only embarrassing but also alarming. A life without education is like a boat without its steerer. The boat may sail in the sea but without a set direction. 

    We all should understand the value of education and try to educate ourselves. A child involves in the process of education from a tender age. 

    The government provides free education to students up to the secondary level in our country.

    A country can’t be developed in a proper way if the citizens of the country are not well-educated. In today’s era, success can never be imagined without education. 

    Essay on Importance Of Education
    Essay on Importance Of Education

    Education also removes different social evils like child marriage, the dowry system, etc. from our society.

    It helps us to appreciate others around us. As a whole, we can’t deny the value of education in our life. 

    Through it, we acquire new skills and thus it becomes easier for us to do our day-to-day life activities in the best possible ways. Education teaches us how to live in our society with ethical values. 

    Educated people make the country more developed. The importance of education can’t be felt unless you study about it.

    Education takes a big role in making us both financially and socially independent.

    The importance of education in a society can never be neglected as it gives us the required knowledge and skills to survive in this competitive world. 

    Whatever we want to become in life or whichever career we choose, education is the only thing that makes us able to achieve our goals.

    Education is like a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a promise for a better life. The right to education belongs to everyone. Denying this right would be foolish. 

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      Humanity cannot progress if young people are not educated. In order for a country to be healthy and smart, both men and women should have access to education. 

      In addition to preparing the nation for a bright future, education also plays the most significant role in its growth and improvement. 

      Educating people expands their creativity on a massive scale and enables them to overcome the nation’s diversity. 

      Through education, one gains an understanding of human rights, social freedoms, responsibilities, and obligations towards the nation. 

      A nation can be reformated in the most effective way through education.

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